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to Mary
February 10, 1863
Kellogg, James H., fl. 1862-1864
He thinks his regiment has seen harder times than most, since they have been in two battles already. He responds to her request for details of William Sears' death.
9 May 1864
He talks about the inevitability of death and the many vices of the army. It takes a very stable mind to reject all the vices of the army. He mentions a friend who wants to enlist because his wife died, but he thinks it would be better if he stayed...
23 July 1864
Every time the Rebels make a raid, they are helping the Union. Lee was "badly whipped," and driven back. He mentions Grant, who had a position, but realized it wouldn't work. He predicts the Rebels will soon have to abandon Petersburg and Richmond...
to Alexander Shiras
7 October 1872
Hinman, Samuel D., 1839-1890
Reverend Hinman, who presided over the Santee Agency, writes to Reverend Shiras about Daniel Hemans. Notes Daniel is in good health, "is doing splendidly," and might be made a Presbyter. Thanks him for care of his boys. A postscript indicates Paul is...
to Frances B. Shiras
23 July 1873
Hemans, Nancy A., 1843-?
Discusses her garden and her growing son, comparing his dark skin to "a little niger." Indicates they will move to Bazille Creek, but will soon come back for the Convocation Meeting. Discusses money problems and a shawl she has yet to receive from...
5 June 1878
Discusses all she has had to do since her husband's death and reveals that she is pregnant since three months before his death. Comments on her hope to be a good mother but willingness to die, if it is God's will. Discusses money problems with the...
8 September 1878
Discusses her loneliness and friendlessness since her husband's death and how a letter from Reverend Shiras lifted her spirits. Notes that her son is growing. Asks Shiras to pray for her "that the evil will not overcome me." Comments that she would...
4 June 1880
Thanks Shiras and others for money sent (possibly for Daniel Hemans's grave stone). Thinks the Santee had enough money for a grave stone. Discusses her baby boy, Daniel, and his humorous actions. Comments on her other son's riding activities and his...
An undated note in which Nancy discusses a second pregnancy, possibly the one she had after Daniel's death. Ruminates on mortality.
21 May 1863
He heard of the death of a fellow soldier, whom he hoped had lived. They are under marching orders and have to be ready to leave at any time. He talks about the hand of providence.
23 September 1863
He reminds her that there are thousands of women who no longer have a husband to write to. A lot is riding on the current battle they are in. If the Rebels lose it, they will all be taken prisoner. Right now there are 1100 prisoners from Bragg's army...
13 April 1864
There is sickness and death lately, mostly among the new recruits. He asks her to tell him the price of produce, so that he can allocate funds appropriately. He warns her that he has become a hard drinker and that is why he has gained weight.
17 October 1872
Hemans, Daniel Wright, fl. 1872-1881
Indicates he has not written because he was sick. Informs Shiras that Christian Taopi has died. Discusses a recent visit by bishops Whipple and Clarkson, and William Welsh to all the Indian missions, their ordinations and assignations of missionaries...
15 December 1872
Discusses Mrs. Hinman's illness and other ill women at the Santee Mission. Indicates she is making a dress and that her husband and son are in need of new clothes. Comments about how she should be thankful to God at Christmas for living another year...
15 May 1873
Discusses the death of their friend Paul Mazakute, an Indian clergyman who long-suffered from consumption. Explains how their buggy broke down after the funeral. In a post script, indicates that they might get photos taken.
to Alexander Shiras and Frances B. Shiras
27 April 1875
Discusses the loss of Mary, her child, and takes solace in the idea that Mary will be with relatives in heaven. Mentions prayers and affirms her fidelity to God's will.
