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to Richard H. Jackson
11 November 1862
Maxwell, Alexander S., fl. 1861-1864
They had a ball recently and he met a young lady there called Miss Chambers. There was also a party at Miss Hilton's.
15 November 1862
Watson, Martha, fl. 1861-1864
She has sent him a picture of herself.
2 December 1862
Maxwell mainly talks about the young ladies that are now in his acquaintance.
20 December 1862
Maxwell informs him that the ladies of Frederick think of him as a nice, handsome young fellow and they all wish he was back to spend Christmas and New Year's with them.
She describes her New Year's Day which involved a mouse.
She says says she thinks the North will lose every battle. The other night she wore a Secessionist flag pinned to her chest and a man took it off and threw it in the fire. It was meant to be a joke, of course.
4 January 1863
She describes a Mr. White who accompanied her home from a party.
January 17, 1863
She recently went with her parents to Richard's father's house and they had a nice time.
January 20, 1863
She is glad he is learning to sidesaddle well. She also warns him not to dream so loud and finds the idea of him calling her name in his sleep funny.
January 25, 1863
She writes that his father has bought his coat and that she has been invited to a ball.
January 29, 1863
He admonishes Richard for not writing and mentions the "girls." He mentions several mutual acquaintances and a Methodist meeting. There are pages missing.
February 4, 1863
She was invited to a ball but her mother will not let her go. She hopes he can get a furlough soon.
February 10, 1863
She tells of the recent marriage of a mutual acquaintance.
February 16, 1863
She thought a recent letter of his may have been a valentine but no such luck. His parents are going to a benefit party and they want her to go with them.
4 March 1863
She thanks him for the picture in which she says he looks exceedingly handsome.
March 29, 1863
He writes that he is very well and has recently seen Miss Hatteras but has not been down to see Miss Harrison. He has heard the 9th Army Corps has gone out in New [illegible but looks like York] to the Western Department but he does not know if they...
16 April 1863
She heard from his father that he has now been removed from Newport News.
10 June 1863
She has heard heard that Southern ladies possess more attraction than Northern ladies. Also, she received a picture from Richard's friend John Davis which she describes as a very handsome picture.
February 27, 1863
Jackson, Henry, fl. 1861-1864
His father tells him he likes Martha Watson and is glad his son is friends with her, but he has no way of knowing what she thinks of Richard. He tells Richard to wait and see because the world is big and girls are plenty.
10 July 1863
She writes that John came to visit her last night and that it must be beautiful where he is is because of the abundance of fish.
27 July 1863
She informs him that she has never thought of him in any other way than as a friend and was unprepared for his question in that regard. She apologizes for wounding him and says he is always welcome to visit.
6 September 1863
Merritt, John B., fl. 1861-1864
He mentions Gus Snow and Jimmy Armstrong. He talks about how great the weather is and bemoans the fact that there are not many women at Hilton's Head.
31 October 1863
He dreamt there had been a battle of Chattanooga. Even though Pemberton is dead, he dreamt he commanded the rebel forces and was defeated. He tells Richard about the shoe business and the different ladies that come into his shop.
3 April 1861
Chapple, James, fl. 1861-1865
No year. He mentions Mary Cranston whom he forgot to ask a favor of. He invites Richard over for the weekend.
to Brother (Richard H. Jackson)
6 July 1865
Jackson, Lizzie, fl. 1865
She writes that they are to have a picnic for the returning soldiers but she had to turn down the invitation because he is not there to go with her.
21 May 1865
Jennie, fl. 1859-1897
She complains this is the most lonesome place she has ever been and they couldn't hire her to stay another Sunday.
10 August 1863
Carrie, fl. 1860-1866
She apologizes for taking so long to write and teases him about his current activities. She says he must be flirting with all the girls.
17 July 1861
A.M., fl. 1861-1864
No year. He said he called on Mrs. Hallers the other evening and had a nice time. He will leave Frederick City for Baltimore soon and thinks he will go to work there.
circa 1861-1864
Palmer, Rheua L., fl. 1861-1864
Asks Richard to write again but has nothing interesting to say to him.
February 22, 1861
No year. He spent a week at New Year's but did not have enough time to see any of the Miss Harrisons. However, he saw Mrs. Haller. Asks Richard if he needs a clerk, for he would be happy to oblige,
2 May 1861
No year. He saw Mary Cranston and Emma last night and had a great time.
