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Petition of John Lanch to Richard Earl of Bellomont
Lanch, John, fl. 1700
John Lanch petitioned Bellomont to request that he be paid for some hogs and a cow that Indians slaughtered.
to Richard Earl of Bellomont re: money to sustain troops
Commission on Trade and Plantations
Paper delivered to the Council by William Smith
8 April 1701
Smith, William, 1797-1887
In the paper, William Smith discusses his right to the position of President of the council after the death of Richard, Earl of Bellomont.
Paper presented to the Council to dispute William Smith's claims to authority
Peyster, Abraham de, fl. 1768
Abraham de Peyster, Samuel Staats, Robert Walters, & Thomas Weaver presented the paper to Council. The document is marked as a copy.
to Henry Knox
4 March 1790
Hodgdon, Samuel, 1745-1824
Discusses the payment of the invalids and asks Knox for help. Asks for a recommendation from Knox to the Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, and the President, George Washington, as new paymaster to the invalids. "Free" stamped on address...
January 29, 1791
Hooper, Stephen, fl. 1791
Writes Knox saying others have advised him to submit his name to President George Washington "for an Office in the Excise." Hopes Knox's knowledge of his character and worthiness will help in the endeavor.
8 September 1781
Sends a sheet listing ordnance sent for the southern operation, referring to the upcoming siege of Yorktown. Colonel John Lamb will deliver the enclosed spirit levels. Explains some of the munitions information. Samuel Hodgdon was the commissary...
20 October 1781
Reports on the progress of ordnance being forwarded to Henry Knox. Mentions that some items left in Baltimore had been rejected by Major Sebastian Bauman. Comments on fixes made to munitions made by a Mr. Johnson that were cast without the necessary...
January 27, 1782
Hiwell, John, fl. 1788
Written by Hiwell as Inspector and Superintendant of Music to ask for more drums and fifes for the musicians. Reminds Knox that the previous summer there were not enough fifes for the musicians to perform their duty, and that the winter season is...
February 23, 1784
Hodgdon, Commissary General of Military Stores, discusses a letter received from Knox (GLC02437.02946). In the letter, Knox asked Hodgdon to obtain cannon to be inscribed in honor of General Nathanael Greene. Assures Knox he will proceed with the...
6 January 1785
Hodgdon, Commissary General of Military Stores, encloses a bill for Knox from his "purchases at the public sales" (bills not included). Relates that he will be traveling to New York and Philadelphia.
March 15, 1785
Hoskins, William, fl. 1785
Requests that Knox write him a letter of recommendation to be presented to Congress in support of his "petition for payment of past services." Writes, "You are knowing to my services under Commissary Trumbull," possibly referring to Joseph Trumbull...
to John Hobby
3 December 1786
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Received Hobby's last letter but has been unable to respond until now due to being out of town. Discusses payment of taxes on the lands belonging to the late Mr. [Thomas] Flucker, Knox's father-in-law, which are now in Knox's possession. Requests...
15 May 1787
Forwards a draft for money (not included) and explains a discount.
28 August 1789
Recommends the bearer, Captain Rice, for a position in the public service. Briefly describes Rice's service in the war and his financial misfortunes.
29 September 1789
Writes that he has just heard that Mr. [Samuel] Osgood has been appointed Postmaster General. Wonders whether it would be appropriate to submit a proposal to be Postmaster of Philadelphia. Explains that Knox is the only person to whom he is...
17 September 1790
Hodgdon has located a house for Secretary of Knox to use in Philadelphia. Hodgdon has managed to work out a deal not exceeding 200 pounds a year. Relates that he also found a location "sufficient to house every species of the Public Stores." Hodgdon...
29 October 1790
Hodgdon writes Secretary of War Knox to say he has pursued [David] Hunter all day to "get an answer relative to his house" but has received no answer. As soon Hodgdon has an answer, he will inform Knox. Knox is using Hodgdon's assistance to procure...
30 October 1790
Hodgdon informs Secretary of War Knox that he wrote Knox yesterday (GLC02437.04760). Since that time, however, Hodgdon has learned that "Mr. Mead has taken Mr. Hunters rooms for his friend in New York." Instead, Hodgdon will now "engage Mrs. Buddens...
January 12, 1791
Hobby, John, 1749-1802
Writes Knox about the militia forming in Maine. States he would like to be appointed Inspector of the militia. Says, "I am pained to the Extreme to find myself in a situation which renders it necessary to Couch my letter in such language as has the...
to John Hills
6 June 1791
Written by Secretary of War Knox to Captain Hills. References Hills's letter from Brookfield. Says that as Hills is still surveying the project must be promising. This is in reference to surveying a route for a canal from the Connecticut River to...
23 June 1791
Hills, John, fl. 1771-1796
Written by Hills as a surveyor examining ground for a canal from the Connecticut River to Boston. Hopes Knox does not think he was neglecting him, but he has been 10-15 miles off the Post Road and has been unable to send a message. Says he found...
30 June 1791
Written by Knox as Secretary of War to Captain [John] Hills, who was surveying a route for a canal from the Connecticut River to Boston. References Hills's letter of 23 June (GLC02437.05022), which gave him satisfaction. Writes, "In a work similar...
6 July 1791
Written by Knox as Secretary of War to Captain Hills who was surveying a potential route for a canal from the Connecticut River to Boston. References Hills's letter of 29 June. Tells him if he needs money to go to Joseph Peirce near "the Town house...
3 August 1791
Signed twice by Hills. Captain Hills references the letter he sent to Knox on 9 July. Provides an update on the proposed canal between the Connecticut River and Boston. Gives detailed list of the places he has scouted. Postscript says he has been...
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