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[Watercolor of Indian family standing in front of a teepee]
Appears to be trimmed down. Associated with two 1849 issues of "The Chugg Water Journal" from Fort Laramie (see GLC05067.01 and GLC0567.02).
to William H. Lyttelton (marked "copy")
December 7, 1759
Ellis, Henry, 1721-1806
Georgia Governor Ellis responds to South Carolina Governor Lyttelton's letter about illicit trade with the Cherokee Indians occurring in Georgia. Expresses his desire to discipline those involved with selling arms and ammunition to the Cherokee....
to John Rae, Lachlan McGillivray, Francis McCartan, and others
Circular letter from Georgia Governor Ellis to the merchants and storekeepers in Augusta, Georgia. Informs the merchants that he has learned from South Carolina Governor William H. Lyttelton of their involvement in "a clandestine and most...
[Engraving of Ulysses S.Grant]
Accompanied an unrelated note written by Grant (see GLC06035.01).
Memorial to Congress, Adopted at a Meeting of Citizens at the Rooms of the Chamber of Commerce
January 18, 1861
Booth, William A., fl. 1861
Signed in print by William A. Booth as committee chair and twenty seven other New Yorkers. The memorial, printed a few months before the outbreak of the Civil War, was made in an effort to maintain peace. It appointed a committee that met on 26...
to Wendell P. Garrison
4 January 1868
Higginson, Thomas W., 1823-1911
Writes to Garrison, the son of William Lloyd Garrison, about the "Slave Songs" Garrison sent him: "I certainly ought to have acknowledged the receipt of the Slave Songs...I think that you and your wife (who was the pioneer) have great reason to be...
[Illinois Poll Book for electors the election of 1840]
November 1840
Partially printed precinct poll book for presidential electors in New Lessington, Illinois. Abraham Lincoln was listed among those running to be an elector (he lost). The names of registered voters are written (in the same hand) down the left side...
[Slavery laws of the Indiana Territory]
17 September 1807
Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841
Approved by Harrison and also signed by Jesse B. Thomas as Speaker of the House and B. Chambers as President of the Council (this is a copy). Title continues: "Laws of the Indiana Territory Comprising those Acts formerly in force and as Revised...
22 May 1885
Purvis, Robert, 1810-1898
Writing to the son of William Lloyd Garrison, Purvis, an abolitionist and civil rights leader, answers several queries about the birth dates and places, deaths, and locations of important events among old guard abolitionists. He mentions James...
[Two letters by Harrison Stearns, a former slave, to the wife of his former master] [Decimalized .01-.02]
to Mary Jane Ferris Stearns
16 November 1867
Stearns, Harrison, fl. 1868
In response to a letter from Mary, the wife of his former master, William F. Stearns, Harrison, a freed slave, offers condolence for William's death and inquires about a gift of land William promised him. Writes in part: "You said something bout...
January 14, 1868
Harrison, a freed slave, writes to Mary, the wife of his former master, William F. Stearns, to inform her that he received the deed for the gift of land William promised him (see GLC08945.01) and has had it recorded. Thanks her and indicates he will...
[Resignation as the Director and President of the Freedom Manufacturing Company]
Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895
Addressed to the companies Board of Directors. Accompanied by an (unrelated) engraving of Douglass by Augustus Robin of New York (see GLC08948.02).
Autographs for freedom
Griffiths, Julia, fl. 1895
An anthology of signed articles, poems, etc., by men and women prominent in the anti-slavery movement. Includes Frederick Douglass's "The Heroic Slave." The signatures are in facsimile. Published by John P. Jewett and Company for the Rochester...
[Report on the status of U. S. colored troops in the Department of the Cumberland]
10 October 1864
Mussey, Reuben D., 1833-1892
Detailed account regarding recruitment, military efficiency, and attitude of whites toward colored troops in the Department of the Cumberland. Mussey has just suceeded Major George L. Stearns as "commisioner for organization U. S. Colored troops in...
to Calvin Colton
2 September 1843
Clay, Henry, 1777-1852
Suggestions for a pamphlet opposing Abolitionists. "Shew that the agitation of the question in free states will first destroy all harmony and finally lead to disunion. That the consequences of disunion - perpetual War - the extinction of the...
