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to Libbie Elmore
29 October 1864
Elmore, Bruce, fl. 1862-1865
They have been foraging and they have been successful in their efforts. Willard was sent to a hospital in Nashville. He continues to worry about her health.
2 November 1864
They have been preparing for a march for several days. They are hoping to gain a foothold before Lee's army can bother them. He hopes Libbie can sell the farm to that man. He is owed ten months pay.
8 November 1864
He speculates on when they will get paid and what he will do if he gets the money. They have marched out of camp and back again. While their pay is late, they were told to take their bonds.
circa 1861-1864
He assumes her father must be home by now. Tomorrow it will be ten months since they were last paid. He notes that it must be hard on those families that have nothing but the wages of their husband to depend on.
23 October 1864
He says that when Father corrects the mistakes in the deed for their farm he should note that that it was done before signing. Willard is feeling no worse nor better.
He still hasn't been paid. She will have to manage to pay taxes herself.
Letter is completely faded.
Daily Diary
November 29, 1864 - December 7, 1864
He describes his movements and places of encampment. for each day.
January 21, 1865
Peskey is down with chronic diarrhea. Dekay is well. He heard Willard is doing great. They get some clothes but they really need more clothes.
December 8, 1864
Includes a daily diary through Dec. 24th. He has sent some money because they finally received eight months pay.
December 17, 1864
He enjoyed the childrens' picture. They started from Atlanta and have been destroying railroads and burning cotton whereever they go. They had good food on the march. Written near Savannah, Georgia
December 31, 1864
He mentions Sherman's army and their strategies. They are owed four months pay now. He suspects taxes will be high this years. Written near Savannah, Georgia
8 January 1865
He advises her to sell all but a cow or a hog if she feels she needs one. He wishes he could have seen the children on Christmas morning. he has felt unwell. Emmit was badly wounded. Written near Savannah, Georgia
January 14, 1865
He hopes the proposed bill to raise the soldiers' wages passes. They are trying to bribe the soldiers into renlisting for another two years when their time is up with 30 day furlough and a bounty. He mentions the lack of vegetables and the need for...
He asks for tobacco and mittens.
He received some woolen gloves. He gives the health status of mutual acquaintances.
January 20, 1865
They received orders to pack up and move and he thinks they will stay at their new camp site until the trains come. He wonders whether it would be a good idea to invest the money they make from the sale of the farm in bonds. Was written near...
January 13, 1865
He says they are still stuck in a Carolina swamp. Captain Bruin has just come to the regiment. Back side features an order to guards and patrolmen. Written near Savannah, Georgia
January 24, 1865
Bruce writes that he doesn't know what the Rebels are fighting for since they have no hope of whipping their armies. He is disappointed to learn she has not yet sold the farm. Willard has not felt better in a long time. Written near Savannah, Georgia
January 30, 1865
They have been on the march some of the time each day. They had to clean and fix the roads because the Rebels had filled them with timber. There was some skirmishing once they camped.
March 12, 1865
He describes his movements since leaving Robertsville. He says South Carolina will not be able able to recover for a long time for they have destroyed theeir railroads and public property.
March 13, 1865
They may go somewhere nearer the coast but they are not sure yet. Everyone is doing well and no one has been killed or wounded lately.
March 30, 1865
He received berries and tobacco from her for which he is very grateful. They should get some new clothes soon. Lt. Brown went foraging with a party of men the other day and was attacked by the Rebels.
3 April 1865
He is glad she is selling hay for an extra profit but warns her not to work too hard.
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