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to Lucy Knox
18 July 1792
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Tells Lucy that he misses her and really looks forward to her letters every time the mail comes.
23 July 1792
Informs Lucy that he will not be able to be with her on a consistent basis for a while due to his current work. Discusses the situation with William Duer and writes that "he is too negligent - He is now busy in writing a political paper signed...
26 July 1792
Complains that though the post has arrived, he has not received any letters from his wife. Laments that he was not able to visit her. Mentions the Izard family arriving in a few days. Free frank stamped as "Free" and signed by Henry Knox.
29 July 1792
Explains to Lucy that business is delaying his visit to her and the family: "Alone for you myself and the children - I am upon my probation - a single lapse of public duty at this moments, sinks me, never again to rise." Provides an update on...
19 August 1792
Informs Lucy that he is now in New York City and that he has yet to see the people he came to New York to see, with the exception of Henry Jackson. Expresses his wish to finish up the "cursed affair" with the land speculations.
15 December 1776
Misses his wife, and addresses her anxieties in his absence. Writes, "No prospect of ambition or Interest could possibly keep me from you. nothing but a most sacred attachment to the much injured rights of my Country." Comments that the British...
26 August 1776
Thanks Lucy for her recent letter, and assures her that although his letters are shorter than hers, it is not from lack of love. Acknowledges receipt of ducks, chickens, and cheese. Writes, "The want of that refinement which you seem to speak of is...
26 July 1777
Written near Morristown, New Jersey. Laments his absence from Lucy. Writes "...had it not been for this cursed war I should have been one of the happi[est] of the human race as it is I am bound by every principle of honor and moral attachment to...
15 October 1777
Written from camp 24 miles from Philadelphia. Sends this letter by Captain Randall, who had "the misfortune to be again made a prisoner after being slightly wounded in 7 or 8 places." Asks why she has not mentioned a gold watch he sent, worrying...
Manuscript [in Dutch]
Letter [in Dutch]
Docketed on address leaf.Written in Curacao- Netherlands Antilles
Agreement between Robert Livingston and Abraham Kermir [in Dutch]
Account document [in Dutch]
Description of property [incomplete]
Account of Robert Livingston [in Dutch]
Becker, J., fl. 1695
Docketed on verso.
Account of Johannes Beekman [in Dutch and English]
28 June 1693
Livingston, Robert, 1654-1728
23 August 1792
Informs Lucy that he has been unable to make much progress in his attempt to purchase a tract of land. Mentions that he has received a letter from the President. Also touches on family news.
29 August 1792
Thanks Lucy for her letter, and tells her that he also received a letter the same day from their daughter Lucy. Asks his wife to tell their daughter that he loves her "with all the strength she could desire and that my love is an abundant source of...
30 August 1792
Expresses his happiness and relief to hear that the family is doing well and is healthy. Mentions that he is happy to hear that his son, Henry Jackson Knox, is still at Hingham and that he should remain there for the winter. States that he "must go...
5 September 1792
Declares that he is anxious about Lucy's health, and is checking "every post ... more and more so until I shall informed of your having been safely delivered." Provides news on acquaintances, and mentions that he has yet to receive confirmation that...
to Henry Knox
4 April 1790
Jackson, Henry, 1747-1809
Discusses a mutual friend's financial troubles and the need for every exertion to be made on his behalf. Mentions a general meeting of delegates that may be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Asks Knox to inform him if he believes the business at...
December 6, 1792
Introduces a Colonel [John] Tyler to Knox as Tyler has been "appointed by the Electors of the State to carry on their votes of President and Vice President to Philadelphia, and by what I can learn they are unanimous for the present old servants,"...
14 March 1790
Repeats a request to Knox that "unless you appear here, in person, you never will be able to effect your wishes" regarding petitions in the Massachusetts General Court related to Knox's lands. States that the Winslows have "done every thing in their...
March 21, 1790
Discusses a dispute between mutual friends Mr. Tracy and Mr. Gibbs. Reports attending the funeral of Miss Abigail Otis, daughter of Mr. S[amuel] A[llyne] Otis, Massachusetts politician and Secretary of the U.S. Senate. Miss Otis was a lovely young...
