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"A Card"
February 3, 1844
Ogden, F.W., fl. 1844
Two copies of the Ward broadside, "A Card," responding to Ogdin & Grammont report on archives, 1844/02/03, 33 x 20 cm.
To Ward
16 June 1841
Cook, William B., fl. 1841-1842
Cook ALS 6/16/1841 1 p. re: challenge
To Cook
18 June 1841
Ward, Thomas, fl. 1841-1842
Ward ALS 6/18/1841 1 p. + addr.
[Certifying land purchase]
6 July 1840
Ward, Thomas W., fl. 1842-1862
Jas H. Starr DS Certifying land purchase of Edward C. Smithson, 7/6/1840. 2 p.
[Receipt from T.W. House to T. W. Ward]
20 October 1845
Receipt from T.W. House to T. W. Ward. 10/20/1845. 1 p.
[Receipt for sugar and brandy]
21 October 1845
Receipt for sugar and brandy from Rice & Nichols. 10/21/1845. 1 p.
[Unaccompanied docket leaf]
21 July 1847
Unaccompanied docket leaf for Sam Houston document re: land business. 7/21/1847. 1 p.
[Cheque signed by Amedee Simorin]
20 June 1860
Cheque signed by Amedee Simorin. 6/20/1860. 1 p. + endorsement.
[Receipt for Muslin]
Thomson Gregory DS Receipt for Dr. Hull re: Muslin. n.d. 1 p.
[Receipt for Ward]
29 July 1840
Receipt for Ward from Hyslop & Brother 1/29/1841. 1 p. + docket.
[Receipt for R. Lockart]
Receipt 10/21/1845 for R. Lockart. 1 p.
[Receipt to T. Bostick]
T. Ward. Receipt to T. Bostick, with blue docket leaf and attached with seal. 1847. 1 p. + docket.
[Receipt for violins and instruments]
9 May 1862
Receipt for violins and instruments. 5/9/1862. 1 p. + docket.
To Thomas Ward
22 September 1841
Reily, James, fl. 1841-1846
Letter written from Houston, re: land cases, politics
10 November 1841
Letter written from Houston, re: land business
Cook ALS 6/16/1841 1 p. + addr. re: proposing 2 gentlemen
Ward ALS signed "TWW" [6/16 or 6/17/1841] 1 p. + docket
Statement re: capture of Texas archives by Austin vigilantes
January 1843 ca.
Mitchell, Nathan, fl. 1843
Countersigned by Walter Winn.
Three receipts for purchases: 10/20/1845, 12/24/1846 and 12/29/1846
[Receipt from RIce & Nichols]
December 19, 1845
Receipt 12/19/1845 for Rice & Nichols. 2 p.
[Receipt from Shackelford & Co]
December 31, 1846
Receipt 12/31/1846 for Shackelford & Co. 1 p.
[Receipt to Brown & Tarbor]
8 January 1847
Receipt for payment to Brown & Tarbor for passage for African American woman and child. 1/8/1847. 1 p. + docket.
11 June 1846
Letter written from Houston, re: impending war with Mexico and the U.S.
[DS Receipt]
Wm O. Thomas DS Receipt 10/21/1845. 1 p.
[Receipt for calico]
Receipt for calico from Rice & Nichols. 10/21/1845. 1 p.
An Elk - "Cervus Canadensis"
Jackson, William Hicks, 1835-1903
An Elk - "Cervus Canadensis," attributed to number 301. A close up photo of an elk laying in a forest. With gilded edges.
[Fire Hole River Yellowstone Park.]
"Fire Hole River Yellowstone Park." is written in pencil on the back of the photograph. The picture depicts a river running through a forested area. With gilded edges.
Crater of the Grand Geyser
Crater of the Grand Geyser. Photo of the crater of a geyser. With gilded edges.
Most of the title is indistinguishable, except for the word Crater. Close up photo of the crater of a geyser. With gilded edges.
[Needle Rocks Garden of the]
The legible part of the title reads [Needle Rocks Garden of the], attributed to number 970. A photo of a tall rock next to a worn road. With gilded edges.
Falls at Foot of Round Top Mtn.
Falls at Foot of Round Top Mtn., attributed to number 79. Photo of waterfall at the bottom of a mountain. With gilded edges.
[Photo of three men in a large ditch full of rocks]
[Photo of three men in a large ditch full of rocks]. The title is indistinguishable. Two of the men are standing and working, while the other is sitting. With gilded edges.
[Photograph of hot springs]
Photograph of a hot springs in an open landscape. A man is standing in front of the hot springs. Houses can be seen in the background. "Mammoth Hot Springs" is written in pencil on the back of the photograph. With gilded edges.
