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Release of farm to Henry W. Livingston
Garrey, Henry, fl. 1827
Followed by a signed statement by John I. Kilmer, in which he binds himself to the above agreement.
Lease of land by Henry and Henry W. Livingston to Jeanne Dulux
Livingston, Henry W., 1798-1848
Henry W. Livingston signed as Henry Livingston's attorney, as Henry Livingston was deceased at the time of the agreement.
Lease of a farm to Jacob and Nicholas Decker
Lease of land to James Waring
Docketed on verso.
Agreement of Thomas Smailes to be the agent of Henry W. Livingston
Agreement of Henry W. Livingston to rent land to Thomas Palmer
Lease of land from Henry W. Livingston
Waring, James, fl. 1802
James Waring signed with his mark.
Sale of land to Henry W. Livingston
Cornish, Samuel Ezra, fl. 1824
Sale of land to Archibald Kennedy
Harvey, Joel, fl. 1749-1758
to Josiah Sutherland re: purchase of land from Henry W. Livingston
Stoddard, Charles, fl. 1836
Lease of a farm from Robert Livingston, Jr.
Smith, Johan, fl. 1774
Johan Smith signed with his mark.
Deed of mortgage to William Smith Vothers
Viele, Stephen, fl. 1784-1785
Lease of land by Philip Livingston
Decker, Gysbert, fl. 1733
Manuscript [in Dutch]
Livingston, Philip, 1686-1749
Docketed on p.4.
Loundert, Pieter, fl. 1744
Lease of land to Peter Loundhardt
to Henry Knox [in French]
30 August 1789
Miranda, Francisco de, 1750-1816
Touches on the state of American government, the Constitutional Convention, and the Ohio territories. Asks Knox to present his respects to President [George] Washington, Governor [James] Bowdoin, Colonel [Alexander] Hamilton, and Colonel [William]...
to Henry Knox
March 15, 1790
Writes that he has not heard from Knox in quite a while, stating "for god sake let me see few lines from you; & then I shall communicate you the progress of that 4: that has begian [sic] already, about 38:" Mentions that he hopes that the new...
March 29, 1790
Wishes to introduce Knox to a friend of his, Count Paolo Andreani from Milan, Italy, who intends to visit America. Describes him as a top "diletante in Chimistery, and natural history, in Europe." Asks him to introduce Count Andreani to General...
4 November 1792
Declares that "...things are coming to maturity; and the Period advancing when our dear Country America shall become that glorious part of the Globe, that nature intended her to be! and that those Skemes our Patriotism sugested to our minds in our...
14 April 1782
Moore, Thomas M., fl. 1782
Written by Major Moore to Brigadier General Knox. Introduces a Mrs. Hamilton of Philadelphia to him. Says that Mrs. Hamilton has a sister who was recently married to Lieutenant Colonel Johnston of the 17th British Regiment in New York. Says the...
4 June 1782
Moodie, Andrew, ?-1787
Outlines a situation concerning a Robert Richardson, sent to West Point from Springfield the previous fall. Richardson is not attached to any corps in particular, and works at the laboratory and at other positions at the post. Moodie is finding it...
to Captain Mitchell
20 June 1782
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Relates that a Mr. Gedney, the proprietor of a sawmill near Newburgh, has applied to Knox for help concerning some planks he had carved and supplied to the military but was never paid for. Mr. Gedney has no receipts for the planks, and Knox asks...
13 September 1782
Morris, Gouverneur, 1752-1816
Written by Morris as Assistant Superintendent of Finance to Major General Knox. A sarcastic letter expressing annoyance about Congress and their activities after receiving information on the conduct at Elizabethtown -- probably a reference to the...
to Gouverneur Morris
8 October 1782
Relates a variety of information regarding (a prison cartel) meeting with the British Commissioners, General Campbell and Mr. [Andrew] Elliot [lt. gov. of British-occupied New York]. Contrasts Campbell with former British commissioner General...
