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Unidentified union soldier rank obscured, vignette bust portrait
circa 1861-1865
Graphite inscription on verso "ARW." Photographers imprint on verso: "Gibson's Photographic Gallery, Army of Potomac."
Unidentified couple, standing full-length portrait
Image shows one union officer, rank obscured, wearing an officer's hat and greatcoat. The woman is wearing an overcoat and bonnett. The image has been painted. Photographers imprint on verso: "Manchester Bro's. Photographers, 73 Westminster St....
As 1st lieutenant, seated 1/2 length portrait with hands in lap
P.H. Lakin (photographer), fl. 1861-1865
Graphite inscription on verso "P.H. Lakin Photog" "Con C Badger Asst. Surg 34th N.Y. Infty."
As colonel, standing full-length portrait holding sword with both hands
Roberts, George W., fl. 1862-1865
Ink inscription on recto "Colonel Geo. W. Roberts." Graphite inscription on verso "Home at Chicago" "**Book." Ink inscription on verso "He was Commissioned Major of the 42d Regt. Illinois Infantry July 22d 1861, Promoted Nov. 25th 1861 to Lieut. Col...
As colonel, standing full-length portrait wearing white gloves and sword
Brady, Mathew B., 1823-1896
Graphite inscription on recto "Col. Cass." Graphite inscription on verso"Col. Cass of Mass." Photographers imprint on verso: "Published by E. Anthony 501 Broadway New York. From Photographic Negative in Brady's National Portrait Gallery."
As infantry colonel, standing 3/4 length portrait w/ white sharpshooters gloves
Berdan, Hiram, fl. 1823-1893
Ink inscription on recto "Col. Berdan." Graphite inscription on verso "Col. Berdan." Photographers imprint on verso: "Published by E. Anthony 501 Broadway, N.Y. Manufacturer of Photographic Albums. From Photographic Negative in Brady's National...
As captain, standing full-length portrait Napoleon pose with officer's hat
Beslow, M.P., fl. 1861-1865
Blind stamp on recto "J.P. Ball 30 W. 4th St." Graphite inscription on verso "*misc." Ink inscription on verso "M.P. Beslow Capt & A.A.G. 1st Div 21st AC."
As colonel, seated 3/4 length portrait with right hand holding sword
J. Gurney & Son
Similar to GLC 5111.01 #0058. Ink inscription on recto "Col. Blair." Graphite inscription on verso "Col. Blair" "**Book." Photographers imprint on verso: "Photographic Artists J. Gurney & Son. 707 Broadway, N.Y."
IEllsworth Elmer, in civilian suit, standing full-length portrait with cape and cane
Graphite inscripiton on verso "Col. Ellsworth Elmer." Photographers imprint on verso: "Published by E. Anthony, 501 Broadway, New York. From Photographic Negative, From Brady's National Portrait Gallery." Collectors stamp on verso "Jas. S. Waters...
As captain, standing full-length portrait with left hand on hip
B.L.H. Dabbs, fl. 1861-1876
Graphite inscription on verso "**Book" "4387." Ink inscription on verso "Capt. F. P. Confer 1st Pa Cav." Modern ink inscription on verso "0264." Photographers imprint on verso: "B.L.H. Dabbs Photographer 90 & 02 Federal St. Allegheny City, Pa."
Unidentified officer rank obscured, seated 3/4 length portrait hat on knee
Graphite inscription on verso "**Book." Photographers imprint on verso: "S. L. Walker, at Adams' Gallery, 239 Main Street, Worcester, Mass."
Unidentified seargent, seated 3/4 length portrait
Graphite inscription on verso "**Book." Photographers imprint on verso: "Westminster Fine Art Gallery No. 94 Westminster Street Providence, R.I. J. B. Thurston Proprietor Additional Copies from the plate from which this picutre is taken can be...
