Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to Richard H. Jackson
2 November 1862
Watson, Sam, fl. 1861-1864
Watson writes that the state election is coming off tomorrow and he expects it to be a close one. He tells Richard to read the 90th psalm.
18 April 1865
Chapple, James, fl. 1861-1865
He writes about the effect of Lincoln's death.
to Arthur L Jackson
3 November 1923
McCarl, J.R., fl. 1923
Notice of Settlement (Office of the Auditor of the War Department)
Congressional Challenge - Fact Sheet
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
One fact sheet dated 1964, regarding an election where Heber Lander denied MFDP candidates names on the ballot. Document details the basis of the challenge (that five representatives were elected unconstitutionally), the procedure, suggesting a...
Congressional Record - Senate
3 June 1964
United States. Congress
One congressional record dated June 3, 1964 which includes an article related to Senator Hubert Humphrey's work with the United Nations and a larger background sketch on the National States Rights Party, an anti-semitic, white supremacist group.
Pardon for William and Elijah McWhorter
30 August 1877
Hayes, Rutherford B., 1822-1893
One warrant for a pardon ordered and signed by Rutherford B. Hayes dated August 30, 1877. The pardon was ordered for William and Elijah McWhorter.
If I were 18 I'd Vote for Pres. Nixon
One campaign button dated 1972. Button reads, "If I were 18 I'd Vote for Pres. Nixon."
Not by Power
Baker, Joseph V. (Joseph Vaudrey), 1908-1993
One pamphlet written by Joseph V. Baker entitled, "Not by Power," dated 1956. A long-form photo-essay marking the educational and workforce achievements of African Americans made possible after the Brown v. Board ruling in 1954. Images includes...
The First to be Freed
Ministry of Information
One pamphlet issued by the Ministry of Information dated 1944, entitled, "The First to be Freed." This is a record of the British military presence in Eritrea and Somalia from 1941-1943.
A Woman's Guide to Political Action
CIO Political Action Committee
One pamphlet entitled, "A Woman's Guide to Political Action," published by the CIO Political Action Committee dated 1944. The guide is geared towards women for the upcoming 1944 election. Contains platforms on issues of health, labor rights, racial...
The Negro in 1944
One pamphlet entitled, "The Negro in 1944," published by the CIO Political Action Committee dated 1944. The publication is concerned with racial discrimination within the workforce. Details fair wages under Franklin Roosevelt's Executive Order for...
What Every Canvasser Should Know
One pamphlet entitled, "What Every Canvasser Should Know," published by the CIO Political Action Committee in 1944. Prepared as a canvasser guide for the 1944 elections. Advises canvassers to think in terms of marketing; be active within their...
Speakers Manual
One pamphlet entitled, "Speakers Manual," published by the CIO Political Action Committee dated 1944. Advises the reader on the best methods for topic discussion while canvassing.
The answer is Full Employment
Circa 1945
Gaer, Joseph, 1897-1969
One pamphlet entitled, "The answer is Full Employment" written by Joseph Gaer and Robert K. Lamb with illustrations by William Krokyn dated circa1945. The pamphlet recommends steps towards full employment: equal opportunity; wage rates; unemployment...
Liberia, Africa
Department of State of Liberia, Bureau of Information
One supplement printed by the Bureau of Information from the Department of State of Monrovia, Liberia dated 1952. Includes photographs and essays pertaining to economy, health, military, commerce, political conditions and the government of Liberia...
A Handbook on Urban Redevelopment for Cities in the United States
November 1941
Federal Housing Administration
One pamphlet entitled "A Handbook on Urban Redevelopment for Cities in the United States," dated November 1941. Printed by the Federal Housing Administration. Item includes recommendations for housing programs in impoverished metropolitan areas. The...
Insert from "A Handbook on Urban Redevelopment For Cities in the United States." States the purpose of the handbook, and underlying principles, organization, and suggestions to the reader to further understand contents of the handbook.
Did you read Your M.P.? Brendan & Beverly
Foot, Michael, 1913-2010
One book entitled, "Brendan & Beverly" by "Cassius" (Michael Foot) reimagining a conversation between a Neville Chamberlain supporter and a Winston Churchill supporter. They are characterized as Mr. Tadpole and Mr. Taper seen in a previous book by...
Social Planning in America, A Dynamic Interpretation
Himes, Joseph S., 1908-1991
One pamphlet entitled, "Social Planning in America, A Dynamic Interpretation," by Joseph S. Himes dated 1954. Himes observes communities' methodology to organize and mobilize in the United States. One example is the Tennessee Valley Authority group...
Report of the British Council, 1943-1944
His Majesty's Stationery Office
One booklet entitled, "Report of the British Council, 1943-1944," dated 1943. Report contains accomplishments completed by the British Council overseas and domestically. Contains images of activities such as English classes in foreign countries...
Housing of the Nonwhite Population, 1940-1950
July 1952
United States. Housing and Home Finance Agency
One pamphlet entitled, "Housing of the Nonwhite Population, 1940 to 1950," dated July 1952. Printed by the Housing and Home Finance Agency. Provides statistics of population by residence, household income, employment status, varieties of dwelling...
NAACP Annual Report for 1941
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
One pamphlet entitled, "NAACP Annual Report for 1941." Content in item: national defense, armed forces, educational and legal defense, segregation and discrimination, lynching, government branches, scholarships, memorials, and finances of NAACP.
Showing results 1,226 - 1,250