March 24, 1790
Sends Knox a copy of the Boston Gazette (not included). Writes about recent stormy weather, which has prevented Samuel Shaw from setting off on his trip. Provides some news on family and friends.
March 31, 1790
Reports that he has had a conversation with Dr. [William] Eustis, and that Eustis would find a particular (unnamed) circumstance highly pleasing if it came to pass. Informs Knox about the progress of Samuel Shaw, who is sailing again to China. Also...
7 April 1790
Discusses an upcoming meeting with the Society of the Cincinnati. Says the standing Committee would like to know if the Constitution of the Society will be voted on during the next meeting. Asks the number of delegates Knox believes will be...
11 April 1790
Writes that his father passed away the day before, stating that "he was calm & resigned, and died in full faith of perfect happiness in the world of spirits - this was a great consolation to my honored mother & to his Children & friends around him -...
25 April 1790
Thanks Knox for his letter of condolence on account of his father's death. Discusses Secretary of State Alexander Hamilton's plan for the federal government to assume state debts. Writes, "[t]he nonassumption of the State Debt has thrown the people...
9 May 1790
Discusses a meeting Knox and his delegation are attending. Mentions a meeting held at the Green Dragon to deal with officers pay. Says a committee was appointed to draft a memorial to Congress and report it at the Society of the Cincinnati meeting...
16 May 1790
Acknowledges receipt of Knox's last letter. Mentions current issues facing the military establishment, particularly regarding enlistment and pay. Also touches on military inspections, and tells Knox to expect a letter from Captain C[onstant]...
30 May 1790
Writes that he received Knox's letter and the enclosure for Mr. Short, but it arrived too late to give to Mrs. Swan as she left for Paris. Wishes her a safe journey. Also reports that Mr. Swan wrote to him and seems to be doing well; promises to...
20 June 1790
Discusses a trip he made to visit his mother, and asks about Mrs. Lucy Knox's health. Relates that there will be great opposition to Mr. Dalton's election, referring to Tristram Dalton's reelection to the United States Senate. Reports news from a...
22 June 1790
Informs Knox that Mr. Constant Freeman will be a good worker in Knox's department and discusses the election for senator. States that "Mr. George Cabot obtaind the vote by a majority of one, and was chosen - "
27 June 1790
Replies to Knox's letter from 20 June. Encloses some unspecified papers (not included). Notes that the [Massachusetts General] Court met Friday and have adjourned until January 1791. Reports that Thomas's party has been quiet, and the people are...
4 July 1790
Writes, "The time taken up by Congress in fixing the permanent seat of Government, and the situation of the Funding business has caused a great uneasiness & clamour amongst the people, and of that Class that have been the firmest supporters of the...
11 July 1790
Discusses a meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati where they elected officials, most of whom were the same as the ones they had the year before. Lists the delegates, including Knox, who were chosen to attend the general meeting the following May...
1 August 1790
Discusses his arrival in Portland en route to Burnt Coat Island. He is traveling with his "friend Ben" [possibly Benjamin Hichborn], and expects that they will return to Boston in ten to twelve days. Mentions his hope that a General [John] Glover...
22 August 1790
Jackson acknowledges Secretary of War Knox's letter of 15 August 1790. Mentions that he and "the Colonel" are making their way to Portland. Describes the journey, his sea sickness, and the help they received during the trip. Says a Mr. Gregory...
4 March 1792
Updates Knox on the status of the canal project, and informs him that the Bill of Incorporation for it has passed in the House of Representatives and soon should pass in the Senate. Declares that the project has popular support. Also mentions...
March 18, 1792
Discusses possible amendments to the General Court's bill approving their canal project. Mentions his attempts to outbid Mr. [William] Tudor on a million acres of land (in Maine, in or near the Waldo patent lands). Also comments on the financial...
March 21, 1792
Discusses the financial woes of their friend and business associate Colonel [William] Duer. Feels at a loss as to how to proceed in their land negotiations. Expected some advice to arrive from Mr. [Royal] Flint by this post, but he has not yet...
