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to Richard H. Jackson
4 December 1863
Cafferty, R.P., fl. 1861-1864
He writes it will be impossible to come see Richard now as they are very busy. He has not seen Martha since his departure,
13 December 1863
Merritt, John B., fl. 1861-1864
He writes he is glad to hear of the death of those "inhuman monsters." It is not clear what he is referring to since he he says they can stand on their hind legs. He relays the news that a steamboat was destroyed by fire. Describes a surprise party...
December 17, 1863
Gibbons, Patrick F., fl. 1861-1864
He writes that he finds Richard's letters very interesting and hopes he will visit Boston soon. He mentions their friend Samuel.
December 31, 1863
He writes that someone [illegible] is capable of performing the duties of a wife for him.
15 October 1861
Armstrong, J.A., fl. 1861-1864
No year. He inquires about Fred Snow whom he has not seen in a long time. He wishes he was down in Dixie as he is "heart sick" of New York.
3 April 1861
Chapple, James, fl. 1861-1865
No year. He mentions Mary Cranston whom he forgot to ask a favor of. He invites Richard over for the weekend.
4 December 1861
No year. He gives the news about his family who are mostly sick and inquires about Fred Snow. Gus Snow "went to war with the Treasury of the Perry Base Ball Club..."
10 October 1870
He describes the Boat Club Championship race.
to Brother (Richard H. Jackson)
6 July 1865
Jackson, Lizzie, fl. 1865
She writes that they are to have a picnic for the returning soldiers but she had to turn down the invitation because he is not there to go with her.
18 April 1865
He writes about the effect of Lincoln's death.
21 May 1865
Jennie, fl. 1859-1897
She complains this is the most lonesome place she has ever been and they couldn't hire her to stay another Sunday.
March 27,1863
Martin, fl. 1861-1864
He notes that his love of adventure is not yet satisfied, yet he thinks it would be after two years of military service. He writes that Richard's mother wants very much to receive a letter from him.
to R.
10 July 1872
Jackson, Richard H., fl. 1861-1865
Dundee Lake paid {illegible} to be either straight army or half distance to turn stakebond.
to G. H.
11 July 1872
He wants a badge not to exceed in cost more than $100.
Kay, G.H., fl. 1872
He accepts Jackson's challenge to make a badge not to excceed the value of $100.
23 December 1870
Kigh, R., fl. 1870
Two men called at his company yesterday. After an hour he found out they'd made arrangements with a broker who was an intimate friend of one of them.
to Friend
23 July 1863
Coachman, M.N., fl. 1863
He received his letter enclosing copy of testimonials. Then saw Mr. Soder who promised his full cooperation securing a position for the recipient of this letter.
to Friend Joel
15 July 1859
Evarts, William Maxwell, 1818-1901
missing pages. He describes a journey through the Northern part of the state. He found a deserted log cabin.
to Sir
6 January 1873
Langbein, Julius, fl. 1873
Invitation to plan a reunion for the Hawkins Zoaves.
February 3, 1873
Close, Fred N., fl. 1873
He apologizes for not being able to attend the social and being too busy to write sooner.
January 25, 1870
He is happy because his watch was recovered in response to an advertisement he put out. Then he reminises about the times they spent with Harry and Joe and asks him to come up several times.
January 12, 1870
W.D.B., fl. 1870
He has taken his old position in the Office of Cashier but does not expect it to last long. Allie Halsted came to visit and they went up to Warwick. His mother intends to give up the store.
[Resolution Adopted at the Annual Reunion of the Hawkins Zoaves]
2 June 1888
They resolve to one day meet the members of the 3rd Georgia Regiment as friends, under the US flag.
Report of the First Reunion of the Society of the Burnside Expedition and Ninth Army Corps.
7 July 1869
The first reunion was successful. They created a Roll of Honor which includes all the names of officers and soldiers in the Burnside Expedition and Ninth Army Corp and a constitution. The next meeting will be held at Niagara Falls.
8 June 1863
Jackson, Henry, fl. 1861-1864
His father acknowledges the receipt of his letter of the 5th. He says there is no news to report.
18 August 1863
They are glad to hear of his safety and continued satisfaction with the current situation. He met one of his acquaintances. He mentions Mrs. Foster's brothers who were drafted..
