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to Richard H. Jackson
6 March 1863
Jackson, Henry, fl. 1861-1864
He is enclosing $500.
1 March 1863
He writes that they have had beautiful sleighing and informs him he will be on Broadway when his regiment arrives.
March 15, 1863
He mentions the clothing that Richard requested and how he is busy getting everything together to send to him. He mentions Miss Milligan.
March 19, 1863
He is sending the collars he requested along with some tobacco and a few cigars.
March 25, 1863
He writes that his son should get a very warm reception upon his return. Also, he says business has been good lately. He mentions Mr. Austin.
1 April 1863
He tells his son he has called to order the cap he requested but he will not get it until Friday so he will mail it Saturday at the latest.
7 April 1863
Thanks him for the $100 he sent. He is glad his son has pleasant quarters at Fortress Monroe.
13 April 1863
He hopes he will not be too disappointed to learn the War Department has decided to retain the service of the two-year men. He is sorry to hear of Col. Kimball's death.
22 April 1863
He describes Col. Kimball's funeral.
21 June 1863
Patterson, Sam S., fl. 1861-1864
He heard Richard was in town but did not know where to find him. He is expecting to go back to Frederick soon but they are currently advancing and it is uncertain when they could return.
10 July 1863
Watson, Martha, fl. 1861-1864
She writes that John came to visit her last night and that it must be beautiful where he is is because of the abundance of fish.
20 July 1863
Sam, fl. 1861-1865
Since he returned over 5,000 patients have been admitted to the hospital. He received a letter from Davis recently and has received a furlough he didn't even ask for.
27 July 1863
She informs him that she has never thought of him in any other way than as a friend and was unprepared for his question in that regard. She apologizes for wounding him and says he is always welcome to visit.
28 August 1863
Gibbons, Patrick F., fl. 1861-1864
He thanks him for the information RIchard sent him. He was surprised by Richard's current address since he thought he had already served long enough but realized he was doing something quite different now.
6 September 1863
Merritt, John B., fl. 1861-1864
He mentions Gus Snow and Jimmy Armstrong. He talks about how great the weather is and bemoans the fact that there are not many women at Hilton's Head.
16 September 1863
Kid, fl. 1861-1864
He apologizes for the brevity of his letter. He has absolutely nothing to write about.
19 September 1863
Armstrong, J.A., fl. 1861-1864
He tells Richard he has just been drafted.
22 September 1863
He had a splendid ride to Seabrook and enjoyed the plantations. He received a note from Richard's father reminding him of the parcel containing his watch.
12 October 1863
He received a letter from Sam recently that talked about a Mr. John M. Auliff and his success as a rum seller.
17 October 1863
Hazelton, C.B., fl. 1861-1864
He was surprised to hear that he had gone South again but he supposes Richard must be making plenty of money. He asks Richard to send all the sea shells he can get.
31 October 1863
He dreamt there had been a battle of Chattanooga. Even though Pemberton is dead, he dreamt he commanded the rebel forces and was defeated. He tells Richard about the shoe business and the different ladies that come into his shop.
11 November 1863
He writes that there was a falling out between himself and Mr. Dunshaw, the general clerk. They got into a fight and Kid knocked him down. Since then they have been civil.
2 December 1863
Child, Charles, fl. 1861-1864
The new 9th was consolidated with the 17th and the whole regiment is in Tennessee now. He mention several mutual acquaintances whose positions in the service at recently changed.
3 December 1863
Andy, fl. 1861-1865
Andy writes he has recently gotten a job making camera boxes. Their mtual friend William Bagwell was recently killed in the navy yard by falling from a scaffold.
4 December 1863
Cafferty, R.P., fl. 1861-1864
He writes it will be impossible to come see Richard now as they are very busy. He has not seen Martha since his departure,
13 December 1863
He writes he is glad to hear of the death of those "inhuman monsters." It is not clear what he is referring to since he he says they can stand on their hind legs. He relays the news that a steamboat was destroyed by fire. Describes a surprise party...
December 17, 1863
He writes that he finds Richard's letters very interesting and hopes he will visit Boston soon. He mentions their friend Samuel.
December 31, 1863
He writes that someone [illegible] is capable of performing the duties of a wife for him.
15 October 1861
No year. He inquires about Fred Snow whom he has not seen in a long time. He wishes he was down in Dixie as he is "heart sick" of New York.
3 April 1861
Chapple, James, fl. 1861-1865
No year. He mentions Mary Cranston whom he forgot to ask a favor of. He invites Richard over for the weekend.
4 December 1861
No year. He gives the news about his family who are mostly sick and inquires about Fred Snow. Gus Snow "went to war with the Treasury of the Perry Base Ball Club..."
to Brother (Richard H. Jackson)
6 July 1865
Jackson, Lizzie, fl. 1865
She writes that they are to have a picnic for the returning soldiers but she had to turn down the invitation because he is not there to go with her.
18 April 1865
He writes about the effect of Lincoln's death.
21 May 1865
Jennie, fl. 1859-1897
She complains this is the most lonesome place she has ever been and they couldn't hire her to stay another Sunday.
March 27,1863
Martin, fl. 1861-1864
He notes that his love of adventure is not yet satisfied, yet he thinks it would be after two years of military service. He writes that Richard's mother wants very much to receive a letter from him.
to Sir
6 January 1873
Langbein, Julius, fl. 1873
Invitation to plan a reunion for the Hawkins Zoaves.
[Resolution Adopted at the Annual Reunion of the Hawkins Zoaves]
2 June 1888
Jackson, Richard H., fl. 1861-1865
They resolve to one day meet the members of the 3rd Georgia Regiment as friends, under the US flag.
Report of the First Reunion of the Society of the Burnside Expedition and Ninth Army Corps.
7 July 1869
The first reunion was successful. They created a Roll of Honor which includes all the names of officers and soldiers in the Burnside Expedition and Ninth Army Corp and a constitution. The next meeting will be held at Niagara Falls.
8 June 1863
His father acknowledges the receipt of his letter of the 5th. He says there is no news to report.
18 August 1863
They are glad to hear of his safety and continued satisfaction with the current situation. He met one of his acquaintances. He mentions Mrs. Foster's brothers who were drafted..
8 September 1863
He mentions Mr. Allen Foster who is laid up with boils on his leg. They took a trip to Coney Island where they met Gus Snow. Mrs. Bennett is suffering from inflammation from the lungs.
13 September 1863
very faded, cannot be read.
20 September 1863
He has sent his son a watch and hopes he is pleased with it. He mentions the Miss Kennedys. H. Fulton arrive on Tuesday but brought no letter from Richard.
1 October 1863
He has not heard from his son in a while and is worried something may have happened to him.
8 October 1863
He is very glad to have finally heard from the Richard as there was an irregularity with the mail, On page 2, there is a picture of a castle-like building. He includes some figures from his bank book.
16 October 1863
He is disappointed not to have received a letter by the last post, but acknowledges the receipt of the 40 dollars he sent.
1 November 1863
He is happy to find his son in good health. The weather in Central Park has improved but soon winter will come and people will be skating. Last page is written over.
10 November 1863
He writes there is great anxiety over the fall of Sumter which appears to hold out. He also mentions a party for Mrs. Watson that has been postponed.
15 November 1863
On the front page there is a sketch of a Hawkins' Zouave with a long, stretched out neck. He writes that that he was hired to drive a wagon and deliver goods uptown for [illegible] but looks like Duncan's Sons for $8 a week. Also, he says Mr...
18 November 1863
He acknowledges that the he has recived the $50.
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