[Lower Falls, Yellowstone]
"Lower Falls, Yellowstone" is written in pencil on the back of the photograph. The photograph depicts a waterfall spilling through two mountains. With gilded edges.
Lower Falls on Lake Fork
Lower Falls on Lake Fork, attributed to number 243. Photo of waterfall in forest. Another copy of the same photo in GLC02436.02. With gilded edges.
Shadow Lake Near The W. Gallatin, M.T.
Shadow Lake Near The W. Gallatin, M.T., attributed to number 489. A photo of a lake with a mountain to the left of the lake. With gilded edges.
Sierra San Juan.
Sierra San Juan. A photo of a range of mountains overlooking a lake. With gilded edges.
Crater Of The Giant Geyser.
Crater of the Giant Geyser. A man stands near the crater of the geyser. With gilded edges.
[Open landscape of geysers]
Open landscape of geysers. "The Fountain Basin Geyser" is written in pencil on the back of the photograph. With gilded edges.
to Eliakim P. Scammon
27 June 1865
Fernow, E.B., fl. 1865
Prussian-born, university educated, served in Prussian military. Came to U.S. to buy land in west, then enlisted and fought. Docket notes that he is being retained in service "with the duties of an engineer."
[Name cards for Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Hemans and Nancy Abraham]
circa 1871-1881
Two different name cards, one for Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Hemans and another for Nancy Abraham. The two cards are held together by a small piece of ribbon.
[Hand-drawn map of Dakota mission area]
circa June 1872
Hemans, Daniel Wright, fl. 1872-1881
Depicts the missions and Indian agencies along about fifty miles of the Missouri River west of Sioux City. Hemans discusses making the map for Frances Shiras to answer her question about the spatial relationship between the Santee, Yankton, and Ponca...
to Frances B. Shiras
8 June 1871
Discusses money Shiras sent. Comments on the cultivation being done by Yanktons on the reservation and their reception of annuity money. Discusses his wife, including her conversion from Presbyterian to Episcopalian. Comments on their garden...
22 March 1872
Hemans, Nancy A., 1843-?
Mentions the birth of her son, Joseph. Thanks Mrs. Clement for clothes, some of which she gave away. Comments on the success of the missionary work, claiming that the Indians on the reservation could now hold services without ministers. Notes their...
12 May 1872
Apologizes for not writing and explains how various chores have kept her too busy. Notes that Cecelia, the half-Indian girl living with her has gone to live with Reverend James Cook. Discusses separation from her husband Daniel. Apologizes for not...
5 June 1872
Discusses his wife's trip to the Santee Agency to visit relatives, his growing son, and sick Paul's attempt to build a log cabin on his land claim. Mentions the health of other Indian clergy. Discusses his income in the face of high prices in Yankton...
9-12 June 1872
Discusses a visit from Daniel's aunt and the porcupine quill moccasins she had made for Frances. Comments on her sister, a visitor named Mrs. Rumney, and her husbands adoration for their baby. Continues the letter on 12 June, comments on intervening...
21 July 1872
Reports than his family will leave the Yankton Mission for the Santee Mission. Explains that the Yanktons are sorry to see him leave, but he must go because of health problems related to his work on Sunday and the opportunity to make a prayer book in...
to Alexander Shiras
7 October 1872
Hinman, Samuel D., 1839-1890
Reverend Hinman, who presided over the Santee Agency, writes to Reverend Shiras about Daniel Hemans. Notes Daniel is in good health, "is doing splendidly," and might be made a Presbyter. Thanks him for care of his boys. A postscript indicates Paul is...
23 July 1873
Discusses her garden and her growing son, comparing his dark skin to "a little niger." Indicates they will move to Bazille Creek, but will soon come back for the Convocation Meeting. Discusses money problems and a shawl she has yet to receive from...
5 June 1878
Discusses all she has had to do since her husband's death and reveals that she is pregnant since three months before his death. Comments on her hope to be a good mother but willingness to die, if it is God's will. Discusses money problems with the...
8 September 1878
Discusses her loneliness and friendlessness since her husband's death and how a letter from Reverend Shiras lifted her spirits. Notes that her son is growing. Asks Shiras to pray for her "that the evil will not overcome me." Comments that she would...
January 15, 1880
Explains that her health and taking care of her new baby has prevented her from writing sooner. Discusses how the baby keeps her up at night and how she and her other son were both sick recently. Compares her son's two schools, preferring the one far...
