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(House bill, no.4.) . . .A bill to prevent trading with the enemy.
22 December 1863
Confederate States of America. Congress
stamp of record division
(House bill.) . . . A bill to be entitled An act to allow commissioned officers of the army rations and the privilege of purchasing clothing from the Quartermaster's Department.
December 11, 1863
(House bill.) . . . A bill to be entitled An act to grant a special copyright to W. J. Hardee and S. H. Goetzel, for Hardee's Rifle and Infantry tactics.
. (House bill.) . . . A bill to be entitled An act to establish a Bureau of Foreign Supplies.
24 December 1863
(House resolution.) . . .Joint resolution for the relief of Major W. F. Haines.
(House bill) . . . A bill to provide for the reduction of the currency.
30 December 1863
House of Representatives -- Secret session.) . . . A bill to be entitled "An act to tax, fund, and limit the currency."
December 31, 1863
(House of Representatives.) . . . A bill to be entitled An act repealing existing and regulating future, exemptions from military service.
4 January 1864
(House of Representatives-Secret session.) . . . Amendment by Mr. Swan.
5 January 1864
(House bill.) . . . A bill to be entitled An act to increase the efficiency of the army by the employment of free negroes and slaves in certain capacities.
(House bill.) . . . A bill to be entitled An act to provide additional compensation for soldiers of the army of the Confederate States, and for the families of those who die in service.
8 January 1864
(House bill.) . . . A bill to be entitled "An act to make additional appropriations for the support of the government of the Confederate States of America, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1864."
9 January 1864
House of Representatives-Secret Session.) . . . Finance proposition.
. (House of Representatives.) . . . Resolutions of instructions.
. Resolutions expressive of the determination of Georgia to prosecute the present war with the utmost vigor and energy.
January 11, 1864
(House of Representatives-Secret session.) Mr. Chilton's amendments to the bill of the Committee.
. (House of Representatives-Secret session.) . . . A bill to regulate the currency.
January 15, 1864
(House bill.) . . . A bill to be entitled "An act to provide payment for slaves impressed under state laws, and lost in the public service."
10 December 1863
(House bill.) . . . A bill to be entitled An act to suppress abuses in the Quartermaster and Commissary Departments of the army.
December 28, 1863
A bill to be enititled An act extending the privelage of purchasing clothing at government cost, to all persons in its employment, who have been discharged for the army on account of wounds received or disease contracted while in the service.
January 18, 1864
A bill to be entitled An act amendatory of an act entitled "An act to put an end to the exemption from military service of those who have heretofore furnished substitutes," approved January 5, 1864.
January 28, 1864
(House bill) . . . A bill to be entitled An act supplemental to the several acts relating to military courts
[Adopted at a meeting of non-commissioned officers and privates of Company B, twentieth Artillery Battalion, Alabama volunteers, called for the purpose of considering the subject of reenlisting in the war.
January 27, 1864
(House of Representatives, no. 366.) . . . A bill to be entitled "An act to provide the means to carry on the government."
February 10, 1864
. (House bill.) . . . A bill supplemental to the several acts in relation to public printing.
February 12, 1864
Joint resolutions in reference to the treatment of colored troops. [and slaves "abducted" from C.S.A.]
February 15, 1864
To provide for the safe custody, printing, publication and distribution of the laws, and to provide for the appointment of an additional clerk in the Department of Justice.
15 May 1864
(House bill, no. 93.) . . . A bill to be entitled An act for the organization of the Bureau of Conscription, and the appointment of officers in said Bureau.
16 May 1864
(House bill, no. 120.) . . . A bill to be entitled An act to compensate Charles E Stuart, Israel C. Owings and J. H. Taylor for the use of an improvement in instruments for sighting cannon.
26 May 1864
A bill to be entitled An act to provide for the settlement of certain matters of account growing out of purchases of property as alleged by the purchasers for the use of Government by Payne & Co. in the state of Texas.
. (House bill, no. 123.) . . . A bill to be entitled An act making appropriations for the support of the government of the Confederate States of America from July 1 to December 31, 1864, and to supply a deficiency.
(House bill, no. 124.) . . . A bill to be entitled An act making appropriations for the postal service of the Confederate States, for the year 1862 and 1863.
(House of Representatives.) . . . Joint resolutions requiring the settlement of the accounts of the Post-Office Department prior to the first day of July, 1863.
Preamble and resolutions [suggesting the removal of the present Secretary of the Treasury]
27 May 1864
Resolutions declaring the supremacy of the civil over the military law.
A bill to be entitled An act to provide for the settlement of claims against the confederate states, for property lost, captured or destoryed, while in the miltitary service of the confederate States, or which has been taken or impressed.
1 June 1864
House Bill, No. 176. A Bill To be entitled An Act to authorize the consolidation of companies, battalions and regiments.
8 November 1864
House Bill, No. 203. A Bill To be entitled "An Act to protect the Confederate states against frauds and to provide remedies against officers and employees of the Government committing them."
15 November 1864
House Bill, No. 230. A Bill To be entitled "An Act to amend An Act to provide revenue from commodities imported from foreign countries," approved May 21st, 1864.
26 November 1864
House Bill, No. 231. A Bill To be entitled "An Act to exempt from taxation loans made on hypothecation of non-taxable bonds."
House Bill, No. 232. A Bill To be entitled "An Act to exempt from taxation the capital of bonds and certificates issued by the Confederate States."
House Bill, No. 233. A Bill To be entitled An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relative to impressments.
28 November 1864
House Bill, No. 239. A Bill To be entitled An Act to organize the Supreme Court.
29 November 1864
House Bill, No. 240-Secret Session. A Bill To provide for the establishment of a Bureau of Special and Secret Service.
30 November 1864
House Bill, No. 267.-Secret. A Bill To suspend the privilege of writ of habeas corpus, in certain cases, for a limited time.
10 November 1864
A Bill To increase the Pay of Marines to that received by the Infantry of the Army.
13 December 1864
House Bill, No. 275. A Bill To authorize the employment of Instructors for the Acting Midshipmen of the Navy, and to regulate their rank and pay.
A Bill Making an appropriation to erect additional Quarters for Acting Midshipmen at Drewry's Bluff.
Communication from Secretary of Treasury…Feb. 25, 1863. Transmitted with Message of the President…Feb. 25, 1863.
February 25,1863
Memminger, Christopher G., 1803-1888
Communication from Secretary of Treasury…May 18, 1864. Transmitted with Message of the President…May 18, 1864.
18 May 1864
Showing results 82,701 - 82,750