Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
"In Memoriam G.A.R." Black cloth ribbon
"In Memoriam G.A.R." Black cloth ribbon with silver lettering. Mounting inscribed: "Worn at the Funeral of Genl. U.S. Grant Aug. 8, 1885."
"239." Black cloth ribbon
"239." Black cloth ribbon with silver lettering and G.A.R. emblem. Mounting inscribed: "Grant Memorial G.A.R.."
"Gen. U.S. Grant Commandery No. 28 K.G.E." Red cloth ribbon
"Gen. U.S. Grant Commandery No. 28 K.G.E." Red cloth ribbon with gold lettering. Mounting inscribed: Knights of the Golden Eagle. Philada. 1892."
Genl. U.S. Grant. G.A.R. Post 5. Black cloth ribbon
"Genl. U.S. Grant. G.A.R. Post 5. Philadelphia. Grant Memorial 1886." Black cloth ribbon with silver lettering. Mounting inscribed: "1886."
To: Churchill C. Cambreleng
Buchanan, James, 1791-1868
Election Predictions for 1840 and the Whigs: " Their hard cider will ... be converted into sour vinegar before the end of the dog days."
To: Samuel Milligan
January 13, 1861
Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875
"I look upon secession as being the prolific mother of anarchy which is the next step to despotism. It is political heresy..." (Johnson wrote 1860 by mistake)
To: Ulysses S. Grant
Directing Grant to issue an order creating the Military Division of the Atlantic, to be commanded by William T. Sherman. (12 days before impeachment)
Affix the seal to the proclomation concerning the eight hours law
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885
Affix the seal to the proclomation creating eight hour work day.
to John G. Bourke
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
"I hate to bring in any question of race origin into our politics, and I want to see us all act simply and purely as Americans."
To: Jean B. Gouvion
06 March 1782
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834
Lafayette informs Lt. Col. Gouvion that, despite his success, he will not be promoted within the French Army. [In French]
To: Benjamin Lincoln.
04 April 1784
Washington, George, 1732-1799
Inserting advertisement into a Gazette of Lincoln's choosing seeking tenants for his western lands.
To: Samuel Athawes
January 8, 1788
Declining to be exectutor of George W. Fairfax's estate following his death.
Farewell Address
November 1796 ca.
Farewell Address, printed in "Resolves of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Together with the messages..."
[Assignment of land to Samuel Ogden]
27 November 1794
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Noted as a copy of the original. A legal agreement made by Henry Knox assigning property to Samuel Ogden and his heirs. The property includes all houses, land, and any other real estate associated with the said assignment. Docket notes 10,670...
to unknown
January 22, 1795
Possibly a draft of a recommendation for a gentleman named John Hills. Discusses the survey and leveling work John Hills provided for him for the last four summers. Also mentions lands in Massachusetts, the Waldo patent lands, and canals.
[Power of attorney]
14 April 1795
Copy of a document officially giving Joseph Peirce the power of attorney.
[Copy of receipts]
May 27 - December 18, 1795
Lists transactions by date. Noted as a copy.
[Copy of notes drawn]
31 August 1795
Meade, George, 1741-1808
Copy of several financial notes drawn by George Meade, listing transactions. Dates range from 13 to 25 May. Also includes a note of receipt dated 27 August and signed by Knox.
[Bills of exchange to Henry Jackson]
20 June 1795
Receipt stating that Jackson has received from Knox bills of exchange. Written in the hand of Knox and signed by Jackson.
Agreement with J. Malcolm & J. Harkness
27 June 1795
Agreement between Knox and James Malcom and John Harkness to survey land. Survey is for Lincolnshire land. Title from docket.
29 June 1795
Receipt of taxes for the town of Cushing. Written in the hand of Knox and signed by Moses Robinson.
[Articles of agreement]
29 August 1795
Articles for an agreement drawn up between Knox and Henry Simpson of Boston, Massachusetts. Discusses issues with land and property.
7 September 1795
Official statement where Knox gives Henry Jackson promissory notes. Countersigned by Joseph Hall.