27 August 1875
Discusses the death of his daughter Mary and affirms his belief that it is God's will. Also discusses the destruction of his garden in the night by a herd of cattle. Notes he has a hemorrhage.
to James L. Botsford
" . . . the expedition under Major Mahon to Logan County has just returned the result we have 20 prisoners one Q. M. - we killed 3 men & wounded two we lost no man . . ." Dated 11 1863. No second page. Written in Camp Piatt
10 October 1862
He describes the battle of the eight. 5 or 6 men were wounded, one of which ended up dying.. He was detailed to take care of the wounded and in the hospital he was appointed ward master
8 August 1863
2 of their friends recently died. He talks about restoring the nation.
8 April 1864
Benjamin Vasper will bring the book and money to her. He thinks back to 1862 when the Cumberland army left Louisville and who has died.
18 April 1864
He describes a funeral he attended of a new recruit who died of a heart disease. He will send her more money soon.
1 May 1872
Reports that his health has improved. Discusses his growing baby, and naming him after Alexander Shiras. Comments on other Indian clergy that are ill. Discusses the child of Andrew Jones, one of the Indian teachers, who was expected to die and...
17 September 1872
Mentions starting work at Santee and his growing son. Discusses the health of Paul and Christian Taopi, a fellow Indian preacher, whose death seemed imminent. Taopi expressed no fear in dying, but regretted not having more time to preach. Sends...
3 April 1878
Reports the death and burial of her husband, Daniel Hemans.
27 November 1881
Explains that she did not intend to alienate her friends in the east by re-marrying and justifies the re-marriage. Discusses the children, her two and her sister's three, who also live with them, the four oldest of which are in school. Thanks an...
circa August 1880
Thanks them for Allie's saddle. Discusses going eight miles with her son to "hunt up something" good to eat for her younger son, who had been sick with dysentery and vomiting. On that trip, her son was thrown from his horse, which made her reflect on...
to Captain James L. Botsford
White, Carr Bailey, 1823-1871
"Rebels killed Saml Richmond Thursday charged him with ferrying deserters over Ricer. My scouts in his neighborhood"
to Eliakim P. Scammond
Toland, John T., fl. 1863-1864
I met two men in rebel uniform who gave themselves up as deserters...states that the force under McCausland [Confederate Brigadier General John McCausland] who attacked this place consists all 1000 Infantry with one hundred cavalry with...
to Mrs. Kellog
23 August 1863
Martindale, T.G., fl. 1863
A letter informing her of Wesley Kellog's death. He provides a detailed account of how how he was shot and killed.
12 March 1893
Hemans, Daniel W., fl. 1878
Explains that he is the youngest son of Reverend Daniel W. Hemans and indicates that his mother is not well enough to write. Explains that they had a hard winter, his little sister died, mother was sick, and he had to come back from Hope School in...
to Lewis Nicola
25 October 1782
Gibbs, Samuel, fl. 1782
Written from Fish Kill Landing, present-day Fishkill, New York. Writes, "I saw a Gentleman from Hartford yesterday who gave me a letter for Sergt Gerolds; and at the same time inform'd me that the Srgt's wife died, verry sudden in a fit, six or...
to Alexander Hamilton
24 July 1782
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Later copy. Knox sent Hamilton the latest information on what is now known as the Huddy-Asgill Affair.
to Samuel Shaw
17 November 1782
Eustis, William, 1753-1825
Written from "Hospital." Writes to Shaw on behalf of the bearer, Thomas Parkman, a servant of Captain [Thomas] Patten whose brother recently died at the hospital. After Dr. Eustis had been treating the brother for a "very long and dangerous illness...
