Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
"Fort Brady, Buildg [Building] wall."
Brady, Mathew B., 1823-1896
"10784" penciled on verso. Image shows soldiers constructing winter quarters.
"Negro Group on Aikins [Aiken's] Farm, The Residue of 65 Slaves. Farm 3000 acres."
Group of twelve African Americans (including men, women, and children), and three white soldiers: one on horseback behind the group, and two visible to the left. Written near Petersburg, Virginia.
"Gen. Ames Hd. Qr. [Headquarters]."
[after May 1863, when Ames was appointed Brig. Gen
"10787" penciled on verso. Image shows horses, men, and a dog gathered in a clearing.
"Ne[illegible] Hd Qr with Band."
Image shows an unidentified regimental band gathered outside a winter camp.
"5th Pen. Cav[a]lry, Battlefield of Oct. 29 & 30."
Image shows horses and men gathered in a winter camp, with field visible in the distance, and rear of a wooden structure closest to the camera.
"Negro Camp of 27th Ohio, USCV [U.S. Colored, Volunteers], Near Fort Burpee."
Image shows a cleared area in front of a winter camp, with a handful of men barely visible amongst the trees.
"Dead in Trenches."
[1865/04/02, cf. Burns, 311.]
Shows a Confederate soldier dead in a trench at Fort Mahone, with numerous cheveaux-de-frise visible atop the wall of the trench.
"Ruins of White House on the Pamunkey River."
[1864/05, cf. Davis and Wiley, v.2, 669.]
Image shows an encampment among the chimneys of now-demolished White House.
"[Winfield] Scott & Staff."
Image shows Scott (seated) and his staff (standing) on a porch. An unidentified figure stands away to the right.
"Company St Fort Burpee. Men playing Ball. 13th N.Y."
Image shows soldiers playing ball in the clearing of a winter encampment.
[Carte de visite Grant, Ulysses S.]
circa 1861-1877
H.A. Balch's Star Photograph Gallery
White mount with elaborate gold border around Grant's portrait and Balch's imprint on verso. Oval bust portrait of Grant facing proper left.
[Carte de visite]
Bust portraits of five Union generals: Grant (in center), Sherman (upper right), ? (lower right), ? (lower left, ? (upper left).
[Carte de visite of Robert Cowden]
circa 1861-1865
Howard & Hall (company)
Howard & Hall imprint on verso. Ink inscription on verso: "Robert Cowden, Major, 1st Tenn. Infty. A. D. Crestline, Ohio." Vignette bust portrait in uniform with beard.
Russell, J.F.
Everitt's Art Gallery
Everitt's imprint on verso. Ink inscription on verso: "J.F. Russell, Chicago, Ills." Vignette bust portrait [in civilian dress?]. White mount with gold border.
[Carte de visite William T. Sherman]
Oval vignette bust portrait in uniform.
[Carte de visite R.E. Phillips]
Vignette bust portrait in uniform with beard.
[Carte de visite Avery, Alben[?] T.]
Ink inscription on verso: "Alben[?] T. Avery, Kendall, N.J[?]." Half length portrait in uniform.
Half length portrait in uniform with beard.
Photograph of man in uniform
Vignette bust portrait in uniform with beard. White mount with gold border.
Bristol, B.J.
Ink inscription on verso: "B. J. Bristol, dpt. Surg, 1st Regt. Tenn. Vol." Oval vignette bust portrait in uniform with beard. White mount with gold border.
Ingalls, John.
With ink inscription on verso: "John Ingalls, a Surgeon, 1 Regt. Ten. Vol., DeKalb, Ill." Vignette bust portrait in uniform with beard. White mount.
Foster, Jas. C.
Ink inscription on verso: "Jas. C. Foster, Capt. Co. "A" 1st West Tenn Infy of A.D., Omega, Ohio." Vignette bust portrait in uniform. White mount with black border.
Photograph of a man in uniform
Vignette bust portrait in uniform with beard. White mount with black border.
Fox, Henry.
Ink inscription on verso: "Henry Fox. Captain Co. C 1st Tenn. Infy of A.D. Lincoln, Logan Co., Ill." Vignette bust portrait in uniform with beard. White mount with gold border.
Smocst[?], W.R.
Ink inscription on verso: "W.R. Smocst[?], Cap.[and] [illegible] Maj." Oval vignette bust portrait in uniform with beard. White mount with elaborate gold border around image.
Showing results 82,476 - 82,500