Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to Blanche Kelso Bruce
3 January 1879
Tucker, Jno. C., fl. 1879
applying for the post office and wants the senator to write a letter on his behalf to the P.M. palmer.
19 August 1879
Bailey, P., fl. 1879
reminds senator of his promise to try to have his son transferred.
10 March 1879
Bent, C.E., fl. 1879
writes that most people are in favor of the current Post Master
January 31, 1879
Howe, A.R., fl. 1879
asks senator to aid Saul B. Raymond.
January 16, 1879
McWillie, Nugent, fl. 1879
thanks him for covering asst. Treasurer for four dollars in the of New York County vs. Harry's [illegible]
January 11, 1879
Tate, T. S., fl. 1875-1880
wants E.B Geoyn appointed Post Master of Hernando.
February 20, 1880
Clay, G., fl. 1880
wants the report on cotton worm. wants to know if there is any prospect of getting a post office in Kentucky.
25 May 1880
Simms, C.C., fl. 1880
wants a post office at Pelehatchue.
27 May 1880
Townsend, J.B., fl. 1879-1880
acknowledges receipt of circular advocating Blaine and Bruce. It meet his approval and he has read it to many colored friends.
21 June 1880
Hall, E.W., fl. 1880
in regard to blunder made in telegraphing. was mistaken in Mr. Kimball's first name.
Harris, A.B., fl. 1880
introducing H.B Bromwell.
1 January 1880
mentions "hostility of rascally white office holders."
19 May 1880
Tarbell, J., fl. 1879
concerned about a bill the senator introduced.
22 May 1880
wants the Post Master at Grenada removed and Col. B.C. Adams appointed supervisor of the mint at New Orleans.
11 March 1880
Collins, C., fl. 1879
wants senator to recommend Lee Jarvis for supervisor of the census.
February 19, 1880
Murphy, Chas., fl. 1879
thanks him for getting the appointment of Post Master. notes that he currently holds a seat in the legislature and will have to give that up in order to be Post Master because it is against the rules of the post office to hold both positions.
21 May 1880
Tilley, fl. 1879-1880
asks senator to help her sister Queenie, whose health is poor, to find a place by the 1st of July.
21 April 1880
True, H.W., fl. 1879
requests the Agricultural Report for 1879.
February 26, 1880
Tindall, R.M., fl. 1879
requests Hayden's Reports of surveys in the West.
June 1880
Tourgee, A.W., fl. 1880
desires the endorsement of the Republican party for his paper A Fool's Errand.
to Isora Skinkle
circa September
Sayles, Sumner, fl. 1862-1868
Informs his sister that he will not be coming home on a furlough. Inquires on how her Sabbath school picnic went in Washington. Writes that there was an expedition in Louisiana to seek out the rebels. Reports that his brigade did not go on the...
Instructions for visiting the hospital
7 January 1778
Washington, George, 1732-1799
Headquarters, Valley Forge. "The Commander in Chief being informed that many disorders and irregularities have taken place at the Hospitals and in some the sick are not tended with due care thinks it necessary that each Hospital should be visited by...
to Isora Sayles
21 May 1863
Writes to his sister from camp Fort Hill, two miles from Vicksburg, Mississippi. Discusses charging on the enemy last Tuesday. Describes having to charge over a large hill and fallen timber and brush where they then laid low and fired on the enemy...
29 May 1863
Writes to his sister from a camp two miles from Vicksburg, Mississippi. Reports that they have stormed the enemy's works twice, once on the 19th of May and the other on the 22nd of May. Writes that his company did not lose any men in the last...
6 June 1863
Writes to his sister from the field. Reports that he has been in two fights so far and has not been injured yet. Discusses her upcoming wedding and how he would like to be there. Writes about there being very few girls and says that he has not...
Showing results 79,601 - 79,625