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to James Winchester
25 September 1802.
Comegys, John, fl. 1802
Thanks for letter, discussion of the current price of cotton, cost of shipping cotton to Europe.
5 January 1803
Williams, Sampson, fl. 1803
Col. McKinney left $40.00 to be sent to General Winchester. Williams would like to borrow the money if the general does not need it immediately. Written at Fort Blount
August 1803
Meigs, Return J., 1782-1851
The author asks Winchester to send a line to Mr. Th. N. Clark "to let him have the articles mentioned.
9 October 1803
Foster, Robert C., fl. 1803
Upcoming election of a senator Was written in the Senate Chamber.
2 November 1803
Overton, John, fl. 1803
Writes regarding Winchester's suit with Evans. Overton hopes to be able to attend the court session, and says he thinks it best that Winchester attend.
December 17, 1803
Deaderick and Satom, fl. 1803
They offer to supply Winchester with "a ton or two" of bar iron, for which he may pay with cotton.
December 19, 1803
Brown, Morgan, fl. 1803
Writer hopes that the bearer, Mr. Alex Bingham, can be released from the draft for the expedition to New Orleans.
20 July 1804
Will forward militia claims that Winchester sends him to the Accountant of the War Department. Thank Winchester for "preventing the contemplated aggression on the Indian lands by the people you mention
30 October 1807
Winchester, William, 1807-?
Has received his brother's instructions and will carry them out to the best of his ability. Reports on his brother's bank account, as well as on his son, who is staying with him.
January 31, 1810
Blount, Willie, fl. 1801-1810
Wishes to receive a statement of the militia of Winchester's brigade as soon as possible.
25 August 1810
Accounts, progress of General Winchester's son Marcus. Marcus has not yet chosen a profession; his uncle urges him to do so and to write his father about it.
The United States in Account current for Contingencies / with Brigadier General James Winchester of the Army.
27 April 1812 - 20 May 1812
List of expenditures from 27 April to 20 May 1812, totaling $10,000.00
Regiment Destined for Detroit
29 July 1812
List of 24 men, arranged in groups ranked 1st through 6th.
Headquarters at Lexington, to Lt. Col. William McMillian.
10 August 1812
Winchester, James, 1725-1826
Orders. McMillan is to pay his troops for July and estimate advance pay for the officers.
Headquarters at Lexington, to Lt. James H. Bryson
11 August 1812.
Winchester countermands his previous orders regarding equipment for transporting troops.
Map of Ohio
9 November 1812
Winchester, Marcus, fl. 1812
Manuscript map of the Ohio river environs, extending north into Canada, west to F. Recovery, south to Kentucky, and east to Pennsylvania.
[January 1813]
January 22, 1813
List of O[…] Supposed to have been killed French […] River Maison in the Action of 22nd Jan. 1813. Two-page list. Charts of totals, entitled "Recapitulation," at the bottom of the second page.
Receipt of payment for service
February 24, 1813
Madison, George, fl. 1813
"by the hands of Brig. General James Winchester," signed by George Madison, Maj., 1st Rifle Regiment, Ky Vol. Militia.
March 15, 1813
"by the hands of Brig. Gen. James Winchester," signed by George Madison, Maj., 1st Rifle Regiment, Ky Vol. Militia.
15 May 1813
Gates, Horatio, 1727-1806
Writes an additional response to Winchester's letter of the 7th. Sends "27 newspapers in a bundle" for Winchester and his fellow prisoners.
to General Glasgow
29 May 1813
The writer requests $1000.00 for himself and his fellow prisoners. States that he delayed this request in the hopes that a treaty would soon be signed and they would be released, but finds that they will need the money unless they are freed...
3 July 1813
Overton, Jim, fl. 1813
Informs him of the news from home. His friends and family are well; the suit with Jackson and Evans was heard in court. No decision has yet been rendered.
to Captain Francis Kempt
"I am told you object to my having Joseph Cains as a servant on the grounds that … he was born in the East Indies and possibly in those parts…owned or possessed by your Government." The writer proposes another servant for himself and two more for...
3 June 1813
"by the hands of Brig. Gen. James Winchester," signed by George Madison, Maj., 1st Rifle Regiment, Ky Vol. Militia. Written at Beauport
to mayor Thomas Apinwall
5 July 1813
Cranston, F.H., fl. 1813
The writer explains the circumstances of his capture. It appears that British vessels were mistaken for American ones. Written at Beauport
Receipt of partial payment for service
30 July 1813
Clark, John P., fl. 1813
"by the hands of Brig. Gen. Jas. Winchester," signed by John P. Clarke, Lieut. 5th U.S. Artillery. Written at Beauport
9 August 1813
for service from Gen. Winchester, signed by John P. Clarke. Written at Beauport
19 August 1813
Kempt, Francis, fl. 1813
Kempt writes from a transport ship, which will be leaving early the following day. He will therefore be unable to visit Winchester and his fellow officers. Encloses "reasons for declining doing the General duty of an agent for Prisoners of War," as...
