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Benedict Arnold & Horatio Seymour! ... Who is to be president? [election]
1864/09/19 ca.
Holmes, David S., 1827-1904
Election-relation broadside attacking Seymour and attempting to link him to the 1863 draft riots in New York City.
Who shall be Vice President? George Pendleton vs. Andrew Johnson [1864 election]
To: Joseph Barnes.
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Recommending a surgeon, Dr. Fohna, who "with his peculiar practise, would do much good among our wounded soldiers." Includes photograph [vignette] of President Lincoln and his son, Willie, looking at a book.
To: Major M. Smith.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885
Siezing supply of Confederate Bacon, directing operations before Shiloh. "You are particularly cautioned against fighting an enemy of your own, or superior power . . . nothing could be gained by a small victory which would cost us a single man."
to Mary Hughes
September 10, 1862
Hughes, Alfred, fl. 1862-1864
His wife's overexertion; encouraging his daughter's study of music, and the proper conduct of all his other children; prescribing medicine for his wife; tales of wickedness and cruelty told in prison. With clippings from unidentified papers entitled...
Scrapbook, Vol. I.
circa 1940-1945
1 Woodward, Warren B. TLS: to Hilldring re: roster of Company K, 38th U.S. Infantry. 19 Jan 1940 2 Roster of Company K, 38th U.S. Infantry, 3rd Division, U.S.A. 1 Jan 1918 3 a. Clipping from [?]: "Army Transfers Major Hilldring…": [n.d.] b...
August 9, 1862
Mail received through Capt. Tiffany; worries about his wife's health.
August 10, 1862
Enduring Sundays in prison; mending his own clothes; receiving newspapers.
August 12, 1862
Handmade sleeve buttons for his wife; diphtheria in Wheeling; draft dodgers; enclosing various clippings; transcribing a letter by N.A. Gray about contraband letters. With several lines on page three written over in a second, darker hand.
August 13, 1862
Keeping track of sent/received letters.
August 15, 1862
Urging his wife to write regularly; fellow inmate's decision to take the oath [of allegiance?], and Hughes' opinion in the matter.
Postscript to previous letter urging his wife to say nothing of his remarks regarding Mr. G___'s cause.
August 16, 1862
Concerns over correspondence; release of fellow inmate.
August 17, 1862
Lack of vegetation in prison; Fifty-first Psalm and other devotional texts; concerns about his family's health in his absence.
August 18, 1862
Questioning the arrest of a released inmate's daughter.
August 19, 1862
Thanking her for the shirt she sent; advising her on various matters at home (ie. school for the children, the horse and buggy, accounts, etc.)
August 20, 1862
News of his wife's diphtheria; vows to take the oath if necessary to return and nurse her back to health; receiving dispatch with news of her improved condition.
Rejoicing in news of her recovery; news of a POW exchange, with the dispersal of political prisoners to follow directly; advising his wife they will have to cross over into the Confederacy after his release.
August 21, 1862
Cautioning his wife against a relapse; discussion of a passage from the Columbus Journal about the release of 140 citizen prisoners.
August 22, 1862
Hopes of hearing from his wife soon, speculations as to why citizens are no longer being arrested and required to take the oath.
August 23, 1862
Medical advice; hopes for release next week; news of liberation at other prisons; heavily censored letter from Eliza.
August 24, 1862
Receiving no newspapers; mending his own clothes.
August 25, 1862
Moving to Prison No. 2, and possible discharge; restrictions placed on outgoing mail.
August 26, 1862
Receipt of his wife's latest letter; with autograph note signed by D.B. Tiffany, Prison Postmaster, attesting the frequency of Dr. Hughes's letters.
Departure of the POW's for Vicksburg; criticizing the political prisoners who chose to take the oath; deciding the fate of those who choose not to take the oath.
August 27, 1862
Joy at receiving two of her letters; urging her to have patience.
August 28, 1862
Affectionate sentiments to his wife; advising her to take Belladonna for her ailments.
to Alfred Hughes
August 29, 1862
Grammer, J.E., fl. 1862
Advising him to write to Mssrs. Randall and Astin.
Issues at home; opinions about Mr. G___ [fellow inmate who took the oath in items #35-37] and his family.
August 30, 1862
Mail between Cincinnati, Columbus, and Wheeling; misinformation regarding page limits on outgoing letters; Eliza's use of the word "nervous."
August 31, 1862
Hopes for release or parole; appointment of Judge Hitchcock to investigate cases of political prisoners at Camp Chase; Gen. Halleck's orders indicating release is inevitable; offers medical advice for her various ailments.
September 1, 1862
More medical advice; adjusting to conditions in the Prison No. 2; propagation of secessionism in the prison.
September 2, 1862
Daily devotions; sensing his wife is unwell before she has told him; more medical advice.
September 3, 1862
Cautioning her against developing a "nervous" condition; self-preservation; arrival of political prisoners from Louisville.
September 4, 1862
Criticism of the war; sentimental thoughts about his children.
