Chappel, Alonzo, 1828-1887
Title: Decatur's Conflict with the Algerine at Tripoli
One engraving entitled "Decatur's Conflict with the Algerine at Tripoli" dated 1857. The caption notes "Reuben James interposing his head to save the life of his commander." Depicts the conflict of August 3, 1804, when Stephen Decatur Jr. Boarded a Tripolitain boat after learning that a Tripolitain Captian had shot and killed his younger brother, James Decatur. While Stephen fought with the gunboat's captain, a Tripolitain sailor tried to strike him from behind. Reuben James, one of Decatur's sailors, stepped forward and took the blow, saving him. Published by Johnson, Fry & Co. Engraving…