Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
Fortifications with trench, Port Hudson, LA
circa 1861-1865
The image shows wood-reinforced fortifications with a trench running through the middle of the photo. Inscription on verso: "[illegible] & approach to parallel."
Church scene, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows a white wooden church with A-frame tents in the background, and a horse at rest on the left-hand edge of the photo. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson" and "Church."
Bomb-damaged river gun, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows two men standing near the debris of a damaged cannon with fortifications and a river in the background. Inscription on verso: "Seenie's River Gun" and "Port Hudson."
Grain mill, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows a one-storey grain mill with a horse and a cart near the building's entrance on the right edge of the photo. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson mill in which the garrison ground their corn."
Confederate fortifications with bomb debris, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows extensive fortifications with scattered barrels and debris. Two figures rest on top of a large wall inside an A-frame tent. Inscription on verso: "Confederate line with one parallel beyond it" and "Port Hudson."
Cannon with fortifications, Port Hudson, LA
Image shows a cannon mounted on a revolving turret with fortifications in the background. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson."
Fortifications with supply crates, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows fortifications with stacks of supply crates, cannonballs, and one man standing in the distance on the right edge of the photo. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson Interior 19. Gen Battery."
Bombed fortifications, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows extensive damage to fortifications with scattered debris and destroyed cannon. Numeric notation on image: "763" and measurements of photo: "3 1/8, Cut to 2 5/8." Numeric notations on verso: "763" "1962-15" and "Volume 10."...
Fortifications, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows barrel-lined fortifications running into the distance. Numeric notation on recto: "767" and measurements of photo: "6 1/2, [illegible] 5"." Numeric notations on verso: "767," "2962-15" and "223A." Inscriptions on verso: "Port Hudson...
Camp scene with relaxing soldiers, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows approximately five soldiers relaxing in A-frame tents, with thick woods in the background. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson Gen Grover's Hd. Qrs."
The image shows approximately five soldiers relaxing in A-frame tents with thick woods in the background. Inscription on image: "From J. C. Palfrey." Inscription on verso: "Genl. Grover's HdQrs Port Hudson."
Gun battery with fortifications, Port Hudson, LA
The image, a bit out of focus, shows a section of gun battery with three cannons and fortifications, and supplies in the foreground. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson 19 Gun Battery Opposite Citadel."
Fortifications with battle debris, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows the edge of fortifications with battle debris scattered throughout the photo. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson Point of attack."
Bomb-damaged fortifications with cannon, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows fortifications with extensive bomb damage, and cannon in the foreground. Inscription on verso: "Fort [sic] Hudson."
Bomb scene, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows fortifications with heavy bomb damage. A cannon and a wagon rest in the debris. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson."
The image shows a large cannon with cannonballs in the foreground and fortifications in the distance. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson."
The image shows stone wall fortifications with a single cannon in the center of the photo, and woods in the distance. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson."
Ruins of fortifications and cannon, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows extensive destruction to fortifications. A cannon lies in ruins in the foreground. Inscriptions on verso: "Rebel work in Camp of Duryea's and Bainbridge's Batteries garrisoned by 15th Arkansas" and "MES."
Two cannons, one in ruins, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows two cannons, one in the foreground intact, and one in the distance in ruins. Woods cover the background. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson" and "MES."
The image shows three soldiers resting amid fortifications and a cannon. Inscription on image: "From J. C. Palfrey." Inscription on verso: "Fort [sic] Hudson."
Fortifications with river, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows four figures in the distance resting amid fortifications and bombproofs. A steamship is on the river in the distance. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson Mid & Sweenie's line down the river- called by our men 'the Citadel.'"
Fortifications and a trench with bomb damage, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows fortifications with a cannon in ruins and other debris lying in a trench. Inscription on verso: "Fort [sic] Hudson."
Two soldiers with cannon, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows one man on horseback and one man standing with a cannon in the center of the photo. Inscription on verso: "Fort [sic] Hudson."
One soldier with a cannon and fortifications, Port Hudson, LA
The image shows one man standing to the left of a cannon and fortifications. Inscription on verso: "Port Hudson."
Portrait vignette of General George H. Thomas USA [cabinet card]
Same as #1316. The image shows a close-up vignette of General George H. Thomas. He is wearing his Union uniform and is looking to his right of the camera. Inscription on recto: "F. Gutenkunst, Philadelphia." Numeric notation on verso: "28103 Reg."...
Showing results 82,801 - 82,825