September 5, 1862
Letter from his daughter Mary; weather; sermon by Rev. Dr. Baldwin (one of the political prisoners from Louisville); medical advice.
September 6, 1862
Mail distribution; reaction to censorship by Prison Postmaster Tiffany; her eating habits; departure of POW's for exchange. With an autograph note signed by Tiffany on verso denying having mutilated Hughes' letter.
September 12, 1862
Spiritual lessons learned at Camp Chase; his son Tommy; advising her to see the dentist.
September 14, 1862
Darning and mending; prescriptions for headache and sore throat trouble; dental work.
September 15, 1862
Piety among prisoners of war and lack thereof among political prisoners; conversation with Judge Foster (a fellow inmate).
Boggs, W.W., fl. 1862
Forwarding personal effects so as not to let the "Yanks" get them.
September 16, 1862
Requesting newspapers; teaching the catechism to his children; arrival of prisoners taken at Martinsburg, Virginia.
Hughes, Mary, fl. 1862
Behavior of their son Tommy and news of the other children; making clothes for her husband; her health.
September 17, 1862
Plans to observe a day of prayer and thanksgiving set aside by President Davis; Rev. Dr. Ford; wealthy gentlemen among the prisoners brought from Martinsburg; taking of thirty prisoners by one man.
September 18, 1862
Child-rearing advice; thanking her for her efforts at home; requesting socks; enclosing two newspaper clippings about escapes from Camp Chase.
September 19, 1862
Account of their day of prayer and thanksgiving; escapes and attempted escapes from Camp Chase.
to: Brigadier General Montgomery C. Meigs, Washington
Halleck, H.W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872
"Your telegram to Maj. Allen referred. No transportation can be spared at present - probably in a few weeks. We are crippled by your order to Maj. Allen fixing price of horses & mules. No contract can be made at present at that price. Perhaps...
to: Major General [George B.] McClellan, Washington.
"Genl. [David S.] Stanley is not able to take the field on account of a broken leg. He is barely able to do duty on Courts martial &c."
To: Brigadier General John Pope
"Application has been made for furlough of a man of Capt. Frisbees 37th Ills. to attend a corpse to Indiana. If you approve, give it."
To: D. B. Northop, Esq.
"Have copies of Laws of War been sent east, -- if so when, where & how many. [see # 104] Tell Capt. Johns that I can ascertain nothing about his appointment."
to: Major General Franz Sigel, Rolla, [Missouri]
"You can grant it on surgeon's certificate, not otherwise."
to: Brigadier General Schofield, St. Louis.
"A cavalry force has been ordered to Columbia & another to Fayete, but it is not known yet whether they can cross at Boonville & Jeff[erson] City. I have telegraphed to latter place to direct, if possible, Com[man]d[in]g officer at Fulton not to...
to J. Hundhousen
December 26, 1861
Near the beginning of the Civil War, Halleck writes to Lieutenant Colonel Hundhousen, briefly stating: "A small force should be sent to New Haven to guard the ferry boat & prevent the enemy from coming over. Gen. Schofield will be at Danville...
to: John B. Sanborn
"I known nothing of such order -- not received here."
to: Brigadier General Thomas McKean,Jeff[erson] City.
"We have large forces at Danville & probably at Wellsville with still larger forces between these places and Warrenton."
to: Brigadier General William T. Sherman, Benton Barracks
"Send third Iowa Cavalry to arsenal tomorrow morning for arms & equipment."
to: Brigadier General [Samuel R.] Curtis, Rolla, Mo.
"Telegram this morning from Sedalia [Mo] says that information has just been received that main part of [Sterling] Price's army passed through Springfield on Monday last, in full retreat. Too late to reach him except by Cavalry. No Infantry...
to: Lt. Col. F. J. Herron. Comdg at Pacific.
"Iowa Regiment will not move till further orders from these Head Quarters."
to: Brigadier General William T. Sherman, Benton Barracks.
"Send an Infantry Regiment to Arsenal tomorrow for Arms & equipment."
to: Brigadier General T[homas] J. McKean, Jeff City.
"What of the troops sent to Fulton? Anything from other side of the river?
to: Brigadier General John Pope, Otterville.
"Send reinforcements to Fayette, say five hundred horse. Insurrection in the north increasing."
to: Col. [Franklin D.] Callender, Arsenal.
"Major McKinstry's limits of arrest, if not so already, will be extended to the limits of the Arsenal and Arsenal grounds."
to: Col. K. B. Porter, Camp Harden.
"Your Regiment is wanted here, as soon as it is ready for the field."
"How many officers & privates of 'Benton Cadets,' as mustered out."
to: Brigadier General [Samuel R.] Curtis, Rolla.
"I have seen your requisition for lumber for a hospital. Not approved. There are three hundred vacant beds here - send all sick for whom you have no hospital room to this City. Notify Medical Director."
to: Allen C. Fuller, Springfield.
"I cannot at present spare the cavalry companies mentioned from duty in this Department. I will see what can be done in this matter hereafter."
