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General Orders No. 6
16 July 1861
Abert, William S., fl. 1861
The troops will march at 3am. The cooks will fix breakfast at 1:30am and five men from each company will pack the wagons.
Monthly Report of Forage
June 1862
Haven, F. (captain), fl. 1862
Lists number of mules, horses, oxen and oats, corn and hay.
Special Orders No. 93
8 July 1861
Any wagon that can be spared must be given to the commanding general so he can move a large force to the front.
General Orders No. 35
26 July 1861
The regimental baggage wagons will be sent on the Potomac today.
[certificate granting Jenks permission to ride as a passenger on any steamboat in Cairo, Illinois not exclusivley in governmental service]
7 July 1863
Swayne, Wagner, fl. 1863
Also signed by Deputy [?] Swenney. Wagner Swayne signs as Provost Marshal.
General orders, No. 80
7 June 1865
Keefer, J., fl. 1865
[Keefer?] signs as acting assistant adjutant general. Orders pertain to "the use of spring wagons, ambulances & c., the property of the United States, by unauthorized persons for unauthorized purposes." Issued by Assistant Adjutant General A.E...
to Gen. Alexander Spotswood re: horses & marriage, the French fleet [incomplete]
Washington, George, 1732-1799
Incomplete, lacking signature and close. Washington jokingly remarks that he "will take the horse... as Men take their wives -- better for worse [sic]." Also mentions his disappointment over the lack of cooperation of the French fleet.
Settlements along the Susquehanna River
September 7, 1683
Livingston, Robert, 1663-1725
The map marks various settlements of the Senecas, Onondagas, and Cayugas along the Susquehanna River, and the length of travel between them. This map had borders drawn between Robert Livingston and three Iroquois delegates. The accompanying text...
Receipt of payment from Robert Livingston
Caspers, Jacob, fl. 1683-1684
The boat men Jacob Caspers and John Andrese Don acknowledge receipt of six beavers from Robert Livingston for the transport of the six Mohawk Sachems to and from New York for a meeting with the Governor.
to John Cabell Breckinridge
February 13, 1864
Morgan, John Hunt, 1825-1864
Confederate General Morgan expresses approval that Breckinridge will take charge of a Department in South Western Virginia. Writes "am satisfied that you will get recruits from our Old State," (possibly referring to Kentucky, though Morgan was not...
to David Dixon Porter
31 May 1863
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885
Written from Headquarters, Department of the Tennessee, near Vicksburg, Mississippi. Grant orders Admiral Porter to direct the Marine Brigade to debark at Haynes' Bluff, Mississippi, and to send as many steamers as possible to obtain reinforcements...
The Joining of the rails [six albumen photographs of railroad] [decimalized]
Russell, Andrew J., 1829-1902
Joining of the rails at Promontory Point [Russell #227]
[Photograph of railroad workers with the Central Pacific Railroad engine, "Jupiter"]
10 May 1869
One photograph of railroad workers standing by the Central Pacific Railroad's engine "Jupiter," photographed by Andrew J. Russell, dated May 10, 1869. The image seems to have been taken the same day as the Central Pacific and Union Pacific railroads...
Last Rail and Driving Last Spike
One photograph entitled, "Last Rail and Driving Last Spike," taken by Andrew J. Russell dated May 10, 1869. Image is of the 'Ceremony of the Last Spike,' which celebrated the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad at the joining of the...
U.P.R.R. at Junction
One albument print entitled, "U.P.R.R. at Junction," taken by Andrew J. Russell. Image is of officers of the Union Pacific Railroad assembled at Promontory Point. Taken just minutes before the ceremony to celebrate the joining of the Central Pacific...
Laying Last Rail
One group portrait entitled, "Laying Last Rail," taken by Andrew J. Russell. Image is of Union Pacific Railroad officers at the ceremony of the laying of the last rail at Promontory Point, Utah. For more photographs from the Promontory ceremony, see...
Clerical Excursionists at Laramie City
One albumen print entitled, "Clerical Excurtionists at Laramie City," taken by Andrew J. Russell. Photograph captures a group of people posing outside of Union Pacific Railroad cars.
to Sylvester Graham
June 26, 1846
Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872
Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, writes to Graham, a minister and reformer. Declines Graham's request of publishing an article by a Mr. [Cambell?]. Writes, "He is now doing well, making some money... and perfectly able to pay for any...
to unknown
February 5, 1849
Buchanan, James, 1791-1868
Obliges recipient's request to be introduced to Colonel Fremont and General Smith if he decides to travel to California. Assures him that the reports of abundant gold resources are true. Buchanan is unable to suggest the best route to California...
to Robert Morris
February 18, 1777
Hancock, John, 1737-1793
Written by Hancock as President of the Continental Congress to Morris as a Continental Congressman from Pennsylvania. Reports to Morris that Congress will return to Philadelphia, and suggests that its return may relieve some of the burden of Morris...
Account of Robert Livingston
Livingston, Robert, 1654-1728
Account sheet itemizing transactions between Livingston and Harwood, including shipping fees and customs duties. Records Livingston's outstanding balance to Harwood. .
Account sheet itemizing transactions between Livingston and Harwood, including shipping fees and customs duties.
Harwood, Jacob, fl. 1686-1695
Invoice of goods (men's hose, silk, lace, etc.) shipped by Harwood aboard the Resolution Robert Sinclair to Livingston in Albany. Signed in document.
