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to mother
Walbridge, Charles E., 1842-?
Promoted to Captain. Describes the condition of his clothing and a young man who is clerk to the regimental Quartermaster. Hopes to get a furlough soon.
Continued 5/16. Since the men have nothing else to do, they spend their time beautifying the camp (widening the streets, flower gardens, etc.). Walbridge describes the improvements they have made and his plans to put a filter in the well. The...
Discusses food available for officers. A reconnaissance party brings back word that the Confederates are short of food.
Acknowledges receipt of a package containing clothes, dinnerware, dried fruits, wine, cakes and other delicacies. He is now the district Quartermaster. He asks how his sister Sarah's baby is doing.
Waiting to hear information about Lee's raid into Pennsylvania. Discusses his new duties and mentions that a sergeant has resigned.
The men who were supposed to go home on furlough got no further than Hilton Head. He writes that he has been very busy supervising the loading and unloading vessels.
Briefly describes the charge on Fort Wagner which he mistakenly says was led by the 7th Connecticut. The 100th Regiment dug trenches and erected a battery which captured a rebel battery. [Walbridge gives a correct and compelling description of the...
He has been sick lately but feels better now. Large numbers of reinforcements are arriving from North Carolina and Norfolk. Both side appear to be busy readying themselves for battle.
He expects that he will be relieved of his duties as Quartermaster and made to rejoin his regiment. He describes the progress of the siege of Charleston.
He writes of the capture of a small group a confederates, the bombardment on Fort Wagner and the siege of Charleston. Also discusses the whereabouts of friends.
Reports the Confederate evacuation of Forts Wagner and Gregg. Now believes he will be allowed to remain quartermaster. He has bought a colt and intends to raise her. Informs his mother that he sent home a 42 pound shell fired from a confederate gun...
A tent mate is ill. He hopes to be paid soon. He writes a list of clothing items he wishes to have sent to him. A corporal is promoted to 1st Lieutenant because he brought the colors back from the attack on Fort Wagner [7/14/1863]. "I like the...
He has been recommended for the position of Assistant Quartermaster. Lists items he would like sent to him. The Confederate occupied Forts, Moutlrie and Johnson, are now firing on the Union Forts Gregg and Wagner.
He writes that he offered George [his brother] a job in the Quartermaster's office. He is surprised at the number of young ladies who have married while he was away. Discusses the attack of the Confederate torpedo boat "David" on the "Ironsides".
Describes the camp of the 112th and a church sermon held there. Walbridge plans to open a sawmill on the Island.
He "countermands" his request for clothing since a local tailor said he could fix Walbridge's clothes and writes of friends from home.
He is visiting Hilton Head. The quartermasters in this town all "own" houses there. He has received a package, but hasn't had time to open it yet. He has orders to oversee the construction of a canal [the Dutch Gap Canal].
He was very excited to open his box of clothes, food and other materials. "I took as much pleasure . . . as children usually do in emptying their stockings on Christmass [sic] morning." He reports that the monitor "Weehawken" has sunk, probably due...
Edwards, James D.
Gurnsey, B.H.
Verso contains imprint of Gurnsey, ink signature of Edwards ("James D. Edwards, Fairfield, Iowa"), and pencil inscription in another hand ("Age 41, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cavalry, Nativity- PA"). Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Ferguson, Luther.
Hamilton, C.L., fl. 1861-1865
Verso contains imprint of Hamilton, ink signature of Ferguson, and pencil inscription in another hand ("Luther Ferguson, Age 19, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cavalry, Nativity- Illinois"). Oval vignette bust portrait in uniform.
Forbes, Patrick.
Verso contains imprint of Gurnesy and ink signature of Forbes. Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Fox, J.B.
Verso contains ink signature of Fox ("J. B. Fox, Newcumerstown [sic], Tuscarawas Co., Ohio"), and pencil inscription in another hand ("J. B. Fox, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cav, Native Clinton Co. Ohio"). Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Hendel, William H.
Verso contains imprint of Gurnsey, ink signature of Hendel, and pencil inscription in another hand ("Age 18, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cavalry, Native- Connecticut"). Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Higgins, Edwin.
Verso contains stamp of Hamilton, ink signature of Higgins ("Edwin Higgins, Charls. City, Floyd Co., Iowa"), and pencil inscription in another hand ("Age 20, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cavalry"). Oval vignette bust portrait [in uniform?].
Hogden, [?].
Verso contains imprint of Gurnsey and ink signature of Hogden: "Ord Sergt Hogden, Co M, 7th Iowa Cav." Half length seated portrait [not in uniform?]
Holbrook, Ai. N.
Verso contains stamp of Gurnsey and ink signature of Holbrook. Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Jones, Aaron.