21 October 1795
Memorandum concerning a soldier.
[Land deed]
27 October 1795
Grants a land deed to Henry Jackson from Knox and his wife. Noted as a copy in the docket.
2 November 1795
Agreement with a Zenas Lathrop regarding the occupation of Brigadier's Island.
Directions to William MacIntosh [incomplete]
Gives directions to a William MacIntosh, who Knox has left in charge of taking care of his house. Bottom of the third and fourth pages are clipped.
[Agreement to pay for work on a canal]
18 November 1795
Receipt regarding work done on a canal and payment for the workers.
[Administration of the Flucker Estate]
Discusses the distribution of the Flucker estate by Henry Knox. Noted as a copy.
[Agreement with George Meade]
Agreement to sell 100,000 acres of land to George Meade for $50,000.
[Obituary notices of children of Henry Knox]
April 27, 1796-January 31, 1798
Contains three items. The first, labeled "From the Centinel- April 27th, 1796," is an obituary for two of Knox's children, Augusta Henrietta and Marcus Bingham. The second, from 24 January 1798, is an obituary for Knox's fourteen-year-old daughter...
16 August 1794
Pintard, John M., ?-1811
Invoice for a pipe and Madeira wine shipped by John Marsden Pintard for Henry Knox.
[Bill of lading for the schooner Paulina]
6 October 1794
Jackson, Henry, 1747-1809
Partially printed. Attests that Henry Jackson is shipping two trunks, five boxes, a keg and some cheese from Boston to Philadelphia. The goods are to be picked up in Philadelphia by Knox or his assigns.
circa 14 May 1795
List of notes by date that Henry Knox endorsed.
12 December 1794
Note of receipt from Henry Knox for $200 of rent. Signed by a John [Laurance ?].
Notes regarding various business, listed by date. Includes a drawing of a pointing hand on the first page.
December 17, 1794
Receipt of Henry Knox for £100. Includes a signature from an E. Lawrence.
8 May 1795
Johnson, Thomas, 1732-1819
Receipt for items Henry Knox bought from Thomas Johnson, including a large bay mare for $250.
17 May 1795
Pillet, René, fl. 1795
Bill of attendance for René Pillet, a French teacher, and includes fees for his services.
[Money order]
25 May 1795
Money order to pay Samuel Hodgdon $1,676. Countersigned by George Meade, though both signatures are struck.
A financial note for the sum of $1500.00 involving Henry Knox, George Meade, and Samuel Hodgdon.
27 May 1795
Johnson, George, fl. 1795
George Meade's signature has been struck. Financial notes drawn by George Meade for Henry Knox. Lists amounts, dates, and payment terms.
[Memorandum of notes]
Notes given from Henry Knox to Henry Jackson. Lists dates and amounts.
[Financial note]
20 October 1795
Promises to pay Benjamin Lincoln $120 on demand with interest.
1 November 1793
Hills, John, fl. 1771-1796
Receipt for $540.90 in cash and $55.49 in provisions paid by Henry Jackson on Henry Knox's account.
Vose, Spencer, fl. 1795-1796
List of tax items levied by Henry Knox for the town of Thomaston, Maine.
February 9, 1797
Greene, Benjamin, fl. 1764-1837
Note of receipt of $200 from Henry Knox.
[Agreement with the 20 Associates]
22 August 1794
Agreement between Knox and "the twenty associates" represented by Charles Barrett regarding lands in the Waldo patent. Establishes the boundaries of the lands owned by the associates, and lists other rules reragding this property. The twenty...
[Agreement with James Swan for land sale]
19 May 1795
Agreement granting 25,000 acres in the Waldo patent from Henry Knox to James Swan, also giving Knox the right to buy the land back at a fixed price.
[Agreement between Henry Knox and George Meade for sale of land]
Articles of agreement between Henry Knox and George Meade regarding Knox selling Meade one hundred thousand acres in the Waldo patent. Part of the last page has been clipped.
Showing results 85,801 - 85,850