February 7, 1783
Written by Morris as the Assistant Superintendent of Finance to Major General Knox. Wants to give him an update on affairs. Says "It has given me much Pain to see the army looking wildly for a Redress of Grievances" -- a reference to the half-pay...
February 28, 1783
Written by Morris as Assistant Secretary of Finance to Major General Knox. References Knox's letter sent by General Lincoln. Is sending copies of Robert Morris's letter of resignation (not included here). Says this news should not be unexpected. Says...
21 July 1783
Written by Morris as Assistant Superintendent of Finance to Major General Knox. This is a letter of introduction for a Mr. Darby. Says he is a gentleman of good family and genteel accomplishments. Reports that his reputation is well recommended...
6 October 1783
Informs Knox that he has visitors passing through, a Mr. Vernon and the Count Wengierski, and asks if Knox would mind showing them West Point.
Signer of the U.S. Constitution.
to Robert Morris
December 18, 1783
Discusses a potential problem in providing rations for the men remaining in service after the end of the year. Writes that "no calculation was made for the Canadian refugees who are in the vicinity of West Point - They draw upwards of one hundred...
3 January 1784
Knox writes to Morris, Superintendent of Finance. Reports that no contract has been made to continue the supply of provisions to West Point. Discusses steps he has taken to obtain supplies to last for a short period. Hopes Morris will "find it...
March 24, 1784
Knox writes to Morris, Superintendent of Finance. Discusses the contract between Congress and Daniel Parker & Co., a firm that provided troops with supplies. Expresses hope that Morris (and Congress) will extend the contract after May.
to John Mitchell
4 October 1784
Relates he has been appointed as a commissioner to "examine whether the people under the Government of Nova Scotia have encroached upon the territories of this state." Requests sworn testimony regarding Mitchell's [in some sources, Mitchel] previous...
6 October 1784
Mitchell, John, fl. 1755-1790
Mitchell [in some sources, Mitchel] responds to a letter from Knox requesting information regarding his previous survey of the St. Croix River. Offers to accompany Knox, who will serve as a commissioner to examine whether people of Nova Scotia had...
26 October 1784
Moore, Thomas Lambert, 1758-1799
Reverend Moore asks Knox to pay his brother John twenty five pounds. Countersigned by John Moore, who acknowledges receipt of the sum.
March 31, 1785
Moriarty, John, fl. 1785-1787
Written in Bristol, Broad Bay (present-day Maine). Hopes to be able to purchase one or two hundred acres of land from Knox. Asks what price Knox would charge for the land, and discusses his method of payment. Writes, "I expect some familys here...
15 May 1785
Transmits Morris a letter from Samuel Shaw, who served as Knox's aide during the Revolutionary War. Shaw hopes to gain employment from Morris in an unspecified position.
31 July 1785
Discusses the possible purchase of some of Knox's land in present-day Maine, referring to Knox's ownership of two farms and a limeworks. Notes that he could arrange to bring people from Ireland to settle the land. Proposes his method of payment.
to Doctor Monro
7 September 1785
Writes a note thanking Doctor Monro of London for treating his brother William Knox's insanity. Is happy to hear of William's recovery and is very glad Doctor Monro's excellent reputation in America proved to be accurate in his successful treatment...
1 November 1786
Writes that two days prior he sailed to New Haven to see Mr. Gouverneur Morris, and returned last night. Also met with Colonel [Jeremiah] Wadsworth, to discuss business (a plan Wadsworth was working on with Robert Morris to loan money to Congress -...
26 November 1786
Writes that the Board of Treasury will write by the next post to comment on the "proposed contracts." Declares that he sincerely hopes "that nothing may occur to prevent the completion of this business, in a manner advantageous to the public and...
30 November 1786
Writes that the Board of Treasury will write to Morris by this post regarding the proposed contracts. Intimates that not enough members of Congress are seated yet, but believes that by the time Morris and Wadsworth, as well as the Board of Treasury...
12 December 1786
Moore, William, 1752-1819
Gratefully acknowledges Knox's support for his cause; this support induces him to include an extract of a letter from Captain [possibly Constant] Freeman which he just received. Had been hoping for an appointment from the state of Massachusetts but...