11 September 1782
Tilghman, Tench, 1744-1786
Writes, "It appears clearly to me that the order forbidding the issue of Rum to Women does not extend to Mrs. [Margaret] Corbin - Granting provision at all, to Women who are followers of the Army, is altogether matter of courtesy, and therefore the...
to Henry Knox
15 December 1782
Noailles, Louis Marie, vicomte de, 1756-1804
Writes to tell Knox he is sailing for France in a few days. Writes, "the last sentiments of a person near to death are sometimes precious nothing looks more like it than the imense separation of the sea." Comments that though he "will be soon...
to Tench Tilghman
10 September 1782
Shaw, Samuel, 1754-1794
Writes that it is not in his power to send him Congress's resolve of 6 July 1779, concerning Margaret Corbin. Explains that her case is "peculiar": "Her husband and son killed and herself wounded in the services, were misfortunes of so aggravated as...
to Benjamin Lincoln
20 December 1782
There is a small note at the top which says "(Copied from the Original) K's rough draft being faded out in parts." Knox writes that he is sorry General Lincoln seems so upset with him for not replying to his letters and emphasizes how much he prizes...
[Orris Crosby outlines his life]
circa 1837
Crosby, Orris, 1791-1863
In a description of the events of his life, discusses his imprisonment in Canada. After his imprisonment, he was shot by John Garland, an officer in the Royal Navy, for refusing to fight against the United States in the 10 September 1813 Battle of...
[Appointment of coroner]
January 13,1823
Pleasants, James, 1769-1836
Serving as Governor of Virginia, Pleasants appoints Lewis Seward as coroner of Middlesex County. Contains the seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
to Horatio C. King
February 14, 1884
Upshur, John Henry,1823-1917
Written by Commodore Upshur as Commandant of the New York Navy Yard to King as Judge Advocate General. King is invited to attend the official reception for the remains of Lieutenant Commander George W. De Long and his companions on 21 February.
to Eliza Jane Bope
19 October 1861
Bope, Conrad, 1839-1917
Bope writes to his sister reporting that brother John is well. Complains about the continuous rain and states that one of their men was shot. Writes about the rebels destroying a bridge over Green River. Comments that they are waiting for artillery:...
to John Bope Sr.
20 December 1861
Bope, John, 1838-?
Bope writes to his father from Camp Wood. Reports on a battle with the Rebels and states that 19 men were killed and more wounded in his regiment. Comments that the Rebels have a camp four miles from him and he is sending his father ninety dollars...
to unknown
25 April 1862
Bope writes to a friend from the Battlefield of Camp Shiloh. Reports he survived the bloody Battle of Shiloh (6-7 April 1862) unharmed. Discusses the battle strategy in depth and the horror he felt: "...we had to step over the daed [sic] and...
to John S. Goold
27 September 1863
Goold, Theodore, 1844-?
Writes to his father that he and his brother James are in good health and spirits. Reports that they will both be shipped to the Penisula in less than a week. Describes the photograph that he had taken in case he is hurt in battle. "I think we will...
to Johny
12 November 1863
Goold, James, 1842-?
Writes to his brother that part of his division has been engaged in a skirmish at Rappahannock station, and lost four men. Notes that "the second brigade of our division has the credit of helping take the forts near the river..." Informs his brother...
to Albert Gillett
1 July 1888
Summers, Etta, fl. 1888
Begins her letter, "Tis Sabbath pleasant & cool & all nature seems to rejoice, even the birds singing in the trees wafting their songs while I sit by my window trying to talk to you in this silent way, but I trust the near future holds something...
3 March 1889
Bradford, Eliza C., fl. 1889
Addresses him "dear sir" and writes that she was surprised to hear from him. Reports that she has many cares and apologizes that she has fallen into the habit of not responding to letters. Speaks of her deceased husband and tells him, "we are a happy...
to Sephronia Fairchild
5 June 1864
Fairchild, Lewis D., 1829-?
Fairchild writes to his wife from Coal Harbor, Virginia. He refers to his survival of the Battle of Coal Harbor, 1 June,1865 and speaks of God and Providence in sparing him. States they are marching on to Richmond and he expects to be there within 60...
30 October 1864
Fairchild writes to his wife from camp "right in front of Petersburg," Virginia. Writes about heavy fighting; "our boys mowed the Rebels down like wheat" and took two thousand prisoners. Reports that one hundred volunteers charged and captured a...
Showing results 801 - 850