Two orders by George McClellan during the Mexican War [Decimalized .01-.02]
McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885
Order No 12
26 September 1846
Orders to his company of engineers on board the "Clinton" stating that there is no smoking between decks, only officers are allowed in certain areas, roll calls will be at Reveille, Retreat, and Tattoo, inspections will be nightly, gives schedule for...
Orders no 25
4 May 1847
Orders his men to "lead the march to the enemy capital," of Mexico City, during the Mexican War. Warns his men not to straggle as "The impotent & cowardly enemy propose to wage the war of the assassin - war to the knife." Promises that soon they...
General orders - No. 281.
8 September 1847
Scott, H.L. (Henry Lee), 1814-1886
Proceedings of a Court Martial for 29 soldiers accused & convicted "of desertion to the enemy" during the Mexican War. The men, all privates, all pleaded not guilty, all were sentenced "to be hanged by the neck until dead." Three, who deserted...
[Petition of a free black to become a slave of a master of her choice]
May 1863
Calvin, Agnes, fl. 1863
Petitions for the right to choose her master. States that since she is "a free person of Africa descent" she is entitled to "choose a master for herself and two said children," and the "petitioner makes choice of J.S.H. Hossack to become her master...
Memorial of the Pennsylvania State Equal Rights' League, to the Legislature of Pennsylvania
January 20, 1865
Pennsylvania State Equal Rights' League
Asks that the government force companies operating public trolleys to allow black passengers. Public trolleys run by private companies had been routinely barring black passengers from their cars. Signed in text by a number of citizens, including...
Letter regarding Congressional order and broadsheet of the order [Decimalized .01-.02]
Letter from Alexander Hamilton to Simeon Baldwin requesting compliance with a Congress' order to compile all federal salaries, and a broadsheet with the order printed out.
[Commission of Gideon Stebbins]
February 14, 1776
Hancock, John, 1737-1793
Countersigned by Charles Thomson. Partially printed appointment of Gideon Stebbins to Second Lieutenant in the Army of the United States Colonies. Accompanied by two signed payrolls for militia commanded by Stebbins during Shays' rebellion. The...
Alexander Hamilton letter and engraving [Decimalized]
26 September 1794
[Engraving of a young Alexander Hamilton]
Note signed by Frederick Reynolds indicates the image was engraved in mezzotint and printed in color. Accompanied (but unrelated to) GLC02908.01.
to John Cripps
6 January 1854
Gadsden, James, 1788-1858
Writes to his Secretary regarding an upcoming reception at which he does not want to be present. Forwards a letter from J.B. Crocket of San Francisco (not included) who he wants Cripps to assist in deciphering a grant. Is still awaiting the notes...
February 5, 1854
Annoyed with his Secretary regarding the conference notes he has been expecting since possibly March 1853 (see GLC03587.01 and .07). He has exposed Ward, and President Pierce has taken Gadsden's side. Gadsden is only disappointed that the provision...
February 22, 1854
Writes to his Secretary reporting that the treaty is before the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations and expects a favorable decision which he hopes will upset Ward. Recaps the road to their success but adds a few caveats relating to unwanted...
9 March 1854
Scolds his Secretary for not writing by the last mail. Expresses disappointment over the Committee on Foreign Affairs' slowness in passing the treaty due to the "absorbing" Nebraska debate. Feels that the President's amendments will return an...
March 22, 1854
Tells his Secretary that the treaty is still being decided upon by the Committee on Foreign Relations and hopes for a speedy decision. Rants about politics and opines as to the way things should be done. Discusses personal news. Postmarked 22...
7 May 1856
Writes about his voyage back to Charleston and how the sea air reminds him of home. Reports having received a letter from Washington discussing "angry correspondence on both sides-this must either be Marcy or Pickett." Asks Cripps to store his...
