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to Mary Hughes
October 12, 1862
Hughes, Alfred, fl. 1862-1864
Religious interpretation of premonitions; evening prayer service; false reports in the Wheeling Intelligencer.
October 13, 1862
Planned escape by several prisoners through a tunnel (unsuccessful because plans were divulged by fellow prisoners); inquiring after Judge Thompson.
October 15, 1862
His wife again taking ill and news of her recovery; confidence in securing parole; plans to write to Judge Hitchcock about his case.
October 17, 1862
Concerns over his and his wife's health; wishing not to give his wife false hopes of his release; fluctuation in the price of gold.
to:G.W. Manyp[illegible]
October 18, 1862
Seeking assistance in securing release from prison. Also signed by W.W. Boggs, A.G. Davis, and J.W. Mitchell.
October 19, 1862
Receipt of the Wheeling Intelligencer; Rev. Dr. Baldwin.
October 20, 1862
Rev. Dr. Baldwin's sermon; 12th chapter of Romans; his weight and measurements; advising his wife not to have contact with those who have taken the oath.
October 21, 1862
Concerns over irregular mail delivery; no desire to spend the winter in prison; discussion of a letter by Judge Thompson. With autograph note signed by D.B. Tiffany on page 4 assuring Mrs. Hughes of the comfort of her husband's quarters.
October 22,1862
Optimism for the future; advising her not to visit him in prison; distrusting the efforts of those outside to secure his release.
October 24, 1862
Replacing Judge Hitchcock with Samuel F. Galloway; new progress in examining cases and increase in released prisoners; future reunion with fellow prisoners; translations of the Lord's Prayer.
October 25, 1862
Satisfaction in his wife's handling of matters at home; his daily routine; prisoners' proficiency at cooking, sewing, washing, and ironing.
Departure of Rev. Drs. Baldwin, Wharton, Saurie, and Ford.
October 26, 1862
Change in weather and snowstorm during the night; complimenting her on her treatment of Judge Thompson.
June 7, 1862
Conditions at Camp Chase.
June 11 1862
Making acquaintances Confederate prisoners.
to Lizzie Hughes
June 18, 1862
Fatherly sentiments to his daughter.
June 20, 1862
Receipt of a package from home.
June 22, 1862
"Revivals" by a Kentucky preacher; improved sleeping conditions.
June 24, 1862
Desire to see his family.
June 26, 1862
Detailed description of the prison.
Repainting a buggy at home.
June 27, 1862
Responding to receipt of two letters from home.
June 29, 1862
Sundays in prison.
July 1, 1862
Making a ring as a memento of his imprisonment.
July 2, 1862
to: Major General McClellan, Washington.
Halleck, H.W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872
"Can you give me Col. H[enry] J. Hunt as chief of Artillery? Lt. Col. Totten is appointed a Brig. Genl. of Mo. Militia, and is much wanted to organise that force.
to: Brigadier General [George H.] Thomas, Washington.
"I cannot send an ordinance officer to Genl. Buell from St. Louis arsenal. All but one are in the field where their services cannot be spared."
"Have Grant, Smith and Pope been made Major Genls? I wish an answer immediately as I am organising corps d'armee & Divisions."
"No. 42." "Lines down. Can get nothing South of the Ohio. Today line down to Cairo."
to: Brigadier General Cullum, Cairo.
"Send the families of [Simon B.] Buckner, [Roger W.] Hanson & Madrid back to Columbus. They should not have been received without my orders. I can't ascertain where the parties named have been sent. When they are properly disposed of, it will be...
"I am in immediate communication with Genl. Buell by telegraph. I cannot leave here to meet him, till Fort Henry, New Madrid and Ponton are connected by telegraph. Have strong parties at work to effect this. Genl. [Samuel R.] Curtis is again...
to: Edwin M. Stanton, Secty of War, Washington.
" The Depts. of the Ohio & the Missouri should be under one Genl. Head. If not, all south of the Cumberland River should be added to this Dept. If I can have the Genl. charge of the two, I would leave [strikeout] Genl. Buell in the particular...
"Col. Harding can be shared; but Genl. [William K.] Strong cannot at the present time without injury to the service."
to: E. M. Stanton, Washington.
"Please telegraph me the relative rank of the following Generals: Grant, Buell, Pope, C. F. Smith, McClernand, & Wallace. A question of rank has been raised which, unless settled immediately, may lead to serious embarrassment."
"We have possession of no point at the Memphis & Charleston R. R. My present purpose is to attack it somewhere in the vicinity of Corinth."
to: Brigadier General Prentiss, Palmyra, Mo.
"Try him."
to: Brigadier General C. F. Smith, Paducah or elsewhere.
"The Senate today confirmed you're appointment unanimously. The commission of Major Genl. awaits you. The fight has been a hard one, and the victory complete. You will not disappoint your friends."
to: Thomas A. Scott, As[istan]t Sec[re]t[ar]y of War, Springfield, Ill.
"Shall I send letters to you or retain them till you come here!"
to: Comg. officer at Benton Barracks.
