Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to Sylvia Weiner
24 September 1945
Weiner, Morris "Moe", 1909-1988
Moe is back at work but there is not much to do. He regrets mixing up the date of her birthday for the third year in a row, and swears he will not do it again.
25 September 1945
Moe says he is fed up with waiting to come home. He says the whole system of deciding who gets to come home and who doesn't is ridiculous. He also writes that he enclosed a ticket from their day at the races. This ticket is not included in the...
21 September 1945
Moe sent this V-Mail from Paris, he says he took a tour of Versailles, then saw the Folies Bergère. Finally he went to the races.
26 September 1945
Moe got shaved and, picked up his jacket from the tailor. He reports his plans to go to the movies tonight. He also responds to Sylvia's letters.
27 September 1945
Moe was unable to go to the movies that night because the show was cancelled. He went the next night instead. Afterwards they passed a Jewish club, only the 2nd one he'd seen in his 2 years overseas.
28 September 1945
Moe makes it clear that his application for discharge won't necessarily take 90 days. That is just the maximum amount of time. The also had a meeting after supper to discuss the last company affair.
29 September 1945
Moe complains about the cigarettes they are giving out in the army. He says they are some kind of generic brand called "Zippers." He also plans to go to the theater tomorrow.
30 September 1945
Moe reports that the company party is tomorrow night. He has enclosed photographs from Paris. He also writes that it is unfair many men might be discharged before lots of us are.
1 October 1945
Moe reports that Marty has pharyngitis. He went to see a comedy the other night. He also tells Sylvia not to be upset that men 35 years of age were eligible for discharge. He may get out on points alone.
2 October 1945
Moe described the farewell banquet, and how he went to a cafe afterwards. He also visited Marty in the hospital, and went to the movies the next night.
3 October 1945
Moe did not do much today, he went and saw Marty in the hospital. Once he is transferred out of the company, a period of indeterminate waiting will begin. He also asks if Sylvia has moved into Marge's apartment yet.
4 October 1945
Moe went to a "Halfway House." He also reports that Marty is out of the hospital.
9 October 1945
Moe writes that he is now an infantry man for the first time, and that they are in Marseilles and living in tents. He warns Sylvia not to look for him before the 15th of November.
10 October 1945
Moe says he doesn't understand the process of getting men home, and writes the process is not very efficient and consists of a lot of paperwork. They will leave Marseilles on Oct. 20th and then go to the Calas staging area. There they will get on a...
11 October 1945
Moe notes that yesterday was the 18th anniversary of his start in government service. He writes that they are in the area where Van Gogh supposedly did a lot of painting. He will not be able to write after the 14th, and comments that he is no longer...
12 October 1945
Moe notes that it has been 2 years since he boarded the Elizabeth in New York. He tells Sylvia to come up a with some places they can vacation when he comes home. Marty and Olga will go with them.
13 October 1945
Moe cannot believe that he will soon be coming home after two years, and writes this may be his last letter from overseas.
21 October 1945
Moe says he is currently in the Victaret Area, and is beginning to get impatient. Last Sunday he and Marty spent the day in Marseilles and visited a famous prison. He also asks after Sylvia's health.
Moe reports that he is preparing for movie night, and that he visited Marty in his barracks and played gin rummy.
March 30, 1941
This letter is only the first page of a letter, the writer says he is ashamed of himself and grateful that Sylvia forgave him and wrote to him. The writer asks after her husband, sister and her brother, and calls Moe such a nice husband. It is not...
16 June 1941
Gagnon, Fabian, fl. 1941
Fabian Gagnon writes that he remembered Sylvia's last letter that spoke of the "catastrophe that over took her for the 2nd time." He does not say what that catastrophe is exactly. He also reminds her to visit the next time she is in Quebec.
to Emergency Welfare Division
14 August 1942
Hodson, William, fl. 1942
Memo to Emergency Welfare Division Staff about approved insignia required to move through the streets in the event of an air raid, blackout or air raid drill.
21 September 1942
Levine, Hyman, fl. 1942
Hy writes that he is very indifferent to everything lately and has been drinking a lot in his spare time. He asks to be saved from this mental mess.
to Moe and Sylvia
January 5, 1943
Smith, Les, fl. 1943
Les writes that he had a very short leave recently and brought back souvenirs of his visits to the states. He reports that his sister has injured herself, and he is missing some hats.