"Send them to Rolla as fast as they can be transported. Also send 43rd Ill. to Cairo."
to Com[mandin]g officer at Cape Girardeau.
"Has Col. Ross regt. left for Cairo? If not it should go as soon as transportation can be obtained."
to: Col. Burbank, Jeff. Barracks.
"At what time can [struck: you] your command take charge of the prisoners? Make all possible haste."
to: Governor Todd, Columbus, Ohio.
"Any troops sent, if by Rail Road will go to Cairo; if by water to Paducah."
to: Col. Carlin, Pilot Knob, Mo.
"What additional forces do you require to occupy Doniphan [Mo] & to capture Pocahontas [Arkansas]? When can you move. I have two regiments of Cavalry ready to send you if you say so. Col. Callender is preparing the light artillery you asked for....
to: Brigadier General George W. Cullum, Cairo.
"Stop all transports and troops at Paducah, till gunboats are ready to precede them up the Cumberland."
to: Col. H. T. Reid, Des Moines, Iowa.
"Complete your regiment as rapidly as possible. Don't want them till properly organized. Can give them arms, clothing & camp equipage here. They are much needed."
to: Brigadier General George W. Cullum,Ciaro.
"Send them up with all possible dispatch. As soon as one is ready, send it off."
to Col. Callender, St. Louis Arsenal.
"See that Col. Carlin [?] is supplied with light [illegible] as soon as possible."
to: Senator [Milton] Latham.
"Don't permit C. F. Smith's nomination to be rejected. He is the best officer in my command, and there is not the slightest ground for suspecting his loyalty."
to: Lt. Col. D. E. Williams, Quincy, Ill.
"Appropriation is exhuasted; men will be paid as soon as Congress passes new bill. Officers are responsible for obedience and discipline of their men. If they cannot enforce orders they should resign; if not they will be disciplined."
to: Act[in]g General J. P. Buckingham, Columbus, Ohio.
"Capt. S. will supply train for 78th regt., if he has means on hand. Send them on as soon as possible."
to: Col. Carlin, Pilot Knob.
"Prepare for the movement proposed. I will send you a regt. of cavalry immediately and one of infantry as soon as possible. Every [inserted: man I] can spare at present has been sent to the Cumberland. Let it be understood that you are to move...
"The 2d Iowa cavalry will be ready for transportation to Ponton as soon as possible."
to: Lieut. S. L. Phelps, U.S.N. Commanding the Gunboats, Tenn River.
"If possible go to the Cumberland River with two of your gunboats to reinforce Com. Foote, leaving the other at the Bridge or Fort Henry. [p.s.] Send this to comg. officer at Paducah with orders to forward it with all possible dispatch."
"The Q[uarte]r master will fill your requisitions as soon as possible. Transportation is very short, & the cavalry cannot be sent for some days."
to: Com[mandin]g officer, at Paducah, Ky.
"Send scouts in direction of Mayfield to ascertain enemy's movements."
to: Brigadier General Don Carlos Buell, Louisville.
"We are constructing telegraph line to Fort Henry as rapidly as possible.
to: Gov. R. Yates.
"Please send Col. Willson's regt. here. We shall have arms for them."
September 21, 1862
Soldiers who neglected to visit his wife while in Wheeling; various issues with their children; his wife's health.
September 22, 1862
Subtle change in prisoner conduct; politics in sermons.
September 23, 1862
Release of Judge Thompson; comments about his children.
September 25, 1862
Receiving socks from his wife; dubious loyalty Judge Thompson; new bunkmate.
to My dear son Tommy
September 26, 1862
Encouraging him to improve himself and his writing.
to Tom Bira
September 28, 1862
With postscript to Frank M. Myers. Inquiring whether Myers was seen before or after Bull Run.
September 29, 1862
Looking on his imprisonment as the start of a new era in his life; lack of rain; proficiency in mending and darning clothing.
September 30, 1862
Words of encouragement to his wife; asking departing POW's to advocate the political prisoners' cause to Confederate authorities; talking with Rev. Dr. Baldwin about their wives; antidote for Delia.
October 2, 1862
Birthdays of his wife and daughter; making her a present; inquiring after the children.
October 3, 1862
Retaining newspapers and their wrappers; arrival of Judge Hitchcock in Columbus to hear cases of political prisoners; hopes for parole.
October 5, 1862
The weather; discussion with Rev. Dr. Baldwin about the origin of the races; photographs of his children; low opinion of Judge [Thompson] for not writing or assisting them.
October 6, 1862
More discussion of Judge [Thompson]'s departure from Camp Chase; requesting better photographs of his children.
October 7, 1862
Reading her letters aloud to Rev. Dr. Baldwin ; Judge Thompson's deception.
October 9, 1862
More details of Judge Thompson's deception; requesting ten dollars in greenbacks or Ohio bills; news from Mr. Staub that he is quartered near 20,000 contrabands, 20 of whom are infected with smallpox.
October 10, 1862
Rev. Dr. Ford's discourse on 5th chapter of Matthew, dramatic increase in paroled prisoners.
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