4 June 1880
Thanks Shiras and others for money sent (possibly for Daniel Hemans's grave stone). Thinks the Santee had enough money for a grave stone. Discusses her baby boy, Daniel, and his humorous actions. Comments on her other son's riding activities and his...
21 March 1893
Hemans, Joseph A., fl. 1892
Explains that he is in school, that his sister died over the winter, and that his mother was sick (but getting better). Notes that they had a picture of Shiras. Mentions the saddle he received from them long ago. Tells him they never forget them...
An undated note in which Nancy discusses a second pregnancy, possibly the one she had after Daniel's death. Ruminates on mortality.
[Diary of Samuel Payne]
Payne, Samuel J., fl. 1865
Autograph manuscript signed. The diary continues up to his return and includes a list of letters received for the year. Includes content on the siege and Battle of Mobile, Alabama, and closing at Shreveport, Louisiana, where General E. Kirby Smith...
[Description of the collection written by an unnamed nephew of Alexander Shiras]
A short description of the collection of letters in GLC 2429. "These are letters written by & about Daniel & Nancy Hemans - Indians in whom Auntie Shiras & Uncle S were interested[.] Daniel having been educated at the Episcopal Mission House in West...
February 23, 1871
Thanks Frances for her help and interest in his missionary work. Describes his mission work at the Yankton Agency with Reverend James Cook. Notes his improving health. Discusses teaching, singing, and language issues. Comments on privations at the...
17 April 1871
Inquires about the money his friends sent. Describes the Christian, English-speaking Indian girl he is engaged to. Notes his salary of $150/year, and indicates it will be insufficient. Discusses his log house and preparing his home for housekeeping...
16 May 1871
Discusses a visit by Bishop Clarkson, missionary appointments, and his upcoming ordination. Discusses his wedding, attended by over 150 whites and Indians. Notes that Mr. Hinman gave him charge of the Santee mission starting in summer, but he will...
January 12, 1872
Discusses a Christmas festival and provides an update on their missionary work, particularly in regard to education. Notes that his wife has charge of the Mother's Services. Expresses his dedication to "bring some souls to our service." Describes a...
January 13, 1872
Writes about how they are getting along, discussing her health. Comments on a potential visit by Shiras. Explains why her upbringing (part with Indians, part with whites) has resulted in her only being to make Santee moccasins with beads and not...
February 24, 1872
Thanks Shiras for the money she sent from friends Sunday school children. Discusses his missionary work and his desire to convert his Indian countrymen. GLC02429.17 is a copy of this letter.
17 October 1872
Indicates he has not written because he was sick. Informs Shiras that Christian Taopi has died. Discusses a recent visit by bishops Whipple and Clarkson, and William Welsh to all the Indian missions, their ordinations and assignations of missionaries...
13 December 1872
Discusses his improved health, noting that he has not had any spitting of blood since August 1871. Notes that the formerly healthy Mr. Luke, at the Yankton Mission, had started spitting blood. Reports the receipt of wrappers Shiras sent and to who...
15 December 1872
Discusses Mrs. Hinman's illness and other ill women at the Santee Mission. Indicates she is making a dress and that her husband and son are in need of new clothes. Comments about how she should be thankful to God at Christmas for living another year...
January 22, 1873
Thanks Shiras for the clothes his family and other Indian clergy have received. Discusses eating with Reverend Hinman and his missionary duties at Santee. Notes his son has started speaking. States that Paul is very sick but still walking around his...
15 May 1873
Discusses the death of their friend Paul Mazakute, an Indian clergyman who long-suffered from consumption. Explains how their buggy broke down after the funeral. In a post script, indicates that they might get photos taken.
13 December 1874
Discusses her son's broken leg and a visit from her sister and brother-in-law, Indian teacher at Fort Sully in the Dakota Territory. Comments on her husband's good health and expresses Christmas thanks to God for living another year.
to Alexander Shiras and Frances B. Shiras
27 April 1875
Discusses the loss of Mary, her child, and takes solace in the idea that Mary will be with relatives in heaven. Mentions prayers and affirms her fidelity to God's will.
19 June 1875
Discusses his wife Nancy's illness with rheumatism, a book he received, and the threat to his garden posed by grasshoppers.
27 August 1875
Discusses the death of his daughter Mary and affirms his belief that it is God's will. Also discusses the destruction of his garden in the night by a herd of cattle. Notes he has a hemorrhage.
14 March 1878
Discusses her husband's sickness and impending death. Comments on sympathetic visitors, her friendship with the Shiras's, and the tragedy the death will be for their son.
25 May 1871
Discusses a visit by Bishop Clarkson during which he was ordained a deacon and many Indians were baptized. Notes his plans to stay at the Yankton mission through the summer because he is needed to translate for Rev. James Cook. This is the first...
