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[Letter fragment]
Pickens, Francis Wilkinson, 1805-1869
"...Why these appointments should cause such excitement amongst the junior officers in Fort Sumter I am at loss to understand."
[Confederate Goverment document]
circa October - November 1862
Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889
Document containing clerical copies of correspondence over conscription in South Carolina written by Jefferson Davis; Governor Francis W. Pickens and the Executive Council; James Chestnut, Jr.; and G. W. Randolph. "Four Regiments to be accepted for...
to General Pierre G. T. Beauregard
9 March 1863
Boham, Milledge L., 1813-1890
Defends his decision to suspend an earlier state militia reserve call-up, saying that the untrained militia are inefficient and would be more valuable planting crops at home. Supports his opinion with extracts from telegrams sent to General...
to Governor Milledge L. Bonham
12 March 1863
Beauregard, G.T. (Gustave Toutant), 1818-1893
Replies to Bonham's defense of 9 March 1863. "I was fully alive to the sacrifices and hardships which a call on your militia must entail, ...but at the same time, I have regarded the alternative consequences that might be involved without the...
3 January 1863
Bragg, Thomas, 1810-1872
Requests specific information on troops in South Carolina state militia service who are "subject to military duty under the Conscripts Acts," to counter assertions of preferential treatment published in other states' newspapers. With newspaper...
to Thomas Bragg
9 January 1863
Replies to Bragg's "interrogatories." "With the view to counteract the unfounded assumption that this State has hitherto failed to furnish to the common service her full quota of troops, I beg to add that it appears...this State had contributed to...
to Major D. B. Harris
5 June 1863
Echols, William H., fl. 1863
Unfulfilled requisitions to the South Carolina government for slaves "leaves the Capt almost entirely without laborers and consequently without the means of carrying on satisfactorily the work expected to be done" for coastal defense. With autograph...
28 April 1863
Harris, D.B., fl. 1863
Responds to complaints that the impressed slaves are idle. "Requisitions have from time to time been made upon the State authorities for slave labor, not for the purpose of harassing the planters or interfering in their business, but, for the...
Explains "the seven or eight negroes he [Senator Mazyck] speaks of were idle a few days, they were detailed for contingencies in the city,...and variously employed on small jobs." With autograph endorsement signed by Harris.
to Governor Bonham
29 April 1863
About complaints that the impressed slaves are idle. "Nothing is known of this matter at these Hd Quarters."
24 April 1863
Replies to Beauregard's forwarded report by William Echols of 20 April 1863. "I have directed Col. Shannon to call on two Divisions...for the month of May, which I hope will enable the Engineer to complete the works, as the cultivation of the...
20 April 1863
Details the lack of slave laborers supplied during March and April. General Beauregard forwards the report to Governor Bonham with comment. "It is probable that sooner or later a still more determined attack on Charleston will be made & it is of...
To General Johnson Hagood
3 April 1863
Arthur, B.F., fl. 1860-1863
Bonham's secretary asks General Hagood to investigate "a lad of 14 years of age...having run away from his mother, and joined Co. 'G' Nelson's Battalion" and to refuse the boy's enlistment if he is that young.
[Emergency proclamation]
27 August 1863
Emergency proclamation empowering agents to seize slaves for military labor. "I must rely on my the speedy discharge of this duty. Planters may be assured, that the true way to serve their own interests is to do what they can to...
18 August 1863
Forwards clerical copy of Major William Echols's report of 16 April 1863 to Major D.B. Haris, "List of Negroes received month Jul 1863."
10 August 1863
Hayne, J.W., fl. 1863
Summarizes the history of the policy resolutions to defend Charleston. " any cost of life or property...they would prefer a repulse of the enemy, with the entire city in ruins, to an evacuation or surrender on any terms whatever." Quotes...
26 July 1863
Answers another compaint about idle "negores," he requests Governor Bonhma to "require all reports and rumours officially communicated to you, should be made in writing, in order that you may refer the communication to me when of sufficient...
16 October 1863
Seddon, James
Responds to resolutions passed by the South Carolina General Assembly, which feels burdened by the Confederate government's taxation and impressment of slaves for military labor. "[I]t has been the studious effort of the Department to temper its...
to James Seddon
5 October 1863
Copying an urgent telegram from General Beauregard. "If two thousand (2000) or three thousand (3000) small arms called for by my Chief of Ordnance from Col. Gorgas be not furnished I must disband several six months regiments lately called out."...
List of General and Field Officers in the Provisional Army from the State of South Carolina who have died whilst in Service.
6 October 1864
Melton, James, fl. 1864
Compiled through June 1864. Forwarded by Melton to the adjutant and inspector general of South Carolina. Among those listed are brigadier generals Bernard Bee, who gave "Stonewall" Jackson his nickname; Maxcy Gregg; and Micah Jenkins. Autograph...
16 July 1864
Longstreet, James, 1821-1904
General James Longstreet, wounded in a friendly fire incident at the Battle of the Wilderness, mourns the death of Brigadier General Micah Genkins, killed by the same volley. "He has left to the youth of your state a noble legacy in his dauntless...
to Colonel R.B. Johnson
22 August 1864
Arthur, B.F.
Governor Bonham's secretary asks the state agent to turn over for prosectuion "the names of the Sheriffs who have made default in executing the law in relation to procuring Slave Labor - together wiht the names of witnesses &c.... in all such cases...
to Brigadier General M.L. Bonham
31 July 1861
Cash, Ellerbee Boggan, 1823-1888
Account of the victory at First Bull Run by a colonel in the 8th South Carolina Infantry. "The enemy now fled in the utmost confusion throwing away everything which at all impeded his Sergant Major...took as a prisoner Mr. Ely a member...
to L. Pierce Jr.
10 December 1863
Dana, Napoleon Jackson Tecumseh, 1822-1905
Retained copy of letter to the U.S. Consul at Matamoras, declining to intervene in the ongoing Civil War in Mexico. "The federal government of Mexico is on terms of intimate friendship with ours... if your danger is iminent you should remove herer...
to his sister
2-4 March 1863
Unidentified soldier of the 16th New Hampshire Volunteers in Mansfield, Louisiana, describes a prayer meeting at a black church, visits to New Orleans, and army life. "We are thinking that the Conscription Act will go rather hard with some of the...
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