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to: F. W. Stuart.
January 28, 1864
Stuart, James, fl. 1862-1869
Went on a 3 day scout. Described the weather and what he did on the scout. Captured a spy. Written at Fort Wood.
Has a pin for her but it is not done yet. Explains what the pin is made of.
Explains what happened while he stood on picket.
to his wife
March 14, 1862
Williams, George M., fl. 1862
Asks why his wife does not write more frequently so he does not need to be as worried for her safety. He writes that he was unable to get a leave of absence. He thought up an idea to ask the Secretary of War to station troops in Culpeper to serve as...
12 May 1862
Expects a telegraph from her. He describes uncomfortable conditions at a local tavern where he shared a room with three men and his bed with one of them. However, by the next day he was able to get a room that was vacated. He also says that he misses...
17 May 1862
Writes that the city was thrown into "great commotion" by an announcement that the Yankees were eight miles away with gunboats despite the obstructions placed since Norfolk. He was given permission by Colonel Deas to go and stay for as long as he...
20 May 1862
Mentions that the end of the war will "require strict economy and management in all affairs." Predicts that after the war is over, money will be harder to get and taxes will be "mountain high." He warns wife to treat servants kindly but to not...
24 May 1862
Heard cannon firing in the morning and suspects (but does not know for a fact) that it was a "scary sight" since it lasted for about four hours. Thinks "the enemy" wants to enter Richmond. Believes "Jeff" (Davis) and his cabinet are a "failure." He...
5 June 1862
Writes a reply to her two letters, to be sent by Uncle Merton. Agrees that his letters have been unfortunate because very few have made it through the mails. He mentions that Uncle Merton has been to Richmond to see Bruce who is stationed three miles...
7 June 1862
Asks whether she and his aunt have received the supplies he sent. Hopes to get two weeks leave soon so that he can visit. He contradicts rumors that the south will soon be conquered, writing that "our people can never be subdued, unless our leaders...
10 June 1862
Sends this letter by a Mr. Jones. He says that not an hour passes that he does not think of her. Asks about the baby and if she can say "father" or if instead she continues her "babbling" of "dad dad dad." He also mentions that she is old enough to...
11 June 1862
Writes that the current "state of things" leads him to worry. Mentions that Tom Jones may not be able to go out because he may be part of the reinforcements for Jackson in the valley. Claims that 5,000 men were to leave this morning and that no...
12 June 1862
Describes two battles two weeks in passing where 3,000 were killed, wounded, or missing. Furthermore, he describes the battle to be more destructive than all other previous battles in the war with the exception of Kernstown. He informs her of the...
17 June 1862
He sent a pencil letter to his wife with Mr. Day including lemon syrup and castor oil. Writes that he will send his aunt soda powders. "Richmond is starving almost" due to the high selling prices and scarcity of goods. Asks her if she has noticed how...
He has received letters from her every day for the past several days. The news is dull, but he has seen General Price, who looks too benevolent to be a warrior. Price's troops have not yet arrived. Plans on going home to see her "as soon as the...
20 June 1862
Asks if she is sick or in need of stamps. He asks her to write to him if she has not done so already. He would like her to record the progress of Liz and to report the effect the chicken pox had on Lizzie's "head piece." He describes the rising...
21 June 1862
Comments on how her last letter seemed to be "under gloomy feeling." He says he has written to Sister several times and that she has only written once. Writes of Cousin Albert, Cousin James, and Cousin Narcissa. Comments that Narcissa is dissatisfied...
24 June 1862
Writes that he will get the cotton and send it at along with another item she requested at "first safe opportunity." Does not think Mr. Jameson has come to the city yet. The weather has been "excessively hot." He writes that "the city is dull" except...
26 June 1862
Writes that the "roar of cannon & musketry was painfully audible and exceeded the thunder of the fiercest storm." He mentions that General Hill's division fought on his side where his troops drove the enemy three or four miles and captured three...
1 July 1862
Tells his wife she should not give way to the gloom she expressed in her letter, and reminds her that their condition is much better than that of others. Explains that he and she are both alive whereas many from the south such as Mr. Daniel and Capt...
8 July 1862
Complains about the heat, he has "never known it to be warmer. . ." Writes that he has left all that is dear to him. Although he is exhausted, upon hearing that Maj. Parks would deliver this letter he was determined to write. Informs her that...
16 July 1862
Asks if she is safe, if there have been any arrests, and the whereabouts of Uncle Jack. He would like also to hear from Greenwood. Claims that the army has received great news from Arkansas & the Mississippi River. The news is that Yankee General...
26 July 1862
Reports that "every day brings the most distressing rumors from Culpeper". Most unfortunate, he confides, is that the rumors are in accordance with General Pope's orders so that he believes they may be true. As a result, he fears for his wife and...
27 July 1862
He writes that he is worried about family's safety especially since he has not heard from them. Thinks that General Pope's orders will jeopardize her safety. He informs her that the fifth division of the army is on the march for Jackson and if Pope's...
31 July 1862
He writes that he spent the day with "C B****." He asks her to kiss the baby, encourage the servants, and to pray to God for his blessings. Explains that it would have been imprudent to mention names in his letters and thus give away valuable...
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