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to Joshua Mauger
February 11, 1785
D'Auvergne, James, fl. 1771-1788
His illness has gotten worse, and now is affecting his feet. He still has heard no word from Phillip.
February 15, 1785
He is feeling better but still cannot get around, even with the aid of crutches.
February 22, 1785
He is still ill, but has received a letter from his nephew Phillip.
February 27, 1785
Warns Mauger not to visit due to the severity of the weather. He is still bed-ridden.
4 March 1785
Le Cras has a painful case of the Gout in both feet and his left elbow and hand.
16 April 1785
He has been summoned to London.
23 April 1785
A letter from his nephew, Edward, tells of a voyage to America. D'Auvergne is not able to get around London due to his sore feet and legs. Written at Charing Cross train station in London
26 April 1785
Edward's arrival in Falmouth with passengers, and £ 17,850 in cash.Written at Charing Cross train station in London
30 April 1785
He is feeling better: "At present I totter as I walk like a drunken man." Le Cras is still very ill.
17 May 1785
He is awaiting Sir Edward Hughes arrival so that he may leave London. Written at Charing Cross train station in London.
28 May 1785
Hughes has not yet had time to discuss "a certain unpleasent subject." He will stop to see Mauger when he leaves London. Written at Charing Cross train station in London
16 June 1785
The Bellies are still in England and are using Mauger's and D'Auvergne's names to get money. Written at Charing Cross train station in London.
25 June 1785
Phillip will accompany Mr. Townshed (Lord Sidney's son) on a trip to the continent. Written at Charing Cross train station in London
30 June 1785
He may be able to leave London next week. Duke de Bouillion has invited him to visit. Written at Charing Cross train station in London
8 July 1785
He arrived home four days ago and will visit Mauger on Sunday.
12 August 1785
Address leaf only. Docketed that the letter was forwarded to Brook Watson.
13 September 1785
News about his nephew, Edward. Also discusses a reverend who had gotten drunk and was run over by a wagon. D'Auvergne made sure that his widow and three children were provided for.
20 September 1785
Since the weather is so bad, he does not expect Mauger's carriage to pick them up tomorrow.
23 September 1785
Bad weather continues. His old illness has returned. Mentions that "Guy Carl[e]ton has been appointed Governor Gen[era]l over all remaining possessions in N: America."
26 September 1785
He has been advised to go to Bath (because of his illness). News about his nephew James.
17 October 1785
The youngest of the Bellies will come of age next Friday and D'Auvergne will go to London to rid himself of them. His health is getting better, but still cannot walk.
31 October 1785
He has been summoned to London. News concerning his nephew, Philip.
5 November 1785
He has arrived in London and is doing well.Written at Charing Cross train station in London
12 November 1785
Praising Mr. Watson's handling of his office.Written at Charing Cross train station in London
30 November 1785
Mauger is ill. News concerning his nephew, Philip.Written at Charing Cross train station in London.
December 19, 1785
George Bellie has been committed to Newgate for robbing the house of Alderman Le Mesurier. Since he has been convicted of robbery before, he will probably be sentenced to death. Bellie had also tried to borrow money under Mauger's name. Written at...
23 December 1785
News of his nephews, Edward and Philip. Written at Charing Cross train station in London.
December 29, 1785
His nephew Edward's ship has arrived in Falmouth. Written at Charing Cross train station in London
11 March 1786
He has a severe case of the gout in his knees. Le Cras has the gout in both his hands and feet. Location is given as "Southton" - may be Southampton.
March 16, 1786
He is still sick. News concerning his nephews, Philip, Edward and James.
March 23, 1786
He and Edward are sick. Prince William has been appointed Captain of the Frigate "Pegasus".
March 30, 1786
Discusses the health of his family. Edward has been diagnosed with ague.
11 April 1786
Nominating William Elmes to fill a vacancy in the Corporation.
24 April 1786
News concerning the health of his family. Edward has been summoned to London.
1 May 1786
He is covered with a rash and has been summoned to London. Location is given as "Southton" - may be Southampton.