December 1786
Writes that he has received the documents finalizing the loan Morris and Colonel [Jeremiah] Wadsworth were preparing to give to the Board of Treasury. He is thrilled the plan worked, and believes the public good will be well served. Has received a...
9 January 1787
Writes that he has not replied yet to Knox because he expected to see Colonel [Jeremiah] Wadsworth in Philadelphia, but has not yet, and does not know when he will arrive. Declares that the newspapers will have informed Knox that Pennsylvania has...
January 16, 1787
Body of the letter and signature in the hand of Robert Pemberton, Knox's aide. Marked "copy" on the docket Details General [Benjamin] Lincoln's deployment with 4,000 men to deal with Shays and his supporters. Writes that Lincoln will begin at...
January 25, 1787
Later copy. Writes to update Morris on the status of the fight against the Massachusetts insurgents. First, mentions that Colonel [Jeremiah] Wadsworth is unavoidably detained for a few days. Then, outlines the actions of Generals [William] Shepard...
to unknown
February 27, 1787
Describes his current difficulties in business and the amount of money he lost during the last War. Asks for a position within the army that is being raised and sent to the Ohio region.
29 October 1787
Reports that a Mr. Hoffman and a Mr. Hornblower have been in contact with a British company interested in pursuing a project with Morris. Requests that Morris make a decision as to whether he wants to participate, and what his share would be; and...
1 November 1787
Must decline Knox's offer to participate in a business deal. Explains that the need for him to decide on the matter immediately makes him reluctant to agree. Also argues, "[t]o hold a small Share is not worth our while, to hold a large one, say 1/2...
December 7, 1788
Wishes Morris, who will soon embark for Europe, "a prosperous passage and a full participation of every felicity of this life."
to Thomas Lambert Moore
December 11, 1788
Knox requests that Moore send their son Henry home due to an outbreak of measles at Hempstead. Notes that two of his children "are emerging from the distemper, and two others must inevitably take it..."
6 May 1790
Mooney, William, ?-1832
Invites Knox for dinner on 12 May at three o' clock to celebrate the first anniversary of the Society of St. Tammany or Columbian Order.
to Francisco de Miranda
5 September 1790
Acknowledges two letters Colonel Miranda sent him "from the Continent." Says he could not respond because of government business. Thanks Miranda for making him known to Count Paolo Andreani who was at the time traveling through "northern parts of...
January 28, 1791
Macomb, Alexander, 1748-1831
Delivers this letter to Knox via Van Slyck whom he recommends to Knox. Comments that his social activities have declined since the Knoxes left for Philadelphia. Asks Knox to send him the "obligatory paper relative to the St. Lawrence lands."
February 2, 1791
Thanks Knox for his letter of 6 September 1790. Writes he is pleased "to see the flourishing State in which N. America is grown...and wished that my own poor miserable Country in the South, could say the same." Comments on the plans for the new...
5 April 1791
Francisco de Miranda writes a letter in French to Secretary of War Knox.
9 April 1791
Miranda asks Knox to "give Col. W[illiam] S[tephens] Smith a copy of that Small Cypher I gave to you at Boston." Smith will then give Knox a letter from Miranda.
19 August 1791
Mitchill, Samuel L., 1764-1831
Has the honor to forward Knox a copy of Aldus's edition of Machiavelli's "Art of War" in the original Italian. Refers to it as "a literary Curiosity." Says it would be better placed in Knox's hands than his own. Tells him "I cannot suppose it...
24 December 1791
Monroe, James, 1758-1831
Encloses a letter addressed to Monroe from Colonel Joseph Martin (not present), who was formerly an Indian Agent for the state of Virginia. Explains that if the letter contains anything important, Knox would be the proper person to handle the...
6 April 1792
Morris, William Walton, ?-1832
Writes that he had long since resolved to devote his life to private business, and until now has been quite successful; however, due to the bankruptcy that has recently befallen New York City, he has suddenly found himself penniless. Takes solace in...