March 25, 1792
Provides information on his transactions with their business associates, including Colonel [Benjamin] Walker and Mr. [Samuel] Shaw. Discusses their land acquisition projects (in Maine), as well as the communications he has received from Mr. [Royal]...
1 April 1792
Declares that he was disappointed not to receive a letter from Knox regarding the canal project. Mentions that many businessmen are asking him when they will allow shares to be purchased in the canal business. Reports that their business associate...
8 April 1792
Encloses a copy of a letter from Mr. [Royal] Flint (not present) regarding their business propositions (relating to land purchases in Maine, which they have been working on). Writes that he had been very nervous about it but now feels he can proceed...
15 April 1792
Writes that he expects a "coach & four" at any moment to take him, Mr. Jarvis and Mr. Read to Andover to sign a contract, as Mr. Phillips is unable to come to where Jackson is. Has received a bill from Mr. [Royal] Flint for $6800, which eases his...
25 April 1792
Writes that he and General [David] Cobb arrived in New York yesterday. Received Knox's letter via Colonel [Sebastian] Bauman, and would like to assure Knox that he believes Mr. [Royal] Flint will stick to their plan and make deals that are in their...
20 May 1792
Writes that when he arrived in Boston, Madame de Leval was waiting to see him to discuss the removal of settlers from a particular township in Maine, according to their agreement. She requires them to be removed so that she can begin making her...
22 May 1792
Reports that the Committee [the Committee for the Sale of Eastern Lands] has called on him to make a payment for a purchase. Writes that Mrs. Knox, Mrs. [Sarah Lyons] Flucker and the children are well, and encourages Knox to send his son Harry...
27 May 1792
Writes that he is sorry to hear Knox was ill again. Discusses his dealings with Madame de Leval, mentioning that she was supposed to have left but has not yet, and that he "wish[es] her gone." Comments on the townships she is going to settle on...
3 June 1792
Asks Knox about his upcoming visit to New York. Discusses his poor financial situation, particularly that he is having difficulty paying off debts. Updates Knox on their joint business ventures. Mentions their project to have Madame de Leval...
5 June 1792
Refers to an earlier letter he sent to Knox in which he discussed payment on one of their contracts. Urges Knox's "immediate compliance," because a lady (likely Madame de Leval) spoke with some "evilminded" persons who may try to overturn their...
10 June 1792
Discusses the urgency of making land payments and the fact that the committee doubts that they will be able uphold their part of the contract. States that he tried to explain the reason for the delay in making the payment, but the committee...
17 June 1792
Discusses Knox's decision to relinquish to William Duer all claims to land in the "Eastern purchase." Writes, "I am at a loss to determine the reasons that governed you in this business, as they are so far different from those we had in...
24 June 1792
Writes, "I wish you to send me a copy of your conditional transfer to Colo [William] Duer, as from what you have written I am at a loss to determine exactly the principles of it... [the] embarrassment that has attended this business from the first...
1 July 1792
States that he has not received one farthing, and the money he had on hand "is more than all anticipated in the first payment to De Gregoire, expences of that survey & supplies to madame Laval..." Has written them for a further advance. Cautions...
8 July 1792
Referring to recent land dealings involving Knox, Jackson, and William Duer, Jackson writes: "My good friend you mistake me exceedingly if you think I doubted the motives of your conduct on any other principles than those the most honourable to you -...
15 July 1792
Discusses Knox's agreement with William Duer. Encloses a copy of a letter he received from Duer (not present) and states "I think it is pretty well understood that your conditional agreement will not be complyed [sic] with in his part - " Strongly...
22 July 1792
Expresses worries over their situation with making payments on their contract and Knox's business with William Duer. Continues to discuss their financial situation and developments in their land speculations.
Discusses their shaky situation with land speculation. Mentions the committee's desire to "hold me strictly to every point and condition of the agreement." Reports having trouble collecting money owed to him, and believes some of their financial...
5 August 1792
Informs Knox that he has not been able to obtain the deed of land from Mr. Barthélémy de Grégoire, who has run off with the money they already paid. Provides updated information on that land deal, and his attempts to satisfy their creditors....