8 September 1863
He mentions Mr. Allen Foster who is laid up with boils on his leg. They took a trip to Coney Island where they met Gus Snow. Mrs. Bennett is suffering from inflammation from the lungs.
13 September 1863
very faded, cannot be read.
20 September 1863
He has sent his son a watch and hopes he is pleased with it. He mentions the Miss Kennedys. H. Fulton arrive on Tuesday but brought no letter from Richard.
1 October 1863
He has not heard from his son in a while and is worried something may have happened to him.
8 October 1863
He is very glad to have finally heard from the Richard as there was an irregularity with the mail, On page 2, there is a picture of a castle-like building. He includes some figures from his bank book.
16 October 1863
He is disappointed not to have received a letter by the last post, but acknowledges the receipt of the 40 dollars he sent.
1 November 1863
He is happy to find his son in good health. The weather in Central Park has improved but soon winter will come and people will be skating. Last page is written over.
10 November 1863
He writes there is great anxiety over the fall of Sumter which appears to hold out. He also mentions a party for Mrs. Watson that has been postponed.
15 November 1863
On the front page there is a sketch of a Hawkins' Zouave with a long, stretched out neck. He writes that that he was hired to drive a wagon and deliver goods uptown for [illegible] but looks like Duncan's Sons for $8 a week. Also, he says Mr...
18 November 1863
He acknowledges that the he has recived the $50.
3 December 1863
He writes that he has received two letters from Richard. He is fine and has been getting the hang of his new job.
5 December 1863
He remarks that Richard has grown much more comfortable since going through several hardships than he was at the beginning. Mr. Stewart recommends he make his acquaintance with with a Mr. A. Keeling, who was once enlisted but is now living in...
14 December 1863
He has sent the diary that Richard requested.
December 19, 1863
He mentions a John who received a letter from Richard and intends to settle up with him after Christmas.
December 27, 1863
He writes that on Christmas, he and Richard's mother passed the time with Mr. and Mrs. Watson. He is preparing for General Corcoran's funeral.
3 January 1864
They spent time with the Watsons again. He names everything they ate.
5 January 1864
He has sent Richard another diary.
January 12, 1864
He writes about the weather mainly and how there has been excellent sleighing.
January 21, 1864
He writes about the performance of "Barney Williams and his Wife.."
January 14, 1862
Maxwell, Celia, fl. 1861-1864
She mentions various friends: Carry, Mary Harrison, Miss Haller, etc.
March 31, 1862
Charley, fl. 1861-1864
He complains that Richard never writes and wants to know if he is made at him. He then calls attention to the fact that Richard is writing to more than one lady.
8 April 1862
He writes that he enjoys Richard's letters. He is with his friend Charley and asks why he cannot get a furlough to come to New York.
10 April 1862
Watson, Sam, fl. 1861-1864
He apologizes for not responding sooner and praises the youth that are risking their lives for their country. The subject of Martha and her activities comes up.
28 April 1862
He informs Richard that Theodore had been sick recently. He also mentioned that he better be careful when writing to Miss Watson and Miss Milligan.
11 May 1862
He writes that the wounded of his regiment have come into town. The last page is an army song called "Marching Song."
24 May 1862
Watson describes Richard's father's wedding. He notes that he saw Martha who told him Mr. Snow saw his father and told him about his regiment.
7 June 1862
Fred, fl. 1861-1864
His friend tells him the story of how he got back to New York starting with when he left Roanoke Island.
16 June 1862
Ingersoll, N.H., fl. 1861-1864
The letter requests several items such as pants, bully cap, blanket, dishes, revolver, etc.
22 June 1862
He praises him on his mature attitude toward his father's marriage. Then goes on about how interesting the news about the war is, expecially Burnside and McClellan.
to Blanche Kelso Bruce
January 11, 1878
Peterson, Alex, fl. 1878
January 22, 1878
Burnwell, A., fl. 1878
writes he is in great distress because he has heard nothing favorable toward his application for employment. asks Bruce to use his influence.
January 31, 1878
Pierce, J.H., 1826-1908
asks what Scruggs' chances are in getting the clerkship position.
21 October 1879
Tarbell, J., fl. 1879
"writing on behalf of the colored women of this city..." asks if he can find work for a sewing girl, among others.
22 October 1879
writes that she received a letter from J.R Smith who mentioned alternatives in case he can't be appointed.
15 October 1879
writes that Miss Burnett is probably suffering at home from lack of supplies.