23 May 1856
Writes to his Secretary about his longer-than-expected journey from Vera Cruz. Discusses his family and personal news. Mentions an upcoming lecture given by Dr. Lynch on the Toleration of Catholicism. Mentions the possibility, and fear, of a war...
23 June 1856
Written in the hand of John T. Pickett. Gadsden writes to his Secretary to promptly fix what will become Gadsden's recall. He writes that his recall is wanted by Hargous, Aspinwall, and Marcy so they may plunder Mexico without being watched....
[Call for applications to join a Corps of Field Engineers for the defense of Philadelphia]
Committee of Defence (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Calls for 100 men to serve as artillerists. Indicates pay will be the same as artificers in the United States Army. The committee was authorized to raise the corps by the General Committee of Philadelphia.
[Announces that the Corps of Field Engineers will fortify the defenses of Philadelphia]
Indicates that a company of artillery will be devoted to building a defense of ports and obstructing the British army's approach during the War of 1812. The company would be outfitted with tools. They would come from the Corps of Field Engineers...
[Provision of Fortifications indispensable to the defense of Philadelphia] [French]
Fonciu, John, fl. 1814
Fonciu, a French officer who had lived in Philadelphia, was Jonathan Williams' chief assistant in the volunteer association of field engineers organized by Philadelphia's Committee of Defence.
[Request for John Biddle to report to Dr. Robert M. Patterson and join the Corps of Field Engineers]
Williams, Jonathan, 1750-1815
Biddle is identified as a member of the topographical engineers. Patterson had been appointed the chief engineer and organizer of the corps (see GLC02978.01) by the Philadelphia Committee of Defence. Williams signed this letter as "Chief Engineer."
[Request for Dr. Robert M. Patterson to continue building a fortification]
Asks Patterson, the chief engineer of the Corps of Field Engineers, to "direct & continue the operations on the heights next of Schuylkill [River] without delay.
to Robert M. Patterson
Tells Patterson, the chief engineer of the Corps of Field Engineers, that a man named Jonathan Jones, who knows the local terrain, can provide assistance to the topographical engineers. Also notes a man named Spencer Sargeant will be retained for...
Requests that Patterson, the chief engineer of the Corps of Field Engineers, report whether or not a man named Dr. Paschall consented to having his grounds entered and upon what terms. Also asks him to report on others who had consented to have...
to Jonathan Williams
Patterson, Robert M., 1787-1854
Patterson, the chief engineer of the Corps of Field Engineers, reponds to Williams' request (see GLC02978.09). Indicates that Dr. Paschall refused to allow works to be built upon his land, but may consent if the works are not near his buildings...
General Committee of Defence For the City and Liberties of Philadelphia
Goodman, John, fl. 1814
Applauds the formation of the Volunteer Associations for the Defence of the City and County of Philadelphia and outlines the authority vested in the Committee of Defence. Indicates that the rules governing its formation are prescribed by law, that...
Reports that the General Committee of Defence had an interview with the Pennsylvania governor about the formation of a corps of engineers and pioneers. Governor Simon Snyder agreed to commission them as volunteers that could be called into service...
Discusses expanding the Corps of Field Engineers & Pioneers. Hopes Patterson, the chief engineer, has decided to become the first captain, which Williams asked of him in GLC02978.12, and will help decide who else become officers. Claims Patterson's...
to Robert M. Patterson [French]
[Response to objections to the plans of the Philadelphia General Committee of Defence] [French]
Notes that "Certain observations in the Aurora...seem to disapprove of the system...of combining field fortifications with the maneuvers of troops for the defence of Philadelphia" during the War of 1812. Those who disprove recommend replacing...
[Response to objections to the plans of the Philadelphia General Committee of Defence]
Wright, W.E., fl. 1814
Reports that, in accord with Patterson's "request & to accelerate the works," he has given a lot of assistance in the previous twenty days. Indicates that some on the Philadelphia General Committee of Defence have observed that he did so without...
Eckstein, Frederick, fl. 1814
Seeks an explanation for why his name was omitted from the list of persons on the volunteer association of field engineers organized by Philadelphia's Committee of Defence. Recounts his admirable service thus far and notes that "The corps was to be...
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