Receipt for clothing
2 October 1813
Partmatlin, John, fl. 1813
"Received from the British Government one jacket, one pair trousers, one vest, one shirt & one blanket for which I am accountable to the U. States' Government." Five reception vouchers, each marked with an x by a U.S. soldier.
27 October 1813
Smith, James, fl. 1813
The writers state that what Mr. Montrath has said concerning their behavior is untrue. They would like General Winchester to write to General Glasgow so that he will not believe any such false reports. Written at Beauport
15 November 1813
Scott, William W., fl. 1813
Writes on behalf of Captain Knaggs and himself. Hopes that the recent exchange of two officers may be a "prelude for others." Hopes for General Winchester's release, as well as their own Written at Beauport
22 November 1813
Change in servants' rationing.
December 21, 1813
Van de Vinter, Christopher, fl. 1813
Plea for assistance. Van De Vinter hopes that Winchester may be able to effect "some mitigation of the rigor with which… [he is] bound." Along with Captain Roach and Lt. Smith, Van De Vinter has been held in solitary confinement. He is unwilling to...
24 December 1813
Polk, Lt. David P., fl. 1813
Thanks for Winchester's advice and encouragement. Polk is glad to hear that Winchester is residing in private quarters, rather than in prison. He informs Winchester that the non-commissioned officers have written him recently regarding "the many...
February 13, 1813
Appeals for funds on behalf of the non-commissioned officers. Also asks for news, since "a 'death like silence' reigns here." Sends respects to Winchester's fellow officers, concluding, "I quiet the rising perturbations of youth when I place before...
3 March 1814
Lenard, fl. 1814
Acknowledges receipt of Winchester's letter, says that he has communicated its Re to the American officers. He is happy to report that the men are "fully sensible of the high responsibility on which they stand to themselves and the American Army."...
March 25, 1814
Polk, David P., fl. 1814
Thanks Winchester for the loan of $25.00 and encloses repayment. Also requests promotion to 1st lieutenancy. Written at Quebec Prison, Quebec, Canada.
to Maria Breedlove
3 November 1814
"I sometime ago offered you your choice of my negresses ….I have not heard of your making a selection. I also offered you a choice of my riding horses. …
to Andrew Jackson
24 November 1814
Richard, William Smith, fl. 1814
Request for an additional doctor "at the special instance [sic] of Captain Laval" because the regular surgeon, Dr. Armstrong, is ill.
December 8, 1814
General Winchester writes his daughter on the subject of women's dress. He has just returned from a ball, which he attended out of curiosity to see the local ladies, whom he found them much less attractive than the women of Quebec. He adds a...
15 December 1814
Robertson, William H., fl. 1814
The size of the fleet at Bon Secour exceeds former reports. Also, Admiral Sterling's surgeon came ashore at Pensacola to attend Lavall and Tilournoy. Written at Bon Secour
[Report on the movements of ships in the vicinity of Petit Bois, N. Island and R. Island.]
December 17, 1814 - December 20, 1814
Hobart, Philip, fl. 1814
Report on the movements of ships in the vicinity of Petit Bois, N. Island and R. Island. Note: A transcript exists. A note on the transcript reads: "Evidently a report on movements of the British fleet in the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of the...
22 December 1814
Gaines, George S., fl. 1814
Gaines lacks time to write himself, but encloses a report, which contains information Winchester wants about navigation. Apologizes for extraneous detail about "removal of the Factory."
Arbuckle, Matthew, 1776-1851
Asks Winchester to appoint an officer to the position of Assistant Adjutant General to help maintain order in the camp.
December 27, 1814
McIntosh, fl. 1814
Awaits instructions, reports on latest movements of his troops and British forces. Concludes from intelligence received from Indians that an attack on Georgia may be expected.
December 31, 1814
Winston, William O., fl. 1814
Charges of drunk and disorderly conduct against General Coulter, commander of a militia brigade from East Tennessee.
January 15, 1815
Taylor, Nathaniel, fl. 1815
Writes regarding removal of Creek prisoners of war. The Chippewa claim that the prisoners are their property and do not wish them removed. Taylor awaits further orders from Winchester before acting. Written at Fort Montgomery
[General Orders to James Winchester]
January 6, 1815 - February 12, 1815
Butler, Robert, fl. 1815
1. All surgeons to report to their posts. 2. General Court martial of Col. G. F. Ross of the 44th Infantry "and such prisoners as may be brought before it" to be held on 02/14/1815. Brigadier General James Winchester "hereby authorized to constitute...
Personal letter about family affairs.
March 15, 1815
Long, John B., fl. 1815
Response to Winchester's orders of the 22nd. Current state of the troops.Written at Fort Montgomery
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