Business card of James M. Doyle
Business card James M. Doyle, Lieutenant
Invitation to Graduation
6 January 1943
Shipp, B.A, fl. 1943
Invitation to the graduation of officer candidates of Mississippi State College
February 14, 1943
Becker, Samuel, fl. 1943
Sam writes that he received Sylvia's package of salami and halvah. He shared it with the boys, and tried to get some mustard from the Px, but they said it was against regulations.
Order to report for induction
February 15, 1943
Miller, Ruth, 1943-?
A notice informing Moe Weiner that he has been selected for training and service in the army.
Moe Weiner is called to active duty in the Reserve Corp.
February 26, 1943
Kurtzner, H.M., fl. 1943
This document states that effective March 5th, 1943, Moe is Weiner is called for active duty. And will proceed to the Reception Center, Camp Upton.
to Sylvia and Moe Weiner
Greenfield, Alvin, 1924-1946
Alvin writes from basic training camp, he asks how Moe did in his induction exam. He also writes that they made him a drill instructor.
3 March 1943
Tatt, Samuel, fl. 1943
Samuel writes that he heard that Moe is definitely in the army now. He hopes Moe will never have to actually fight, but says everyone has to do their part in the war, no matter what. He is currently in St. Louis, and wants to know where Moe will be.
4 March 1943
Alvin writes that there is a group of boys from out West that sing cowboy songs and they can sing really well.
Budget list
This is a piece of scratch paper with list of things to do and budget.
Pay stub
6 March 1943
Pay stub for Moe Weiner 2/16-2/28 1943 totaling $113.54
to Sylvia and Moe
8 March 1943
Lillian, fl. 1943-1946
Lillian writes that everyone is anxious to know about Moe.
9 March 1943
Sam writes that he sympathizes with Sylvia over the separation from Moe. He says he is concerned about David and the way he thinks of his father. He is currently at Camp Davis, and will be ready for OCS in a few weeks.
Stein, Paul, fl. 1943
Postcard featuring the Florida Everglades
11 March 1943
Kale, Charlie, fl. 1943
Charlie writes that he has been trying to call Sylvia for the past week. He wanted to ask if there is anything he do to help, although he knows the only thing she really wants is her husband back.
March 19, 1943
Alvin just learned that Moe is in Salem, Oregon. He also learned that Algerian Jews had their citizenship revoked. He says this bothers him greatly for if he fought alongside a Frenchman, he would have no regard for him.
14 May 1944
Moe understands Sylvia's nervousness when it comes to writing reports for the first time as he has had to write many over the years. He is also glad that her workplace is only a couple blocks from Union Square where lots of good shopping is.
15 May 1944
Moe tells the story of how they met back in Brooklyn. Claiming that even though thirteen years have gone by, they're still fundamentally the same people.
16 May 1944
Moe continues the story of how they got together. He says they went on a date that Saturday and when he showed up at the door, Sylvia introduced him to her family. Through the years their love and understanding has only deepened.
17 May 1944
Moe is concerned because Sylvia did not write about Mad and Ben in her last letters as she normally does. He mentions that he forgot about Alvin's birthday. He mentions that he did not know that Sam Salt's furlough had been cancelled
18 May 1944
Moe informs Sylvia that Jack is in the hospital with a foot infection. He congratulates her on finally getting to bed at a reasonable hour.
19 May 1944
Moe compared New York with London, saying he may not have seen or appreciated much in New York, and that they take it for granted. He says Covent gardens is not what it used to be. He wants to know what Sylvia means when she says she is "tolerant."
20 May 1944
Moe discusses the allotment in which Sylvia is supposed to receive $10 a month. He expresses disappointment that it rained the day she would have gone to a baseball game with Mad and Ben.
21 May 1944
Moe responds to the news that their rent has gone up to $65. He says Sylvia's mother will never change but she is her mother, nonetheless. He remembers the hard times they've had financially.
22 May 1944
Moe asked Hy if he could build him a good radio, and Hy said yes but it would cost $30, so he is thinking it over. He says Esther should think more of herself. Last night he and Jack found a Coronet magazine and played with the puzzle section.
23 May 1944
Moe heard that Jay still doesn't know when or if he'll be needed in the Navy. He is happy to hear the Ration Board gave Sylvia 65 gallons of gas. He mentions reading an article he enjoyed about liberals and their function in society.
24 May 1944
Moe is very grateful for Jack's company and calls him swell. He jokes that the girls he took out before Sylvia got Broadway shows while she got only movies. He discusses the ongoing problems with the car.
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