10 May 1792
James Monroe, while in the U. S. Senate, asks whether Knox might be able to lend him six or seven hundred dollars. Comments that it will help his business and promises to reimburse Knox within a few months. Writes that as a stranger to monied...
to James Monroe
12 May 1792
Writes that unfortunately, it is not in his power to grant Monroe's request [to borrow money] (see GLC02437.05456 for Monroe's original request). Were it in his power, he would be happy to do so.
20 June 1792
Monvel, fl. 1792
Monsieur Monvel discusses a visit to Thomaston, Maine. Reports his findings in detail, noting the geological features of the area. Mentions limestone, granite, quartz, mica, ore, and other rock formations as well as the surrounding land features.
8 July 1792
Discusses a situation in which he was charged more for furniture than he expected. Mr. [Tench] Coxe loaned him money to cover the extra charges. Writes that he is now in Williamsburg "convened with several other gentlm in the revision of the laws...
18 July 1792
Informs Monroe that he can "accomdodate" [cover] his financial notes for 6 weeks or 2 months.
23 July 1792
Informs Knox of his findings concerning the lay of the land and waterways and mineral deposits, namely iron, in Maine. Notes that he will next be surveying the area of Pleasant Mountain, Maine.
15 September 1792
Asks if can postpone a payment until his arrival in Philadelphia next month. Notes at that time the reimbursement will be paid in full with interest, along with a "sincere acknowledgement for the very friendly service." Docketed by Henry Knox.
14 December 1792
Thanks Morris for forwarding a letter. Notes he was informed by Major Butler of Smellies upcoming departure to "Head Quarters" and the purpose of Smellies visit. Marked "private" on the docket.
1 January 1793
Morris, William, fl. 1777-1793
Informs Knox he received his letter and will be sending a reply immediately.
March 22, 1795
Sends his greetings to Knox and all of his friends in America, including Alexander Hamilton. Refers to America as "notre chere Columbia." Hopes sentiments haven't changed despite the turmoil in France. Transmits two pamphlets (not included).
18 April 1797
Discusses a bank note that had been protested by the national bank for not having been paid.
6 May 1797
Discusses finances.
21 May 1797
16 May 1798
Writes to ask Knox for an answer to an earlier letter concerning a note.
8 March 1805
Morrill, Joseph, fl. 1805
Writes that he has been informed a petition was submitted to the state government to grant him a Justice's commission. This was done without his knowledge. He adds that several people have subsequently spoken against his reputation in response to...
to John Moriarty
12 April 1785
Responds to a letter of Moriarty's and provides price information about lands in part of the Waldo patent.
February 21, 1783
Knox, Commander at West Point, writes to Morris, Superintendent of Finance. Remarks, "The Army generally have always reprobated being thirteen Armies. Their ardent desires have been to be one continental body looking up to one sovereign..." Calls...
6 July 1791
Writes a letter of recommendation for a young gentleman, a W. Meyrick British officer of the 24th Regiment. Takes "the Liberty to request [Knox's] Civility towards him, and presume upon [Knox's] goodness to pardon [his] boldness, which however [he...
to William Littlefield
22 October 1789
Received Littlefield's letter with an enclosure for the President of the United States. Writes that when Rhode Island joins the union, President Washington will consider Littlefield's application, but reports that Washington cannot make any promises...
January 18, 1772 and February 11, 1772
Longman, Thomas, 1731-1797
Thanks Knox for a gift of three pair of ducks given in November, although four died during the passage to London. A commission for books and a bill to pay Grimanney & Co. (see GLC02437.00005) have been received, but the latter has not been paid "for...
to Alexander McDougall
3 March 1783
Discusses with McDougall the possible result of his mission, informing him that everyone is anxious for it and continues to deplore the lack of a strong Congress.
March 16, 1783
Written by Major General Knox to General McDougall, who was part of a committee sent to Congress by the army to lobby for half-pay pensions. Says he previously wrote "of the ferment which was raised in the minds of the officers by some anonymous...
