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to Morris "Moe" Weiner
29 October 1944
Weiner, Sylvia, 1912-2008
Sylvia describes an evening at the theater.
30 October 1944
Sylvia says her father is looking pretty bad, she also mentions Artie and David.
Sylvia describes an outing to Prospect Park and the market.
31 October 1944
This letter was sent on Halloween, and mentions David's birthday. Sylvia also responds to Moe's letters.
1 November 1944
Sylvia describes day at work, and her dentist visit. She also mentions Bess, and talks about politics.
3 November 1944
Sylvia attended a rally, the second page is handwritten.
Sylvia mentions Marge, Dave, and Mad. She says Dave cried when he heard about Mad's marriage.
5 November 1944
Sylvia discusses politics, and mentions the cold weather.
6 November 1944
Sylvia went over to Mad's, and played with a walkie-talkie toy belonging to David.
Sylvia just heard the president make his final speech of the campaign.
7 November 1944
Sylvia describes the hectic day she had.
8 November 1944
Sylvia analyzes the election.
9 November 1944
Sylvia describes her roommate Ethel.
10 November 1944
Sylvia describes more activities at the lodge with Ethel and friends.
11 November 1944
Sylvia features a sketch of herself in an armchair by the fireplace.
Sylvia describes last day at the lodge with Ethel.
13 November 1944
Sylvia is upset over leaving the lodge, she talks about what will happen when Moe finally comes home.
15 November 1944
Sylvia describes taxi ride with an elderly Jewish couple, She arrives at home where Tillie is waiting. She also sees David do his first homework.
Sylvia went to the movies and then visited mother.
16 November 1944
Sylvia talks about her paychecks, and mentions an uncle in Louisiana that bought a chicken farm. She also visited Bess's house.
17 November 1944
Sylvia notes Moe's 17th anniversary at the [illegible].
19 November 1944
Sylvia went to the movies with Bess, she arrived home to find out that her father has had a relapse
20 November 1944
Sylvia talks briefly about her responsibilities at her new job, mentions Bess and Rose and asks when Moe might get another furlough.
21 November 1944
Sylvia responds to a few letters of Moe's regarding the age he first wore glasses and the way he cleans his teeth.
22 November 1944
Sylvia mentions her father who has become depressed again shortly after returning from the hospital, then responds to Moe's letters.
25 November 1944
Sylvia mentions that her supervisor has given sharp criticism of any mistakes she has made at work.
26 November 1944
Sylvia thanks Moe for the flowers he sent for their anniversary.
28 November 1944
Sylvia writes that her parents will be going to Florida soon.
30 November 1944
Sylvia went to Mad's for dinner with her parents and saw Alvin in his uniform. He looked "too splendid for words." This is a partial letter.
2 December 1944
Sylvia wishes Moe an early happy birthday, and responds to his recent letters.
3 December 1944
Sylvia mentions that Lillian has had a baby boy.
5 December 1944
Sylvia writes that she received a bad grade on an exam, and has received seven letters from him that day.
10 December 1944
Sylvia mentions Bess, then responds to his letters.
12 December 1944
Sylvia writes that she has sent Moe cigarettes. She also studied some math the day before, and mentioned Mad.
13 December 1944
Sylvia describes a restaurant she enjoyed, saying it reminded her of another restaurant they had eaten in together.
14 December 1944
Sylvia tells him there are more packages on the way, and sympathizes over cigarette situation. She also mentions Mad.
16 December 1944
Sylvia describes a decadent lunch in a French restaurant, and mentions Bess.
Sylvia writes about various friends she has spent time with like Mad, Ben, Marge and her mother. Mad and Ben's son returned from school late., and Ben drank too much wine at dinner.
6 December 1944
Sylvia says she promises to live up to Moe's expectations, tells him not to apologize for not writing as much as he should, and draws him a Home Sweet Home sign.
22 December 1944
Sylvia writes that she has not received any letters from Moe lately, and mentions Adele who is on vacation.
23 December 1944
Sylvia talks about Marge and Joe, and mentions Adele. Her father called and says he and her mother plan to come home for Christmas and then return to Florida.
25 December 1944
Sylvia describes Christmas for everyone noting that David is especially happy. She also responds to Moe's letters and writes that she agrees with him in that she has "no sympathy for the Germans."
26 December 1944
Sylvia writes that she is worried by all the news she reads about the war.
30 December 1944
Sylvia took her mother to the dentist, and went to Mad's for dinner. She also notes that Ben managed to get five packs of cigarettes and will send him some.
2 January 1945
Sylvia describes her lunch with Ben and Artie at Lindy's.
3 January 1945
Sylvia writes that she just purchased a new suit for $9.98, when it's impossible to get a deal on anything. Also she heard from her father about Alvin and gives Moe his address.
5 January 1945
Sylvia writes that she loved Moe's letters and that they will be sending cigarettes to him soon.
Sylvia described a show she went to called the 7 Lively Arts and responds to Moe's letters. the first page of the letter is typed
6 January 1945
Sylvia writes that Moe's Xmas letter is the best she has ever received, and mentions Mad and Hy.
7 January 1945
Sylvia writes that she has received Moe's package of perfume. She says she wears the bracelet he got her all the time now. Sylvia also mentions that she ate at Mad's.
8 January 1945
Sylvia says her mother was happy to receive Moe's gift. Her father went back to Florida, and she describes him as "pathetic."
