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[Request for rations]
22 September 1783
Campbell, John, fl. 1782-1783
Request for rations for former captives. Countersigned Samuel Shaw. Also signed by George J. Denniston. Endorsement signed by Michael [Rueth].
[Provision return]
18 September 1783
Glen, Jacob, 1735-1828
Victualling return for non commissioned officers and twelve privates who are among those escorting the British flag from Canada. Countersigned by Zephaniah Brown with the docket signed by John Ompey.
30 September 1783
Connolly, Michael, fl. 1783
Request to issue ten days' worth of provisions for a man from the second New York regiment. Countersigned by Edward Hand with a note on the verso.
1 October 1783
Tearse, Peter Bailey, fl. 1776-1783
Lists when and how many rations were issued to Captain James Livingston. Noted as received by Livingston.
[Request for provisions]
3 October 1783
Lillie, John, 1755-1801
Request for six days' worth of provisions.
[Provision return for a detachment of the Massachusetts Artillery]
12 October 1783
Johnston, W., fl. 1783
Lists provisions which include bread, candles, rum and vinegar, with amounts.
Wright, J., fl. 1783
Lists men by company with issued rations. Countersigned by John Lillie with a signed docket on the verso stating receipt by William Burrows.
5 September 1783
Capron, Seth, fl. 1783
Request for rations for men in George Washington's barge. Addressed to Mr. [Robert] Bell and John Lillie, with the docket signed by Gideon Buckingham.
6 September 1783
Return for men in the ordnance department. Countersigned by Samuel Shaw with the docket signed by Ebert Smith.
[Request for goods]
7 September 1783
Request for twenty pounds of beef for Henry Knox and his family. Addressed to Mr. [Robert] Bell, with the docket signed by Jacob Johnson.
11 September 1783
Dodge, Levi, fl. 1777-1783
Return for a detachment of troops travelling to West Point, New York from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Doughty, John, 1754-1826
Request for a quarter of beef for Henry Knox and his family. Addressed to Mr. [Robert] Bell, with the docket signed by Jacob Johnson.
12 September 1783
Request for two quarts of rum for Henry Knox and his family. Addressed to Mr. [Robert] Bell, with the docket signed by Christopher Smith.
Barber, Nathaniel, Jr., 1728-1787
Request for provisions for men in a barge crew. Countersigned by Isaac Smith.
to Henry Knox
16 September 1783
Hay, Udney, fl. 1776-1806
Asks Knox for permission to retain a few of the men who were assigned to help build his house since many of the men are sick and unable to work. Advises the sick be sent to the hospital and wants to know how the remaining men will draw provisions...
Brown, Zephaniah, 1739-1810
Request for rations for a prisoner going home to Canada.
[Provision Return]
Cheesman, Joseph, fl. 1783
Return for men in the forgers, "forgerears" department. Countersigned by Samuel Shaw with the docket signed by J. Clark.
Shaw, Samuel, 1754-1794
Request for twenty pounds of beef for General Henry Knox. Docket signed by Jacob Johnson.
19 September 1783
Request for twelve pounds of bread for General Henry Knox. Docket signed by Christopher Smith.
[Provision order]
20 September 1783
Request for twenty pounds of beef for General Knox. Docket signed by Jacob Johnson.
Request for twelve pounds of bread for General Henry Knox and his family. Docket signed by Jacob Johnson.
23 September 1783
Request for twelve pounds of bread for General Henry Knox and his family. Docket signed by Samuel Shaw.
25 September 1783
Request for twenty pounds of bread and beef each, for General Henry Knox and his family. Docket signed by Jacob Johnson.
29 September 1783
Request for twenty pounds each bread and beef, for General Henry Knox and his family. Docket signed by Jacob Johnson.
[Provision return for the Canadian refugees]
September 1783
Merlet, H., fl. 1783
Lists men by military denomination with issued rations.
Lists men by regiment with rations issued. Includes a note on the verso.
6 October 1783
Lists provisions with amounts. Items include bread, vinegar, and beef.
7 October 1783
Dunham, Azariah, 1718-1790
Request to issue six days' worth of provisions to eleven men of the Invalides. Countersigned by Moses Scott with a note stating receipt on the verso from Jonathan Foster.
13 October 1783
Morrill, Amos, 1742-1810
Reports himself as an agent "in the Settlement of the Accounts of the New Hampshire Line ... "
24 October 1783
Grant, Edward, fl. 1783-1789
Discusses the unnecessary need for an inspector to come by and inspect the beef, since "this is a season in which there is very little or no bad Beef to be purchased in the Country; & Mr. [Oliver] Phelps, the Beef Contractor has determined to get...
27 October 1783
Alden, J., fl. 1783
Provision return for five prisoners of the 4th Massachusetts Regiment.
28 August 1783
Request for provisions for eleven men belonging to George Washington's barge. Countersigned by John Lillie with the docket signed by Gideon Buckingham. Addressed to a Mr. [Robert] Bell.
4 September 1783
Order for one barrel of flour and twenty pounds of beef for Henry Knox and his family. Apparently addressed to Mr. [William] Bell. Docket signed by Jacob Johnson.
Means, James, 1753-1832
Return for men of the one of the Massachusetts regiments. Noted as written in Brunswick, possibly in New Jersey (and docket mentions New Brunswick, New Jersey). Docket signed by Calvin [Seaver].
Request for rations for a soldier in one of the Massachusetts regiments who has been discharged. Addressed to Mr. [Robert] Bell, with the docket signed by Peter Little.
Request for half a bushel of salt for Henry Knox and his family. Addressed to Mr. [Robert] Bell, with the docket signed by Jacob Johnson.
Request for half a bushel of salt for Henry Knox and his family. Addressed to Mr. [Robert] Bell, with the docket signed by John Rudemucker.
Request for rations for a soldier discharged from a Massachusetts regiment in the army. Docket signed by Josiah Eastman.
[Army return]
13 September 1783
Bowles, Ralph H., 1757-1813
Return of non commissioned officers and privates of the 1st Massachusetts regiment.
[Provision request]
15 September 1783
Order issued by West Point Fortress Major Doughty for 20 pounds of beef to be delivered for the use of the Knox family. Note on verso signed by a Jacob Johnson states the beef was received.
Request for rations for men belonging to General Henry Knox's barge. Countersigned by John Lillie.
Request for one barrel of flour and twelve pounds of bread for General Henry Knox. Docket signed received by Jacob Johnson.
Request for rations for former prisoners in Canada on their way home to Pennsylvania.
Request for twenty pounds of beef for General Henry Knox.
Return for former prisoners in Canada who are going home to Pennsylvania. Docket signed by James Wilson.
Request for twelve pounds of bread for General Henry Knox and his family. Docket signed by Christopher Smith.
21 September 1783
Request for twenty pounds of bread for General Henry Knox and his family. Docket signed by Christopher Smith.
Return for a former captive in Canada who is now returning home to Pennsylvania. Docket signed by John Habermeyer.
24 September 1783
Browen, fl. 1783
Victualling return for one of the soldiers "of the Escort to the British Flagg from Canada." Docket signed by a John Ompey.
Return for two former captives in Canada, who are going home to Pennsylvania. Docket signed by James Wilson.
Showing results 1,301 - 1,350