12 August 1792
Informs Knox that he has arrived in New York City and is disappointed that he will not be able to meet up with him. Mentions that Madame de Leval is in town. Suggests they meet soon at "Prince Town" (Princeton, New Jersey). Reports on the health...
13 August 1792
Insists on meeting Knox at some point, if he really is unable to go to New York City. Suggests Kingston, New Jersey as a meeting place noting that "to see you at Princetown, Trenton or Brunswick they are very publick places & would cause some...
15 August 1792
Discusses a possible purchase of 300,000 acres of land, and reports that proposals are being drawn up to Knox and William Duer by Mr. [Théophile] Cazenove and Madame de Leval. Assures Knox of his belief that Duer has nothing to do with this purchase...
2 September 1792
Agrees with Knox on the necessity of having a survey done on the land, but states that it will be difficult to find trustworthy men to conduct the survey. Reports that Madame de Leval has not yet arrived, so he does not yet know what the Committee...
9 September 1792
Informs Knox that Madam de Leval has yet to arrive and he is "at a loss" to determine "where she is or what after." Notes if she does not "arrive soon it will be too late to make an establishment this fall that will give strength and consequence to...
16 September 1792
Informs Knox of further developments concerning finding trustworthy men to survey two tracts of land. Notes his dismay as to why Madame de Leval remains in New York. Discusses the financial problems with William Duer and the importance pushing Duer...
23 September 1792
Informs Knox that Madame de Leval has finally arrived and that the Committee will probably consent to their proposal, providing that "we allow them the years Interest which they will otherways [sic] loose by puting the whole of the payments one year...
30 September 1792
Complains that Knox "appear[s] to Scold at me for pressing you to a separation from Colo. D-." Notes it is because of Knox's closeness to Duer that has led him [Jackson] to urge Knox to sever ties. Also discusses business regarding land. Says...
4 October 1792
Hopes to meet Knox in Springfield in the near future. Stresses the importance of returning to his house by Sunday and the embarrassment he would suffer if he were unable to.
7 October 1792
Discusses their plans to meet in Springfield, Massachusetts. Writes, "what a poor dog you are to talk about giving me trouble - you know or ought to know before this time that its the first wish of my heart to give you pleasure - but remember you...
21 October 1792
Expresses his happiness on hearing that Knox's family arrived safely in New York. Complains about Knox not meeting him in Springfield, Massachusetts as he had planned: "I was much disappointed in not seeing you at Springfield or at least receiving a...
28 October 1792
Expresses his approval that Knox has finally bought out William Duer's portion of the Maine land and asks for a copy of the agreement. Encloses a copy of a letter he received from Duer, stating that he will wait for further instructions from Knox...
4 November 1792
Despite suffering from a hangover, Jackson writes to Knox concerning Madame de Leval & Mr. de la Roche's demands for land deeds. States, "from drinking too freely of Wine yesterday, I have such a headache, that I am unable to write you but a word -...
6 November 1792
Encloses some papers related to Knox's business with William Duer. Discusses the Winslows and their claim to the Waldo Patent. Some text loss has occurred due to a tear along the right edge.
11 November 1792
Expresses his disappointment in Knox's handling of a business transaction with [William Green]. Cautions Knox against taking any measures in the business with Green that will "plunge you beyond your depth." Adds, "I cannot say I altogether like the...
18 November 1792
Feels anxious that Knox has not finished up his business with Mr. [William Green], but is happy that he is proceeding with caution. Eagerly awaits Knox's answer to a question about land deed in regards to William Duer and Madame de Leval. Writes...
2 December 1792
Informs Knox that the survey of the lands is done and also mentions deeds, contracts, and other business related to land. A portion of the letter starting near the end of page three and most of page four, is written in a different hand. Jackson...
Informs Knox that he has given deeds of land to Madame de Leval and Mr. de la Roche and that they are now finally satisfied. Discusses bonds and other business. States that his parent, most likely his mother, has now passed away. "Free" stamped on...
December 16, 1792
Expresses his concern over William Duer's involvement with the land deals and states: "I shall be happy when this business is once out of his hands, as I think he will give you trouble & cause much embarrassment before you will be able to get rid of...
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