Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to Estelle Spero
March 27, 1942
Diamond, Sidney, 1922-1945
Diamond describes having been "officer of the day" the day before - a job that entails supervision of the guard and battalion in general.
5 December 1942
Diamond describes his task for the whole week, and possibly the one after, as merely examining men trying for qualification in chemical warfare weapons, specifically in charge of testing men's ability to set up the Linen's Projector battery. He also...
6 December 1942
Diamond explains to Estelle that although El Paso is theoretically a "dry" town in that it is forbidden to serve mixed drinks there, it is full of liquor stores. So, soldiers in need of a drink merely buy the liquor, and then order the mixers...
10 December 1942
Diamond informs Estelle that he has just been made motor officer of the company, and explains what this position entails
12 December 1942
Letter in which Diamond portrays himself as a "Don Quixote".
Short note in which Diamond informs Estelle that he is still confused.
Diamond describes carrying out a "shake-down" inspection - a process that results from a man claiming that some of his personal belongings have been stolen. Sidney responds to Estelle's claim that her uncle had encountered anti-Semitism in the army...
Diamond describes to Estelle ways in which the police have tried to combat members of the armed forces visiting local prostitutes.
14 December 1942
Diamond describes to Estelle the process of learning how to drive a jeep. He discusses the various examinations that are due to take place in the camp, and the general feeling of confusion that exists.
15 December 1942
Diamond complains that "work has been dragging on" and provides Estelle with his daily schedule.
16 December 1942
Diamond tells Estelle that the gunners' exams are over, a test in which he himself got full marks.
23 December 1942
Diamond speaks of the need to "end the war more quickly", so that the men who "appreciate liberty and freedom" can be returned to their families
[Form letter sent to United States Representatives requesting support of a bill regarding Henry Jackson Hunt's retirement]
January 16, 1884
Corbin, Henry Clark, 1842-1909
Corbin relates "A Bill to give Brevet Major General Hunt, Colonel retired, the rank of Major General on the retired list is pending in the House of Representatives, of his long, faithful and distinguished service I will not speak... I in brief want...
[Court martial proceedings against Wilson Bradley for conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline]
February 29, 1864
Atkinson, Joseph Henry, 1829-1907
Records specifics of the charge, testimony from the trial, and Bradley's acquittal. Signed by Atkinson and Borden.
[Court martial proceedings against Canada Barnes and P. Waters for conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline]
March 1864 circa
Records specifics of the charges, testimony from the trials, and the acquittal of both men. Signed twice by Atkinson and Borden.
[black fabric swatch]
31 August 1861
Sweetser, J. A., fl. 1861
Handwritten tag reads Double Width 1.75.
[black fabric swatch #2]
Handwritten tag reads Double Width 1.50.
[black fabric swatch #3]
Handwritten tag reads 1.50.
to Hiram A. Blodgett
3 September 1861
Strong Brothers and Co., fl. 1861
This is the typed version of GLC02248.03.01.
to Henry Jackson Hunt
February 11, 1871
Lee, John F., 1813-1884
Declares of courts and commissions organized by Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War 1862-1868, "Couldn't he organize courts & commissions to convict! They would have hung their own innocent mothers." Discussing Senator Charles Sumner, writes "Isn't...
January 25, 1870
Worth, Margaret, 1828-?
By the daughter of General William Jenkins Worth. Had previously collected information regarding her father's military service, especially pertaining to the Mexican American War. Notes that she received a statement from Joseph E. Johnston....
14 April 1876
Rothermel, Peter Frederick, 1812-1895
Encloses a letter from Colonel Andrew Cowan (not included). Discusses an engraving by John Sartain. Writes "In regard to the study of your head- I will have it used in the Engraving- after that It will be at your service and If you could give me a...
February 2, 1887
Cowan, Andrew, fl. 1861-1887
Responds to a letter from Hunt. Discusses an article on the Battle of Gettysburg Hunt recently submitted to Century Magazine for publication. Referring to space dedicated to George Custer and Alfred Pleasanton in Century, remarks "I can see just...
[Report of ammunition in reserve artillery park, Army of the Potomac]
9 October 1864
Newbatt, Alfred, fl. 1863-1865
Written near Petersburg. Lieutenant Newbatt, ordnance officer, lists amounts of shot, shell, canister, and other ammunition.
to Colonel Henry Clark Corbin
January 18, 1884
Hitt, Robert R., 1834-1906
Hitt, a United States Representative from Illinois, replies to a 16 January letter from Corbin (refer to GLC02382.124). Relates "I... will inquire into the prospects of the bill for the retirement of Gen. Hunt, which had not before been brought to...
Showing results 4,451 - 4,475