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Answer from the Mohawk Sachems to Cornell Coursey's proposition
Mohawk Indians
The Mohawks agree to the terms of Cornell Coursey's proposition, and offer furs to help resolve difficulties. Docketed on verso.
Answer to Cornell Coursey's proposition [in Dutch]
Seneca people
Answer to Cornell Coursey's proposition
The Sinnondowannes & Cayugas extend their gratitude to the Governor General and to the English for their willingness to forgive the past. They also offer beaver furs in order to resolve past conflicts.
Proposition for Indian policy [in Dutch]
September 16, 1679
Kendall, William, fl. 1679
Contains two separate proposals. Robert Livingston signed as the translator of both proposals.
Proposition made to the Mohawks
William Kendall, the Agent of Indian Affairs in Virginia, writes to set the terms of the colony's relationship with the Mohawks. In order to maintain peace and friendship, Kendall writes that all Indians are required to stand still and lay down...
Showing results 311 - 315