Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
untitled [auction house]
B&W picture of men at an auction house. a painting is up for sale.
Lincoln and Cabinet
Scott and McClellan
pictures of Scott and McClellan
to Brother Pling
includes envelope that reads 11th Regiment Mass. Volunteers
describes a battle in which 2,000 soldiers are taken prisoners. warns him not to show the letter to anyone.
to Maj. Geo. Hooker
February 17, 1878
Beale, James, fl. 1878
remains skeptical of Batchelder's remarks. believe Gen. Reynolds was at Gettysburg before 10 am and after as the maps shows. does not believe the 11th Corps reached the town as early as he said they did.
February 26, 1878
still finds Batchelder's story to be inaccurate. writes that the Potomac army has a very poor opimiom of Theodore Lyman. thinks Genie Howard uses the excuse of being wounded to lie.
15 April 1878
writes about his own military career as a private. writes he was always glad when a battle was orderly and simply tried to fulfill his duties. thinks it an outrage that Batchelder is going to publish a history.
23 April 1878
still challenging Batchelder's account. notes his serious blunders as to dates and time. criticizes his engraving.
5 May 1878
accuses Batchelder of complete fabrications. Batchelder claims that a Confederate brigade was captured by Buford's cavalry but Beale doesn't think this ever happened.
14 May 1878
does not think Gen. Meade planned Gettysburg. Quotes a long paragraph from Buford's letter to refute Batchelder's statements.
26 June 1878
learned that Lee was nervous bout the closeness of Reynolds and Buford. the plan was to coax Buford toward Emmettsburg so that Ewell would have time to get to Gettysburg, however, Buford made a rapid advance that afternoon.
4 July 1878
has received subsequent letters that made him realize that he was missing a few things in his story, like the importance of the Harper's Ferry Raid, for instance. thanks him for his criticism.
29 July 1878
read an article in which an ex-Confederate claimed a certain battle never happen. all these indiscrepancies will give rise to the claim that the war never happened.
to Sister
1 January 1865
Whitley, Albert, fl. 1865
very faded.
"We entered this City Dec. 21st the rebels having evacuated it the night before, they left all of their siege guns...[and] crossed over into South Carolina. Our men have taken out the Torpedoes in the River & now our steamers &...
March 12, 1865
confident that the Union is gaining in numbers and will soon be too much for General Lee.
7 April 1865
writes he is enjoying good health and having an easy time but Sgt. Sayso was recently taken prisoner leaving him as the only Sgt. left in the company.
to Sister and Brother
29 April 1865
tomorrow they will start marching home.
diary entries December 1st-10th, year unknown
December 1, 1865
discusses where he marched and camped each day and the weather.
to wife and children
8 October 1862
Boston, John W., fl. 1862-1865
writes that he is in good health and is sending 20 dollars home. believes they will soon be victorious
13 October 1862
very faded. would like to come home once more before he goes to Dixie. promises to do his duty as a soldier.
4 December 1862
front page torn. writes that he is sending Mary a locket and will be sending the boys something as well. tells the story of an orderly who shot a captain in another company.
5 December 1862
is afraid his wife will have changed so much by the time he arrives home that he will not know her. asks her to send him a good pair of boots, also requests sponge cake and tobacco.
14 December 1862
has come down with a cold. says he is in a dangerous place. says the only women he sees are "nigger wenches, and I hate them, every once and a while I see a white woman..." would like to be with her and the children.
2 December 1862
writes they have to survive on half rations.
writes that the regiment will be reorganized ina week. the new recruits will have to stay for the full term of enlistment. but they are confident the war will end before the term is up.
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