In uniform rank obscured, standing full-length portrait forage hat in hand
Aspinwabb, R.J., fl. 1861-1865
Ink inscription on recto "R J Aspinwadd." Graphite inscription on verso "*misc." Photographers imprint on verso: "Chas. K. Bill, Photographer. 603 Broadway."
Unidentified man in dark suit, standing 3/4 length portrait
Graphite inscription on verso "*misc." Photographers imprint on verso: "Bendann Bros. 207 Baltimore St."
In dark coat, vignette bust portrait
Smith, F.F., fl. 1861-1865
Ink inscription on recto "F. F. Smith." Graphite inscription on verso "**Book." Ink inscription on verso "73." Photographers imprint on verso: "D. Moffat Photographer, Cor. Whitehead & Carolina sts. Key West, Fla."
In uniform rank obscured, standing 3/4 length portrait with forage cap at side
Ink inscription on recto "Timean Musgrave." Graphite inscription on verso "*misc" "'BELL' photog."
In uniform rank obscured, standing full-length portrait
Ink inscription on recto "John McMullen." Graphite inscription on verso "*misc" "'BELL' photog."
As enlisted man, standing 3/4 length portrait wearing forage cap
Vandervidiyer, Peter, ?
Graphite inscription on verso "**Book." Ink inscription on verso "Peter Vandervidiyer Co. 'A' 18th Mich" "5425." Photographers imprint on verso: "T.F. Saltsman, successor to C.C.Giers, Corner Union & College sts., Nashville, Tenn."
Unidentified enlisted man, standing full-length portrait right hand on pedestal
Graphite inscription on verso "**Book" "588." Photographers imprint on verso: "From Charles Cohill's 'Root Gallery,' S. E. Cor. Fifth & Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia."
As enlisted man, seated 3/4 length portrait with book in hand
H.C. Phillips & Bro. (photographers)
Ink inscription on recto "Alfred." Graphite inscription on verso "**Book" "3132." Ink inscription on verso "5341." Photographers imprint on verso: "Photographed by H. C. Phillips & Bro. N.W. cor. Ninth and Chestnut Sts. Philadelphia. H. C...
Unidentified soldier rank obscured, vignette bust portrait
Graphite inscription on verso "**Book." Photographers imprint on verso: "Wenderoth & Taylor, Late Broadbent & Co., 912, 914 & 916 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. N. B. Negatives will not be preserved langer than one year from the date of sitting...
Major General Samuel P. Heintzelman, seated 1/2 length, wearing sash, facing left
1863 ca.
Graphite inscription on verso "63" "Heintzleman." Ink inscription on verso "Samuel P. Heintzelman. Major General Volunteers & Col. 17th & bv't Brig Gen. U.S.A." "1863." Photographers imprint on verso: "Published by E. & H.T. Anthony 501 Broadway...
Francis J. Herron, as major general, seated 3/4 length facing forward
1863/10 ca.
Herron sits in a chair that has tassels on the armrests. His sword rests on the chair with the hilt just behind his left arm. Graphite inscription on verso "Gen Herron." Ink inscription on verso "F. J. Herron. Maj. Gen. Vols. U.S.A." "Oct. 1863."...
As brigadier general, 3/4 length standing view with left hand behind his back
1864 ca.
Hincks, Edward W., 1830-1894
Ink inscription on verso "Edward W. Hinks. Brig. Gen. Vols. U.S.A." "1864." Photographers imprint on verso: "Published by E. & H.T. Anthony 501 Broadway New York from Photographic Negative in Brady's National Portrait Gallery."
In dress uniform wearin gauntlets, epaulets and sash, holding sword and hat
E. & H.T. Anthony (Firm)
Graphite inscription on verso "Col Hoffman" "HC Hoffman 23d NY." Ink inscription on verso "1667" "[struck: William ] [inserted: Henry C.] Hoffman. [struck: Col 3d Inf and Bv't Maj Gen U.S.A.] Col 23d N.Y. Vol. Inf. and Bv't Brig. Gen'l. U.S. Vols."...
Showing results 84,851 - 84,875