17 May 1786
News concerning friends, Mr. Gould and Mr. Morgan, and inquiring if Mauger will visit London. Written at Charing Cross train station in London
25 November 1786
News concerning his nephews, Edward and Philip. Written at Charing Cross train station in London
December 18, 1786
Mauger is ill. Mr. Morgan and the Gould family send their regards. Written at Charing Cross train station in London
7 April 1787
He must go to London where his unit, the Brigade of Horse Guards, will be reviewed by the King.
April 13, 1787
He leaves for London on Sunday and hopes Mauger is feeling better.
7 July 1787
News of his nephews, Philip and Edward.
February 25, 1788
He hopes to visit Southhampton to say good-bye to his nephew, James, who will go home to Twitenham to die. Written at Charing Cross train station in London
7 January 1786
He is assisting Captain Travers in soliciting votes for the India Election. Written at Charing Cross train station in London
January 14, 1786
News of his nephews, Edward and Philip. Written at Charing Cross train station in London
January 30, 1786
News concerning his nephew Philip and Mr. Nicolle. Written at Charing Cross train station in London
February 20, 1786
He is not sure when he will be able to leave London. Sir Burrand opposes the renewal of the Lymington Turnpike. Both Mauger and D'Auvergne are creditors for the toll road. Written at Charing Cross train station in London
1 March 1786
Philip is extremely ill.
March 29, 1787
He has a pain in his wrist. Cautions Mauger not to go to London until the weather improves.
4 December 1787
Inquires whether Mauger approves of a deed he signed.
February 2, 1788
News concerning John Morgan and Charles Gould. Written at Charing Cross train station in London.
14 April 1778
D'Auvergne, Charles, fl. 1778
He asks Mauger to assist his brother who is visiting London.
6 November 1779
D'Auvergne, Phillip, fl. 1779-1786
22 October 1786
He is going to London.
March 22, 1779
Asks Mauger to help him pay a debt. He intends to try to make his fortune in East Indies. Docketing indicates a loan was given.
March 27, 1779
Bill of exchange for £ 150 for James D'Auvergne.
March 29, 1779
Thanking Mauger for keeping him from prison and mentions his brother's misfortunes.
27 June 1779
He will repay the £ 150 as soon as he gets a commission.
January 23, 1771
Dean, William, fl. 1771-1785
Discusses business affairs and encloses a list of disbursements.
January 13, 1772
Business concerning the payment of a "Bond of Indemnity."
February 3, 1772
The sale of an estate at Langton.
5 August 1772
Difficulties in settling a will.
31 August 1772
Discusses business affairs including mortgages and the execution of Mrs. D'Auvergne's will.
24 October 1774
Warns Mauger that his enemies in Parliament plan to lodge a complaint against him and encloses copies of charters to help his defense. The copies of the charters are not included in this collection.
15 November 1780
Discusses enlisting a Mr. O to help Mauger's cause.
14 April 1781
Ms. Barnes has been arrested for her debt owed to Joshua Mauger. She wants to give him all her Cattle and stock in lieu of payment but their value will not cover the debt.
6 September 1781
Ms. Barnes' "five bad half starved cows" have been confiscated.
25 September 1781
Mr. White is contracted for a search.
28 September 1781
The cattle are on their way to Warborne.
21 November 1781
Commonality Petitions and Dean's meeting with members of a Committee.
28 November 1781
Forwards to Joshua Mauger the committee's letter.
10 December 1781
Mr. Thompson has agreed to let Mr. Olive review documents relating to the history of Poole that may help Mauger's case.
22 November 1784
Financial affairs including bills and accounts.
Enclosed a copy of accounts. He hopes that Mr. Young will pay his bond.
February 6, 1764
Pownall, John, fl. 1764
"I am directed by the Commissioners for the Trade and Plantations to desire your attendence [sic] at their Board on Tuesday the 7 Instant at 11 o Clock in the fore noon on the Subject of Your Memorial concerning the Bills drawn by the Lieutenant...
December 28, 1766
Franklin, Michael, fl. 1766
Discusses the division of his father's land in England.
January 18, 1780
News of friends. Several letters and a will written by the late Mr. S has caused come problems which the author dares not put on paper. Probably written by James D'Auvergne.