28 September 1783
McDougall, Alexander, 1732-1786
Informs Knox that "the people above, who trade to nyork, complain of being stopt at your post," and asks if some of the Connecticut troops are headed out tomorrow.
19 October 1783
Asks Knox to order and send him supplies including nails, paint, and screws. Wonders if one of Knox's artificers can help him hang a new bell he has acquired to summon his servants. Also mentions that "This fellow [most likely referring to Colonel...
16 November 1783
Mentions that his guard has left with Brigadier Jackson's regiment, and "requests that General Knox will order a Corporal and eight Men to his [McDougall's] quarters, six of them to be acquainted with rowing."
18 November 1783
Discusses replacing men who have left to join General Henry Jackson's regiment.
1 January 1784
Knox informs General McDougall of the death of Doctor [Hagan], who worked at the West Point hospital. Hagan was entitled to join the Society of the Cincinnati, and left behind a wife and young son, who are unable to afford "subsistence or protection...
to James McHenry
2 December 1784
Recommends James Walker, who was previously employed by the Congressional Board of War. Notes that Walker will be presenting his case before Congress in an attempt to receive compensation for his service in the Revolutionary War. Asks that McHenry...
9 May 1785
Barbé-Marbois, François, marquis de, 1745-1837
Barbé-Marbois, a French diplomat, writes that he is "anxious of laying before [Knox] some matters concerning french officers..."
16 June 1785
McFarland, Moses, 1738-1802
Informs Knox that he recently met with Majors North and "Douttey [John Doughty?] who was perusing a Resolve of Congress respecting Invalids..." North and [Doughty] advised McFarland to await Knox's return to New York.
to James Manning
26 June 1785
Knox transmits books donated from Granville Sharp in London to Rhode Island College (present-day Brown University). Informs Manning, President of Rhode Island College, that these books were previously in William Knox's care but William was...
February 19, 1787
North, William, 1755-1836
Notes he left Pittsfield along with General [Benjamin] Lincoln this morning. Mentions the number of men enlisted in "disaffected counties" and when their enlistment expires. Discusses the mood of the mob, saying the men look forward to taking up...
to Joseph Mandrillon
4 June 1787
Informs Mandrillon that the Society of the Cincinnati cannot accept him as a member. Adds that the Society, as an institution, is "too young to assume so much importance to appoint a gentleman of your abilities their historiographer..." Letter is in...
to Charles Lining
December 27, 1787
Writes that he received, via Dr. Thomas Tudor Tucker, Lining's letter as well as the $192 sum Lining sent. Provided Dr. Tucker with a receipt declaring that this money would pay South Carolina's portion of the money owed to Major L'Enfant for the...
to Robert R. Livingston
February 10, 1788
Original of GLC02437.03790. Knox relates details of the Massachusetts ratifying convention: "On Wednesday the 30th ultimo, Mr. Hancock was well enough to take his seat in the convention. On Thursday he brought forward the proposition for adopting...
February 13, 1788
Later copy. A note at the top of page one states, "Recd from Mr. Bancroft Feb 1857." Knox reports, "The new constitution was adopted in Massachusetts on the 6th instant by a majority of 19. The whole present 355- 187 for it- 168 against it. The...
to Walter Livingston
26 December 1788
Writes, "I thank you for your kind letter of this evening - I accept with pleasure for the next year from the 7th of May yr house now occupied for public offices on the terms you propose to wit L260 specie pr annum, and the current taxes."
[Rental agreement between Henry Knox and Walter Livingston]
Unsigned, and addressee unlisted. Author may be Walter Livingston, writing about himself in the third person. Addressee may be Henry Knox; see his response at GLC02437.04061. Writes, "Mr. Walter Livingston cannot permit general Knox to be...
10 April 1789
Lithgow, William Jr., 1750-1796
Written from Hallowell, County of Lincoln, in Maine. Writes that Knox was kind enough last winter to take an order for a pair of epaulets for him and send them on to Boston. Asks politely whether Knox could forward them to him without...
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