9 January 1945
Sylvia writes that they saw her dad off to Florida, notes that her mother is experiencing menopausal depression. Sylvia tells Moe not to worry about her.
January 11, 1945
Sylvia writes that her mother has become very ill.
January 12, 1945
Sylvia writes that she has been feeling nostalgic, and that Mad and her mother are both doing better.
January 13, 1945
Sylvia mentions Ben, Bess M., and Hy, and talks about the difficulty of getting cigarettes.
January 14, 1945
Sylvia is excited because Moe has been in Paris. Features a sketch of the Eiffel Tower.
January 16, 1945
Sylvia describes a play called "Harvey," and mentions Bess.
January 17, 1945
Sylvia talks about the news she has heard about the Russians advancing.
January 19, 1945
Sylvia mentions her mother, Joe, Marge, Daniel and David. Also says she will prepare another package for Moe.
January 20, 1945
Sylvia writes that she is still sleeping at her mother's. She also saw a "screwy" movie with Marlene Dietrich.
January 21, 1945
Sylvia writes that everyone is snowed in and the car is frozen as well.
January 22, 1945
Sylvia writes that she is happy to hear about the Russians, then responds to Moe's letters.
January 23, 1945
Sylvia spoke to Olga, and went to Cooper Union regarding an art course she wants to take. She also comments on David Abbot meeting Moe in Paris earlier.
January 24, 1945
Sylvia read about a particular corporal and says it is too bad Moe doesn't have a corporal like that, she also mentions her mother and David.
Sylvia spoke to Hy, and remarks on the freezing weather. She also brings up the ever active subject of cigarettes.
January 27, 1945
Written from museum of modern art: Sylvia visited his parents, and saw Margie. She also learned that Joe had a relapse.
January 30, 1945
Sylvia mentions David, her mother and her father. She writes that father called, asking to come home but that she talked him out of it.
January 31, 1945
Sylvia stood in line for cigarettes, then went to a union meeting.
February 1, 1945
Sylvia received a card with pictures of soldiers from Jay and Davie who think one of the soldiers in the picture is Moe, but she doesn't agree.
Sylvia saw Mad's new baby
February 2, 1945
Written from a beauty parlor: Sylvia mentions Moe's mother, Adele, Sam, Beth and his brother Ben
February 4, 1945
Sylvia spent time at Mad's, and went to her mother's. She then responded to Moe's letters.
February 5, 1945
Sylvia writes that she has an exam the next day.
February 7, 1945
Sylvia talks about the difficulty of getting to work on time, an visited Mad and Ben. Sylvia also had to get a new license for the car.
Sylvia went to lunch with supervisor, she finds her supervisor annoying.
February 10, 1945
Sylvia mentions that Mad told her Joe is feeling better, and she recounts Mad's telling her the story of Mildred Solomon's little brother.
Sylvia received a letter from Sam B. saying he hopes he can meet Moe.
February 12, 1945
Sylvia visited with Mad, and played with David and Daniel. She also mentioned Bess.
February 13, 1945
Sylvia recounts her visit with Olga.
February 14, 1945
This letter is form valentines' day, and in it Sylvia thanks Moe for the flowers he sent. Sylvia also mentions that she is planning to go to a lecture on psychoanalysis with Sarah F.
February 16, 1945
Sylvia writes about how on the way to the lecture she stopped at a bar and read a book on the psycho. While there she was approached by a strange woman who talked about her mother's impact on her.
Sylvia tells Moe that it was a slow day at work, and that she went to see his parents. She also mentions that she learned that Joe is not feeling good again.
February 18, 1945
Sylvia describes a play at the Provincetown Playhouse called "The Sorcerer."
February 19, 1945
Sylvia saw Alfred, Alice and Archer at Mad's. She describes them as "divine." She also refers to a letter of Moe's in which a guy is sentenced to life imprisonment for refusing to drill.
February 20, 1945
Sylvia went to a Selective Services Board meeting.
February 21, 1945
Sylvia heard that Moe is out of the danger area through Marge. She also responds to his letters and remarks on the good job the Russians have done.
February 24, 1945
Sylvia heard from Marge that a guy in Moe's unit got furlough.
February 25, 1945
Sylvia went to the theater with Bess and Ruth.
February 26, 1945
Sylvia complains about her boss. She says that her boss thinks she is more attractive than Sylvia is.
February 27, 1945
Sylvia describes her marriage to Moe as "ideal."
1 March 1945
Sylvia had shish kabobs with Sarah F. and Esther S.
Sylvia thanks Moe for the Chanel no. 5, she says it makes her feel like a kept woman.
2 March 1945
This note is within a card that features a Russian couple in traditional costume. The card was "Produced for Russian War Relief, Inc." Within the note Sylvia thanks Moe for the perfume he sent her again.
Sylvia mentions his mother, Ben and Eddie.
3 March 1945
Sylvia went to Mad's house, she also bought Moe some cracker jack, then responded to his letters.
4 March 1945
Sylvia notes that Moe has been in the service for two years and does not want it to be a third year.
5 March 1945
Sylvia mentioned Bess and Ruth and the psychiatric files she must go over. She has just received ten letters from him.
6 March 1945
Sylvia went to Mad's house for dinner, and has read four of his letters so far.
7 March 1945
Sylvia informs Moe that they are being evicted because the landlord wants to move someone else in. She spoke with a lawyer who said the landlord has to give her at least eight months since she is the wife of a soldier.
9 March 1945
Sylvia has dinner with her parents, and visits with Ruth.
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