"Have the Michigan batteries ready to move tomorrow."
to: Col. Callender, St. Louis Arsenal.
"Arsenal at [struck: St Lou] Pahucah short of ammunition. Send supply of sixty-nine, fifty-eight & fifty-four immediately."
"I want telegraph extended from Lebanon to Springfield. Increase the force for extending line from Smithland. Hurry it on with all possible dispatch. Bowling Green is completely evacuated."
to: Major General Hunter, Fort Leavenworth, Ka.
"Can you leave the 4th Ohio Cavalry in North Missouri? It will enable me to withdraw an infantry regt. for Fort Donelson. It is much needed. Garrison of Fort D. is thirty thousand. Bowling Green has been abandoned & the enemy is concentrating to...
to: Brigadier General [William T.] Sherman, Paducah.
"Could cavalry sent to the Tennessee to Fort Henry or above cross over to Genl. Grant? Answer."
to: Gov. Todd, Columbus Ohio.
"If possible send me more troops to [inserted: Cairo or] Paducah. I have arms to meet them if required. Answer."
to: the Governors of Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Indiana.
"Please send all armed troops to Cairo, and all unarmed to this place as rapidly as possible."
to: Brigadier General [Benjamin M] Prentiss.
Can you spare me another infantry regt. say 26th Ill? and when can you spare yourself? I shall soon want you South."
to: Col. J. B. Wyman.
"Will send you reinforcements if absolutely necessary. We have plenty of sabers for Mood's Cavalry. Send requisitions to Col. Callender immediately."
to: Gov. S. J. Kirkwood, Des Moines, Iowa.
"Send me the fourth cavalry. Orders for Fort Leavenworth are countermanded."
to: General Strong, Benton Barracks.
"Have the Mich. cavalry armed & equipped immediately. Transporation must be dispensed with if they go in boats." [On telegraph form.]
to: Brigadier General William T. Sherman, Paducah.
"Retain the transports with Genl. [William] Nelson's Division. I am only waiting to hear from Buell, to order the movement."
to: Clark Dunham, Burlington, Iowa.
"Blasting powder will be allowed to be taken to Colorado Territory, on giving bonds that shall be used only for blasting purposes."
to: Brigadier General [William T.] Sherman, Paducah, Ky.
"Send all troops from Kentucky[,] not required for defense of Paducah[,] to Clarksville [Tn]."
to: J. B. Fry, A[cting] A[djutant] G[eneral], Louisville.
"I cannot understand how you can want boats sent to Louisville to transport troops up the Cumberland. We have not transports to share on the contrary I have asked Asst. Secty. Scott to send down all he can spare from the Ohio. Get transports from...
to: Brigadier General E[leazer] A. Paine, Cairo.
"Any news from Columbus: Keep me advised."
"Feed Contraband & put them at work to pay for food & clothing. I can get no communication with Buell."
to: Brigadier General Buell, Bowling Green in Louisville.
"Where is Knight's? I can find it on no map."
to: Comg. officer, St. Louis Arsenal.
"Telegraph immediately how many arms you have sent to Paducah since my order."
to: Brigadier General [George] Cullum, Cairo.
"Has Flag officer Foote received my telegram of last evening, sent this morning?"
to: Flag officer Foote, Cairo.
ADS. St. Louis, "Have you received the message sent to you yesterday at Paducah?"
to: Comg. officer at Cape Girurdeau.
"Retain one company of cavalry at Cape Girardeau [Mo.] & send the two Engr. Companies to commence to report to Genl. Pope."
to: Adj[utan]t General Noble, Indianapolis, Ind.
"Horses are being collected & sent to Cairo as rapidly as possible."
to: Adjt. General A. C. Fuller, Springfield, Ill.
"I think some of the fragmentary regiments should be used to fill up regiments which suffered at Fort Donelson. Some of the officers might be appointed to vacancies."
"Have you Com[modore] Foot[e] & Genl. Sherman received my telegram of today about troops Gun boats & mortars?" [Signed in initials].
to: Brigadier General W[illia]m K. Strong, Benton Barracks.
"Have requisition made on ordinance Dept. and prepare regiments for the field as rapidly as possible. The ordinance Dept. will decide what arms can be issued."
to: Commg. officer, Cairo.
"Passengers by steamers bound to Nashville will be permitted to go without interruption. But, except in urgent cases, none will be allowed to land at Fort Donelson or go to Fort Henry."
"I was in hopes that you could remain till the result of Pope's expedition & Footes demonstration was determined only a small garrison at Columbus will be required, & more at Fort Halt, or Bird Point [Mo], Cairo [Ill] & Paducah [Ky], except to guard...
to: General Sherman & General Cullum.
"If Pope has eighteen thousand men, they are sufficient. Send all others up the Tennessee to Savanna[h] [Tn] to report to Major Genl. C. F. Smith. I have been duly notified by the Secty of War of his promotion. Orders were issued some days ago for...
to: Major General U. S. Grant, Fort Henry.
"Please inform me immediately the number of infantry, artillery & cavalry up the Tennessee, as near as you can."