15 April 1878
Taibu, fl. 1878
writes about different bills up for vote in the senate.
9 March 1878
Steward, Ross J., fl. 1878
writes the legislature will adjourn on the 23rd and if the place can be secured, he shall be ready to report for duty April 1st.
8 April 1878
Somerville, Alice J., fl. 1878
wants to know if he has received her application.
January 28, 1878
asks for an appointment as a clerk, counter or copyist.
Simmons, R.A., fl. 1878
thanks him for a copy of the report of the commissioner of agriculture.
Walker, S.A., fl. 1878
asks Bruce to send him a copy of the speeches delivered in eulogy on the life and death of Hon. O.P. Morton.
December 9, 1878
Thorn, R.H., fl. 1878
asks for some indication of the probable action of the Committee on Pensions.
February 27, 1878
James, B.J., fl. 1878-1879
received a copy of publication for which he wants a copy of record for the Wilberforce Reading Room
February 13, 1878
Young, James W., fl. 1878
requests a clerkship position in some department of the government.
January 16, 1879
Hall, P.C., fl. 1876-1878
would like to be appointed to a clerkship instead of re-appointed to collectorship
Harris, E.P., fl. 1878
asks him to use his influence to get him the job of railway mail agent.
5 January 1878
Hammond, E.S., fl. 1878
thanks him for his endorsement of his bid for district attorney even though he did not win.
February 5, 1878
Tindall, Robb S., fl. 1878
has enclosed petitions from both Democrats and Republicans, asking the president to appoint him Consul of Hong Kong.
February 9, 1878
encloses another petition for his appointment as Consul to Hong Kong
December 21, 1878
McClerdie, Nugent, fl. 1878
discusses a legal case involving a "Harry" who has many debts.
Topley, J., fl. 1878
there is an issue that needs to be examined at the land office.
January 13, 1879
praises Bruce: "whites will approve of your action and I am sure the colored people will not forget you when I tell them who had the power to prevent and did prevent a democrat defeating a republican."
January 5,1878
Henderson, H.S., fl. 1878
has put an application for district attorney.
January 15, 1878
Hill, James, fl. 1876-1880
recommends Sidney Brooks for for railray mail agent position.
8 May 1878
Harrison, Nelson, fl. 1878
is sending a volume of agriculture reports.
10 November 1878
Hancock, W.M., fl. 1878
recommends John F. Roe for route agent
10 December 1878
Henderson, J.H., fl. 1877-1878
requests that Bruce recommend him to Hon. Durkee.
January 18, 1878
Daniel, A.K., fl. 1878
recommends Robert Stewart as Post Master.
February 3, 1879
Tate, J. W., fl. 1878
discusses the vacancy left by the current Post Master who has left the country and will probably not return.
12 November 1879
Rollins, Riley, fl. 1878
informs him of the death of his wife. asks about the Green Back Party.
to James Hill
6 March 1879
Sunut, J. R., fl. 1878
has forwarded an application for deputy collector to Hill.
25 September 1879
Richardson, S.H., fl. 1878
enclosing a letter from a mutual friend named Sam.
3 December 1879
Leo, James M., fl. 1878
asks if it is too late to apply for chief supervisor.
March 13, 1879
inquires about his application for deputyship.
Lehman, Chas, fl. 1878-1879
writes of the current challenges and triumphs within the Republican party in Mississippi.
14 October 1879
letter of introduction for Miss Mary Burnett
Petition to Appoint Captain Thomas J. Reid to a Position in the Post Office
January 14, 1879
A group of Republicans are endorsing Capt. Thomas J. Reid.
16 November 1879
Rosenbaum, C., fl. 1879
requests his recommendation for the post office in Meridan.
January 29, 1879
encloses letter of J.Reed who wants to be a route agent.
Ushom, L.N., fl. 1879
requests the procurement of an appointment to a route agency by J.W.S. Dodson.
29 September 1879
Dodson, W.S., fl. 1879
asks for the appointment of route agent.
17 June 1879
Swann, F., fl. 1879
asks him to use his influence to procure clubship for him in the Pension Bureau.
December 7, 1878
Freed, N.D., fl. 1878
in regard to a reduction in the force and class of mail service.
January 16, 1878
Henderson, W.S., fl. 1878
writes that he prefers the office of collector of customs to that of district attorney
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