Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to Eliakim P. Scammon
White, Carr Bailey, 1823-1871
"…the Rebels have…five Regiments of cavalry and three Regiments Infty…Genl WL Jackson is reported in command and that Imboden is to join him…."
to Martin P. Avery
"Citizen Brigham Ward just from Lewisburg gives information . . . that 1800 Rebs cavalry are on the road from Newbern station for Coal River Kanawha that small detachment of Rebel troops are being sent from Lewisburg to huntersville . . . for the...
Carter, J. D., fl. 1863
"Jenkins was on his farm yesterday . . . some two hundred . . . of his cavalry made a dash into Barboursville last night" [As a colonel in the 8th Va. Cavalry, Alber Gallatin Jenkins wasnoted for his damaging raids on Union forces in West Virginia...
to Eliakim P Scammond
Zeigler, J.L., ?
"the road . . . is guarded by genl Whites force I have one co. at Cattlesburg Ky two cos. At Guyandotte Va & the cavalry at Barboursville I have and will continue to keep out scouts at important points . . ."
to Eliakim P. Scammond
21 May 1863
Toland, John T., fl. 1863-1864
I met two men in rebel uniform who gave themselves up as deserters...states that the force under McCausland [Confederate Brigadier General John McCausland] who attacked this place consists all 1000 Infantry with one hundred cavalry with...
Showing results 106 - 110