Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
Application for Copyright Registration
2 April 1904
Whistler, Simon M., fl. 1904
Copyright is claimed for The One Hundred and Thirtieth Regiment, Pennsylvania Vounteer Infantry periodical. Library of Congress official registration.
Office of the Register of Copyrights
6 May 1903
Sulberg, Thorwald, fl. 1903
Whistler deposited a book in the office titled; Reminiscences of the United States-Hospital Service in the Civil War.
to Ira Cole
8 November 1864
Bundy, E.B., fl. 1864
Letter for which the certificate for $106.80 is enclosed.
to Captain Caleb Gibbs
21 April 1777
Washington, George, 1732-1799
Headquartered at Morristown after a brutal winter, reorganizes his personal, offical and family possessions for residence in Philadelphia as he re-builds the Army to answer Cornwallis's New Jersey campaign: " sword, my gun etc.. can had...
Signed by George Washington
02 Dec 1793
Randolph, Edmund, 1753-1813
Act of Third Congress "for the relief of persons imprisoned for debt"
to Thomas Johnson
February 1, 1793
Regretfully accepting resignation of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. ". . .besides the difficulty of finding characters to fill the dignified and important station of Judge, in whom are combined the necessary professional, local and other...
One Nation--One Government
features arc with all the states written in it. eagle sits on top with flags.
Speech of Hon. H. W. Slocum of New York, in the House of Representatives, Friday, January 18, 1884.
Slocum, Henry Warner, 1826-1894
Representative Slocum discusses the court-martial of General Fitz-John Porter. Declares, "I most earnestly implore the members of this House to try, if possible, to act on it free from political prejudice. There is no politics in it... I believe if...
Speech of Hon. George W. Ray, of New York, in the House of Representatives, Friday and Saturday, January 25 and 26, 1884.
Ray, George W. (George Washington), 1844-1925
Representative Ray discusses the court-martial of General Fitz-John Porter. In conclusion, writes "In the name of justice, for the honor of our country, and in behalf of the thousands of soldiers who appeal to us for justice to their old comrade in...
Resolutions of the Legislature of Kentucky, in relation to the Missouri Compromise, Kansas-Nebraska Act, &c.
7 April 1856
Morehead, C.S., 1802-1868
House of Representatives mis. doc. no. 90 (34th Congress, 1st session). Morehead, Governor of Kentucky, attests these resolutions were adopted by the general assembly of Kentucky in December 1855. Reprinted by Congress April 1856. Kentucky...
Showing results 841 - 850