He writes that he never knew so many girls in his life. Lately he has been answering to the name A. Stone, with the Maxwell left off and he is introduced this way to girls that have never met him. They then say he looks a lot like Maxwell.
February 20, 1864
C.H.E., fl. 1861-1864
He met an old acuaintance at Beaufort and they went back to her place and enjoyed some "horozontal refreshment." He also informs him that Mr. Sinclair has gone on the expedition with Gen. Gillman.
3 March 1864
Charlie, fl. 1861-1864
He writes that he answered an ad form a lady asking to hear from soldiers. He wrote in and she calls him her "Darling Soldier Boy," and they have promised to exchange photographs. He warns Richard not to tell Miss Annie. Also tells the story of how...
30 August 1864
He thanks Richard for the knife he requested. He saw Mattie last night and had a great time. Asks Richard if he can get a copy of "Fanny Hill."
Richard H. Jackson's copy of the New Testament
In the back it says he carried this in his pocket during the war. It also says it was given to him by an intimate friend, Miss Mary D. Armstrong.
5 January 1862
Davies, Isabelle, fl. 1862-1865
She describes her Christmas and New Year's.
to Father
Jackson, Richard H., fl. 1861-1865
He includes the copy of a letter written by a local woman upon the arrival of two companies. She refers to them as a "swarming herd."
6 July 1861
Maxwell, A.S., fl. 1861-1864
No year. He asks how Jackson spent his fourth of July. He fished all day. He mentions the girls and how they miss him.
January 18, 1864
Andy, fl. 1861-1865
Lately he has felt pretty tired, but he enjoyed his New Year's. He writes that skating has been very popular. He advises Richard not to worry too much about the girl that rejected him.
[Stitch sample of Mary S. Harrison]
circa 1825
Harrison, Mary S., 1809-1842
Small piece of off-white fabric with lines of various types of stitches in green thread. Originally from the sentiment book of Mary S. Harrison, GLC07732.02.
March on Montgomery -- The Untold Story
March 30, 1965
Minute Women of the U.S.A.
One circular letter dated March 30, 1965 regarding the March on Montgomery. Contains a speech by Alabama Senator Dickinson recounting events during the march that he believed was obscene and lewd. Dickinson claims that "an all-night session of...
[Cased tintype depicting young African American woman reading]
circa 1860
unknown, fl. 1860
One cased tintype depicting a young African American woman reading dated approximately 1860. She is wearing a formal dress and is seated in a parlor chair. Photograph stored in a black wooden case with a small hook.
"Bring U.S. Together, Vote Chisholm 1972, Unbought and Unbossed.
Chisholm, Shirley, 1924-2005
Collection of two posters dated 1972, "Bring U.S. Together, Vote Chisholm 1972, Unbought and Unbossed," created for Shirley Chisholm's 1972 campaign.
[Collection of press photographs related to the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., 1968][Decimalized .01-.82]
Collection of press photographs dated 1968. Images were printed by Associated Press and United Press International. Majority of images are related to riots that took place following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr in April 1968. One image...
[Press photographs related to confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justices Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, 1962-1991] [Decimalized .01-.13]
Collection of press photographs related to Supreme Court Justices Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas dated 1962-1991. Consists of 13 wirephotos, telephotos, laserphotos related to the nomination and confirmation hearings for each justice...
Battle Hymn of the Republic and Suffrage Song
Howe, Julia Ward, 1819-1910
One undated broadsheet with a print of the Battle of the Republic by Julia Ward Howe. Also on verso "Suffrage Song to be sung to the tune of 'America.'"
St. Louis Globe- Democrat [Vol 1. No. 141 (October 7, 1875)]
7 October 1875
Globe Printing House (St. Louis, Mo.)
One issue of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat dated October 7, 1875. Newspaper contains articles concerning current event, and advertisements. On the first page of the newspaper is an article concerning a disagreement between Senator Alcorn and a...
A Woman's Guide to Political Action
CIO Political Action Committee
One pamphlet entitled, "A Woman's Guide to Political Action," published by the CIO Political Action Committee dated 1944. The guide is geared towards women for the upcoming 1944 election. Contains platforms on issues of health, labor rights, racial...
Showing results 1,551 - 1,600