"If it be true as reported that there is a strong rebel force at Union City [Tn], it seems to me that the garrison is not safe. Could not a gunboat anchor in position below so as to command the rail road? The operations of the enemy in the vicinity...
"There is something wrong about the telegraph. Yours of yesterday in regard to reinforcements to Pope is just received. They might remain at Sikeston, [Mo] as a resource, subject to Popes orders."
to: Comg. officer, Columbus, Ohio.
"Prisoners of war should not be permitted to leave their barracks, nor be allowed to carry their side arms with out special orders. There should also be exercised great restrictions in regard to the persons permitted to visit them."
to: General W. K. Strong, Comdg. Benton Barracks.
, "Let me know at once what means of transportation the 16th Ohio battery has."
"Have you nothing from Pope's command? I have heard nothing for two days. I wish, if possible, to send his reserve up the Tennessee, but cannot do so till he occupies Fort Thompson."
to: Brigadier General McKean.
"Send down all transportation not required for troops in your district. Is reported that a number of [illegible] can be spared from Lipton, Lawrence, Sidalia &c."
"How are [inserted: you] off for transports, & how many must be sent from here to move Pope's command up the Tennessee?"
to: Adjt. General S. Noble, Indianapolis.
"They will be shipped as soon as the Quartermaster can supply them."
to: Brigadier General George W. Cullum, Cairo.
"Genl. [William K.] Strong has been assigned to the command of Cairo. Genl. Paine will not be permitted to command any depot. He is continually violating my orders & throwing everything into confusion. When Genl. Strong is installed you can return...
to: Thomas H. Scott, Asst. Secy. of War, Cairo Ind.
"Buell did not respond."
"I have this moment received Genl. Pope's dispatch of the 5th, saying that he had taken & could hold Point Pleasant. This may change the program, & it may be advisable of him to remain. Send messengers to him & get latest news as soon as possible...
to: Col. George E. Warring, Lebanon, Mo.
"Wood's cavalry are moving on Houston and Harville, Wyman's Infantry are on the march to Springfield. You will soon be all right."
to: Capt. R. R. Griffith, Racine, Wisconsin.
"Your services are wanted as soon as you can get here. Have asked the Gov. to find all organized troops immediately."
to: Brigadier General Prentiss, Palmyra.
"It is reported here that large quantities of N.Y. property left at different stations on N. Mo. & H. & St. J[oseph] R[ail] Roads not in charge of any one. This matter should be attended to immediately."
to: D. W. Smith, Paris, Ill.
"No permission necessary."
to: Capt. Newstader, Paducah.
"If the siege guns are in order & supplied with ammunition send them to Genl. Grant."
to: A. Tweedy, Paris Ill.
"No permits are given or required."
to: his wife.
Union victories in the west including the fall of Columbus and New Madrid. Also the capture of Fort Donelson and the abandonment of Bowling Green & Nashville. He complains that Stanton, McClellan and Buell have tried to take credit for his...
to: Major General B. F. Butler, New Orleans.
The Secretary of State has informed him that the Count de Mijon, enjoyed his visit to the north. He claims the visit helped to develop friendly feelings between France and the U.S.
to: Major General McPherson, Memphis.
February 13, 1863
Marked private at the top. The list of promotions sent to the Senate by the President was not recommended or approved of by Halleck. "It is a political list, not a military one. I have done everything in my power to break up the system of political...
to: Brig General Montgomery C. Meigs, Quartermaster Master General.
Responding to Meigs letter asking Captain Whipple, the brother of a bishop, to resign. Halleck responds that if Meigs wants Whipple to resign, he should ask the Captain himself. [Meigs note on verso:] 1863/02/16. Requesting the Halleck return the...
to: Henry W. Halleck.
Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872
He received a copy of Halleck's book, International Law and the Laws of War. "Nothing could have been more apropos for my own defense than this valuable book." [Possibly referring to the Trent Affair.]
Memorandum from Henry Carter
Carter, Henry, fl. 1952-1953
Concerning two McClellan letters, which are important because they point out "the political responsibilities of a military commander in singularly vivid and cogent terms." These letters are from the book, "McClellan's Own Story."
to John H. Hilldring.
Carter wants Hilldring to take a look at "the attached McClellan letters" which were brought to Carter when he was at Camp Pickett, Virginia. These letters were brought to Carter by Lt. Colonel J.C. Hohea.
July 4, 1862
to Colonel C.W.B. Allison
July 7, 1862
Reason for imprisonment.
July 15, 1862
Sending provisions and personal effects to Camp Chase.
July 16, 1862
Declining her offer to send his easy chair.
July 18, 1862
Sending four rings for those at home.
to Alfred Hughes
Campbell, fl. 1816-1862
Not receiving the Intelligencer. With pencil note by N.A. Gray, examiner at Camp Chase.
to Post Master, Columbus, Ohio
Campbell, Alexander W., 1828-1893
Inquiring after failure to deliver the Intelligencer to Alfred Hughes. With reply by postmaster on same page.
circa July 18, 1862
Gray, N.A., fl. 1862
Notification of censored correspondence.
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