Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to Henry Knox
13 May 1784
Colerus, Christian de, fl. 1776-1784
Major Colerus seeks to obtain four months pay for his service in 1776 and 1777. Notes that his wife has died, and "with her all my Happiness is Vanished."
to Peter DeWitt re: slave trade
Livingston, Robert III, 1708-1790
Robert Livingston, Jr. describes the multiple deaths of enslaved people on a trading vessel, and expresses disappointment at the financial loss.
[Order to the Commissary for the arrearage of provisions due to Mrs. Corbin of the Invalids]
14 September 1782
Shaw, Samuel, 1754-1794
Includes a note at the top of the page, in Shaw's hand, from Jonathan Pugh, Lieutenant of Invalids, which reads, "This is to certify that Mrs. Margaret Corbin (wife of John Corbin a soldier in the corps of Invalids) has not drawn any liquor with the...
to Benjamin Lincoln
January 31, 1787
Cook, P., fl. 1787
Written from Granby, likely in southern Massachusetts, near Springfield. Writes on behalf of the town of Granby that the prospect of war is causing severe anxiety among the townspeople, despite the fact that they have a lot of faith and confidence...
[Account of payment made by Thomas Flucker to John Homer]
Homer, John, fl. 1772
Includes account information from 29 August 1772. Appears to be signed on verso by Homer. Flucker pays Homer for tomb stones, fire stones, and hearth stones.
[An account of the yellow fever outbreak in Philadelphia]
11-14 October 1793
Top half of this document is dated 11 October from Philadelphia. The bottom half is dated 14 October from New York. The Philadelphia report gives a grim account of the yellow fever outbreak. The New York report says 137 were officially buried in...
to Isaac Winslow
21 August 1787
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Apologizes for not writing sooner but says the sickness, then death, of his youngest child prevented him from doing so. Says that his wife (Lucy Knox) and eldest daughter have also been sick. Discusses submitting a complaint to a committee to...
January 28, 1792
Winslow, Isaac, 1736-1806
Writes, "The melancholy misfortune which has lately befel [sic] our family in the death of Mr Isaac Winslow Senr will in some measure retard the business of the patent, but only for a short time as my brother Samuel Winslow who is now here is...
14 August 1800
Houston, Robert, 1765-1824
Docket reads that this document is a report "given by Robt Houston...of the murder of a Mr. Winslow a resident near Portland."
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