17 May 1780
Watson & Rashleigh, fl. 1780
Discusses accounts. Sending banknotes by messenger to Joshua Mauger.
27 July 1780
Alludes to Mauger's plans concerning Poole. Scheduling ships to sail.
29 July 1780
Encloses banknotes. A ship has arrived from New York. "Sir Henry Clynton [sic] had returned to N. York from Charleston So. Carolina and had past up the North River with Ten Thousand Men."
9 September 1780
Parliamentary elections and the illness of friends.
10 October 1780
Discusses payment of banknotes. Mentions Cornwallis' victory over Gates, and hopes they can achieve the same result over the French at Rhode Island.
8 January 1781
Nicolle, Philip, fl. 1781
Announces that their "Poor Little Island" [Jersey ] has been taken by the French and worries about his wife and family.
January 16, 1781
His wife, in Jersey, has written him about Mrs. Mauger (Philip's mother-in-law) illness. She also promises to tell him of the French invasion when she gets a chance. He hopes to return to Jersey soon.
18 April 1781
Hughs, Edward, fl. 1781
The man who he was sent to talk to, is dead. He met with the current governor and writes of news he has received from home. Docket indicates the letter was received 2/7/1782. Written when Mumbia was previously known as Bombay
27 August 1781
Linnington, Richard, fl. 1781
Written on the behalf of Ann Brown, who is currently in jail because she owed money to Joshua Mauger. The letter begs Mauger to be merciful. Docketing says Dean was instructed to handle the matter.
24 April 1782
Hood, Thomas, fl. 1782
A request concerning Lieutenant Webber cannot be granted since the ship he served on, "The Babuda Sloop", was captured at Demarara and all the officers have been ordered back to England to be tried.
10 December 1782
Dumaresq, Philip, fl. 1782-1787
He has called on Mr. Bean, the Butcher and given him Mauger's message. He requests a loan of £ 100. Location is given as "Southton" - may be Southampton.
15 December 1782
Mauger denied the request for £ 100. He asks for a loan of £ 50. Lists banknotes paid 3/1780 to 4/1782. Location is given as "Southton" - may be Southampton.
December 17, 1782
Acknowledges receipt of a letter and fifty dollars in bank notes. The top of the letter has been trimmed off, but the missing part does not appear to have had any content. Location is given as "Southton" - may be Southampton.
Account of Bills of Exch. Sent to Messrs. Robert Rashleigh & Co in London
25 November 1784
Mauger, Joshua, 1725-1788
Receipt for accounts transactions to be entered in his books.
20 July 1785
Nicholle, Joshua, fl. 1785
Addressed: "Hon[orable] Uncle. He has arrived in Jersey for a fortnight's visit. [The wax seal was clipped from the letter and affecting text.]
23 August 1785
Portland, Duke of, fl. 1785
Tells Mauger to do what he thinks is best and it will meet with his satisfaction. Also, informs Mauger that he will be coming to London. Written in Bulstroder
8 January 1786
Poingdextre, John, fl. 1786-1787
News concerning the health of Mr. Nicolle. Location is given as "Southton" - may be Southampton.
5 January 1786
Roundtree, Robert, fl. 1786
Requesting a Parish Certificate and a Power of attorney. A copy of a Parish certificate on page 3. The documents are needed for a mother to claim the wages of her dead son who served in the royal navy.
to Brook Watson
December 19, 1786
Sharp, William, fl. 1786
He wrote to Mr. Berkeley on Mauger's behalf.
to Mr. Berkeley
He is concerned with Mauger's health and offers an opium based remedy.
22 December 1786
Windborn, Charles, fl. 1786
Mauger must appoint someone to fill the vacancy at an Alms House. The election of a Deputy Master [for Trinity House] and a man who wanted the position but whose horrific conduct kept him from being elected.
December 29, 1786
Traven, John, fl. 1786
Discusses divisions in the Trinity [House].
25 July 1787
Rashleigh, Robert, fl. 1787
Discusses Mauger's accounts. Includes a list of money paid out.
28 July 1787
Pitt, William, fl. 1787
Discusses account.
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