Verso contains stamp of Gurnsey, ink signature of Jones ("Aaron Jones, Friendsville, Blount Co., Tennessee"), and pencil inscription in another hand ("Age 22, From Keokuk, Enl. Feb. 21 1864, Co. M 7 Iowa Cavalry.") Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Richard Keane.
Verso contains ink signature of Keane: "Richard Keane, Burlington, Iowa," and pencil inscriptions in at least two hands: "Richard Keane, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cavalry, Native of Indiana, 1st duty sergt." Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Killough, Augustus.
Verso contains stamp of Gurnsey, ink signature of Killough, and pencil inscription in another hand: "Augustus Killough, Age 18, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cavalry, From Dodgeville, Native- Pennsylvania." Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Kline, Theodore.
Verso contains stamp of Gurnsey, ink signature of Kline, and pencil inscription in another hand: "Theodore Kline, Age 18, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cavalry, From Dodgeville, Native- Pennsylvania." Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Klise, John W.
Verso contains stamp of Gurnsey, ink signature of Klise, and pencil inscription in another hand: "John W. Klise, Age 21, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cav., Native of Ohio." Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Langan, William P.
Verso contains imprint of Gurnsey and ink signature of Langan. Oval bust portrait in uniform.
McBeath, James R.
Verso contains ink signature of McBeath. Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Meason, William E.
Verso contains stamp of Hamilton, ink signature of Meason: "Wm. E. Meason, Ord. Sergt., Co. M., 7th Iowa Cav., Burlington, Iowa," and pencil inscription in another hand: "1st Sergeant." Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Moore, William M.
Verso contains ink signature of Moore and pencil inscription in another hand: "Co. M, 7 Iowa Cav., 19, Enl. Toronto, Iowa, Native- Ireland." Oval vignette bust portrait in uniform.
Mowden, James M.
Verso contains stamp of Gurnsey, ink signature of Mowden, and pencil inscription in another hand: "Age 19, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cav., Native Ohio, Res. Buena Vista, Iowa." Half length seated portrait in uniform.
Pattee, John.
Verso contains ink signature of Pattee: "John Pattee, Lieut. Col, 7th Iowa Cav.," and pencil inscription in another hand: "Age 43, Iowa City, Native Canada, Bvt. Brig. General." Three quarter length seated portrait in uniform. Napoleonic pose.
Platt, [?].
Verso contains imprint of Gurnsey and pencil inscription "Platt." Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Price, Jas[on?].
Verso contains Gurnsey imprint, ink signature of Price: "Jas. Price, Osage, Mitchell C[o]., Iowa," and pencil inscription in another hand: "Age 22, Resident- Bristol, Native- Michigan, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cav." Half length seated portrait in uniform.
Purcell, Martin.
Verso contains ink signature of Purcell: "Martin Purcell, Toronto, Iowa," and pencil inscription in another hand: "Age 32, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cavalry, Native- Ireland." Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Randall, Henry.
Verso contains Gurnsey imprint, ink signature of Randall: "Henry Randall, Wheatland, Iowa," and pencil inscription in another hand: "Co. M, 7 Iowa Cav." Vignette bust portrait in uniform.
Randall, John.
Verso contains stamp of Hamilton, ink signature of Randall: "John Randall, Wheatland, Jan[…] 18[…]," and pencil inscription in another hand: "John Randall, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cav., Wheatland, Iowa, Native of Maine." Oval vignette bust portrait in uniform...
Ratican, Jos[eph?]
Verso contains stamp of Hamilton and ink signature of Ratican. Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Reamer, Ralph.
Verso contains stamp of Gurnsey, ink signature of Reamer: "Ralph Reamer, Oxford Mills, Jones Co.," and pencil inscription in another hand: "Ralph Reamer, Wagoneer, 7 Iowa Cav., Native- NY." Half length seated portrait in uniform.
Robison, David.
Verso contains ink signature of Robison. Half length seated portrait in uniform.
Rodgers, Thomas.
Verso contains Gurnsey imprint, ink signature of Rodgers, and pencil inscription in another hand: "Jollyville, Lee Co., Iowa." Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Russell, McColum.
Verso contains Gurnsey imprint, ink signature of Russell, and pencil inscription in another hand: "McColum Russell, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cavalry, Mallon, Iowa, Native- Ohio." Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Saxton, James P.
Verso contains Gurnsey imprint and ink signature of Saxton. Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Schieffer, Abraham.
Verso contains ink signature of Schieffer and pencil inscription in another hand: "Abraham Schieffer, Saddler, Co. M, 7 Iowa Cav., Native- Ohio, Enlisted from Clinton County." Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Seller, Joseph F.
Verso contains Gurnsey imprint, ink signature of Seller: "Joseph F. Seller, Oxford, Jones County, Iowa," and pencil inscription in another hand: "Joseph F. Seller, Age 29, Native- Germany." Oval bust portrait in uniform.
Showing results 7,901 - 7,950