Invoice for goods shipped by Harwood aboard the Resolution Robert Sinclair to Livingston in Albany. Signed in document.
to Robert Livingston re: Livingston's repayment
Fletcher, Benjamin, 1640-1703
Governor Fletcher writes that "the first order I signed after my returne from Albany was for your mony," and in return expects that Livingston will be sending horses to Fletcher. Docketed on address leaf.
to Robert Livingston re: business conditions in London
Harwood writes about the lack of confidence in London, referring to a market where the values of "Freight is high, Insurance high & all the Commodities here low." Harwood is of the opinion that the market will restablize with the return of King...
Account sheet re: costs for voyage of Briganteen Orange
Jacobs, Cornelius, fl. 1694
Detailing the construction costs and cost of shipping goods on the voyage of the Briganteen Orange. Includes such items as labor, nails, rum, sugar, etc.
Bill for goods bound for London on the ship Britannia
Farmer, Jasper, fl. 1740
The bill states that a quantity of animal skins will be shipped to London on the accounts of John Visger, Jr. and Jacob Ten Eyck on board the Britannia, with Jasper Farmer as the Captain. On the bottom of the bill, noted that it was printed by John...
Invoice of flour on board a vessel bound for New York
DeWitt, John, fl. 1740-1744
P.1 contains an invoice of the flour Philip Livingston sent to his son Robert Livingston, Jr. In his letter on p.3, DeWitt notes that Philip Livingston traveled up to Ancram, and he also asks Robert, Jr. to send him some rum and salt. Docketed on...
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: upcoming voyage of the Ship Oswego
Livingston, Philip, 1686-1749
Philip asks to put some goods on board the Oswego for its upcoming voyage to South Carolina, Saint Christopher, and Amsterdam; and hopes that it will be a most successful voyage. He also notes that he has no knowledge of the fate of an Irish voyage...
Invoice of flour and bread shipped to Robert Livingston, Jr. in New York
In his letter on p.2, DeWitt explains the contents of the invoice, and also apologizes for a delay in answering Robert, Jr.'s inquiry regarding his stock of horses. Docketed on address leaf.
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: complaint regarding Capt. Farmer
Baker, Samuel, 1726-1742
Baker advises Robert, Jr. to cease doing business with Capt. Farmer, who refused to load Baker's cargo on a vessel after initially soliciting his goods. The date and location are missing due to damage. Docketed on address leaf.
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: death of Robert, Jr.'s grandmother
Philip informs Robert, Jr. of the death of his maternal grandmother. He instructs Robert, Jr. to ship as much freight with Capt. Boyd as he can, and asks him to send some good pork to John DeWitt, as his last shipment was rotten. Philip also...
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: trade
Philip writes to that he is glad to hear the Capt. Boyd is safely arrived from Jamaica with a profitable voyage, and states that he will prepare the ship for a voyage to Amsterdam.
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: "Gentle Bacchanalion Engagement"
Verplanck, Gulian, fl. 1751
Verplanck discusses arrangements for shipping iron, and tells Livingston that the gentlemen in the club may desire to have a glass of wine with him, and pay him a visit for a "Gentle Bacchanalion Engagement."
to Philip Livingston re: trading news
Livingston, Gilbert, 1718-1789
Gilbert discusses the departure of different trading vessels and his business with Philip. Docketed on address leaf.
Gilbert writes that he has shipped Philip's flour, and hopes that there are no losses on it. He also notes the price of rum and flour from Barbados. On p.2 Gilbert made a copy of his letter to Cornelius Van Horne concerning the shipment of Philip's...
Invoice of goods shipped to Robert Livingston Jr. in New York
Young, Elias, fl. 1725
The goods were shipped from Curacao on the Sloop Royl Ranger, under the command of Elias Young, and consigned to Robert Livingston Junior. On p.2 Robt. and Peter Livingston & Comp. sign for receipt of the full contents. Written in Curacao
Portage bill of the Ship Oswego Packet
Langdon, Richard, fl. 1737
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: trading concerns
Philip writes that he wishes to have some animal skins shipped, and despairs that a trading vessel may be lost. He also states that he is afraid that war with Spain is unavoidable.
to John De Witt re: request for cedar wood and cornell
Livingston, Robert III, 1708-1790
Livingston asks De Witt to send down on the next boat his cedar wood and some cornell. Docketed on address leaf.
Philip gives Robert, Jr. some instructions on shipping furs, and discusses the upcoming voyage of the Jamaica Packet to Bristol, which he believes will be safe and successful. Docketed on address leaf.
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: sending down a slave
Philip writes that he has sent down an enslaved person, and advises Robert, Jr. to either sell him, send him to Madiera, or to put him on a vessel if he can.
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: unsuccessful voyage
LeRoy, Jacob, fl. 175
Le Roux writes to inform Robert, Jr. that he has not been able to sell his cargo at a profitable rate, and is therefore sending the sloop back with a full cargo. Docketed on address leaf.
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: transporting helves, axes, and powder
Emerson, Moses, fl. 1747
Docketed on address leaf.
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: request for farm servents
Anderson, John, fl. 1749
Anderson writes that he is aware of a vessel expected from Holland with servants, and asks Robert, Jr. to procure one for him that is knowledgable of farming.
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: business concerns
Richard, Paul, fl. 1737-1755
Peter Richard informs Robert, Jr. that he has shipped the requested rugs, and discusses other business concerns. Docketed on address leaf.
to Robert Livingston, Jr. re: arrangements to ship provisions
Livingston, John, 1714-1786
Account of a packet of goods shipped to Philip Livingston on the Oswe[e]go
Showing results 951 - 1,000