27 May 1871
Prichard, A. A., fl. 1871-1881
Discusses Daniel and Nancy Hemans's recent wedding, attended by Indians and whites on a very rainy day. Notes Daniel's bad health and susceptibility to consumption.
3 May 1871
Brown, Stewart, fl. 1871-1881
Indicates he has sent a $50 wedding gift to Daniel Hemans and sends his well-wishes.
8 December 1871
Comments on the length between their correspondence. Reports the freezing death of Rev. Philip Johnson. Discusses preaching with Rev. Cook at Santee. Indicates his cousin Paul was sick. Discusses his missionary work at Yankton, including the...
February 1, 1872
Explains that he has not responded to a recent letter because he was ill. Thanks some friends for medicine they sent. Mentions Paul's hemorrhage. Discusses the status of two reservation churches, neither of which had a minister.
Thanks Shiras for the money she sent from friends Sunday school children. Discusses his missionary work and his desire to convert his Indian countrymen. Copy of GLC02429.16.
February 26, 1872
Thanks her for a box of clothing from Mrs. Clement. Indicates they will use some for their new baby and have already given some away. Mentions the Indian agent, a physician who gave him medicine. Discusses his desire for wrappers. Comments on...
1 May 1872
Reports that his health has improved. Discusses his growing baby, and naming him after Alexander Shiras. Comments on other Indian clergy that are ill. Discusses the child of Andrew Jones, one of the Indian teachers, who was expected to die and...
17 September 1872
Mentions starting work at Santee and his growing son. Discusses the health of Paul and Christian Taopi, a fellow Indian preacher, whose death seemed imminent. Taopi expressed no fear in dying, but regretted not having more time to preach. Sends...
15 July 1873
Discusses building a house and garden on his land in Bazille, his health, and his work. Mentions a possible transfer to the Chapel at Bazille Creek, on the recommendation of Bishop William Hare. Comments on the growth of his son, who he speaks to in...
January 20, 1878
Discusses her husband's declining health and how she recovered her own health, which became bad after her daughter Mary died, while camping. Notes visiting the sick via horseback. Comments on the local school, Christmas, and a visit by whites to...
3 April 1878
Reports the death and burial of her husband, Daniel Hemans.
January 18, 1879
Thanks them for their letter sent with five dollars. Expresses her praise for God. Notes that her son Allie is going to school at the Santee Agency and her infant son is doing well.
2 December 1880
Notes that her son, Allie, is at school. Explains that she visited Flandreau, Dakota, for the fall. Comments positively on a pretty clock she received.
21 April 1881
Comments on the new spring and the difficult past winter. Discusses her garden. Also discusses her growing children and her older son's school. Informs Shiras she is getting re-married and is worried how she will react. Describes it as a financial...
27 November 1881
Explains that she did not intend to alienate her friends in the east by re-marrying and justifies the re-marriage. Discusses the children, her two and her sister's three, who also live with them, the four oldest of which are in school. Thanks an...
circa August 1880
Thanks them for Allie's saddle. Discusses going eight miles with her son to "hunt up something" good to eat for her younger son, who had been sick with dysentery and vomiting. On that trip, her son was thrown from his horse, which made her reflect on...
Extract from a letter from the Reverend Samuel D. Hinman
circa 1873
Discusses missionary work with the Indians along the Sioux River who renounced tribal claims and took plots of land in accordance with the Homestead Act.
Mission of the Church to the Yankton Sioux Indians
Apparently a section extracted from a book.
Asks Mrs. Shiras to purchase and send the listed silverware, if she has not yet send him the money from Mr. Brown.
Lower Falls on Lake Fork, attributed to number 243. Photo of waterfall in forest. Another copy of the same photo in GLC02436.01. With gilded edges.
A Successful Hunter.
A Successful Hunter, attributed to number 500. A photo of three talking while surrounded by the dead bodies of five deer. With gilded edges.
[A photo of 5 or 6 people next to a large rock structure at a high height]
[A photo of 5 or 6 people next to a large rock structure at a high height]. The large rock structure appears to be an ancient city or town. With gilded edges.
Colummar Basalts on Yellowstone River
Colummar Basalts on Yellowstone River. A photograph of a river full of basalts that runs through two mountains. With gilded edges.
[Head of Gibbon Canon Yellowstone Park.]
"Head of Gibbon Canon Yellowstone Park." is written in pencil on the back of the photograph. The picture depicts a serene river running through a forested area with a mountain in the background. With gilded edges.
Showing results 301 - 400