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to Mary Hughes
October 13, 1862
Hughes, Alfred, fl. 1862-1864
Planned escape by several prisoners through a tunnel (unsuccessful because plans were divulged by fellow prisoners); inquiring after Judge Thompson.
October 15, 1862
His wife again taking ill and news of her recovery; confidence in securing parole; plans to write to Judge Hitchcock about his case.
October 17, 1862
Concerns over his and his wife's health; wishing not to give his wife false hopes of his release; fluctuation in the price of gold.
to:G.W. Manyp[illegible]
October 18, 1862
Seeking assistance in securing release from prison. Also signed by W.W. Boggs, A.G. Davis, and J.W. Mitchell.
October 19, 1862
Receipt of the Wheeling Intelligencer; Rev. Dr. Baldwin.
October 20, 1862
Rev. Dr. Baldwin's sermon; 12th chapter of Romans; his weight and measurements; advising his wife not to have contact with those who have taken the oath.
October 21, 1862
Concerns over irregular mail delivery; no desire to spend the winter in prison; discussion of a letter by Judge Thompson. With autograph note signed by D.B. Tiffany on page 4 assuring Mrs. Hughes of the comfort of her husband's quarters.
October 22,1862
Optimism for the future; advising her not to visit him in prison; distrusting the efforts of those outside to secure his release.
October 24, 1862
Replacing Judge Hitchcock with Samuel F. Galloway; new progress in examining cases and increase in released prisoners; future reunion with fellow prisoners; translations of the Lord's Prayer.
October 25, 1862
Satisfaction in his wife's handling of matters at home; his daily routine; prisoners' proficiency at cooking, sewing, washing, and ironing.
Departure of Rev. Drs. Baldwin, Wharton, Saurie, and Ford.
October 26, 1862
Change in weather and snowstorm during the night; complimenting her on her treatment of Judge Thompson.
October 27, 1862
Good health despite the cold weather; improved opinion of his children's pictures; confidence that authorities in Richmond will release him.
October 28, 1862
Resolve to return to his family; collection of a bill; more criticism of Judge Thompson; asking her not to send the Herald.
October 29, 1862
Requesting copies of the World; conversation with a fellow inmate regarding the Bible and their respective wives; speculation about how to secure a pass to Richmond.
October 30, 1862
Taking his wife's advice in responding to Judge Thompson; efforts by Thomas to secure his release despite that "terrible woman."
October 31, 1862
Continued efforts to secure parole or exchange; release of 15-20 prisoners daily on oath and bond; urging her to protect her health and the children's health.
to Elizabeth Smith
Envelope without letter. Post marked from Washington.
to Family
Smith, David V.M., 1823-1863
He reports that Marylanders act more friendly toward the troops than the people in Pennsylvania. News concerning the fall of Vicksburg and Port Hudson.
His legs are bothering him again. He hopes to either get a job as a blacksmith in the brigade or get a transfer to the invalid Corps. Currently his regiment is guarding the supply train [wagons] against guerrilla attacks.
8 August 1863
The regiment is once again on picket duty. He discusses losses to the regiment and the Battle of Gettysburg, "but I hope that we shall never get into another fight like that at Gettysburg Pa for it was awful beyond Discription I cannot discribe it...
Discusses the problem of locating Confederate guerrillas. He is very ill and his legs are swollen. He predicts that the war will be over soon.
His right leg is getting worse. He believes Lee may attack them near Alexandria. The regiment now totals 343 men out of the 984 men who enlisted one year ago. In a section addressed to his wife, Smith indicates someone wrote him a note, on one of...
Envelope without letter. Addressed to Stamp. Post mark has been removed.
He is very ill. Written from Stanton General Hospital.
to John Smith
Starz, Edward L., fl. 1863
Informing him that private D. V. M. Smith died on October 10th, 1863. Also informs him where Smith was buried.
Smith, John M., fl. 1861-1863
He found her husband's body and has sent it home by express. He warns her not to open the coffin because the body is "in an advanced state of decomposition."
He has been sick since he joined the Army and now believes that his illness is due to bad food which "the devil can not eat." He describes how the regiment left New Jersey and traveled via railroad to Maryland. His regiment captured three of...
The Confederates camped twenty miles away in Frederick, Maryland. He has "Inflamatory Rheumatism" in his legs. The regiment's officers think that they will all be discharged by Christmas. Smith begs his wife to write him more frequently and adds...
His legs feel much better. He asks his wife to write him several times a week and he hopes to do the same. Written from Camp Johnson.
Smith hopes he will soon be fit for duty. He has not received some letters his wife sent and is dismayed that she will not rewrite the news that was in them. He mentions trains full of soldiers passing by and, responding to her questions about...
He received the letter she mailed yesterday (10/1/1862). He has only received one of four letters she sent. He gives her instructions concerning the "Post Office Matter" and how to file returns for stamps. In response to her complaint that he does...
Describes the capture of a hearse that carried arms for the Confederacy. He found two newspapers lying on the road and mailed them to Anna [his daughter]. He asks Elizabeth to send him a letter detailing all the "impossibilities" she must deal with...
Smith gives his wife instructions for renting out his blacksmith shop. [see also #2, 13] He is dismayed that she rented out part of the house against his wishes. His legs are giving him trouble again. Discusses types of punishments in camp...
He expects to be in the army for quite some time but hopes to come home to visit. He will say no more about the "shop affair" since he can do nothing about it. Undated letter fragment.
He expects to leave for home in a few days. Page 3 and 4 are addressed to Charles.
to unknown [fragment]
The rebels have torn up the road between camp and Frederick, Maryland and are now within 5 miles of the federal camp.
The blacksmith shop has been rented out. Mentions rumor that the army will move soon and General Wool has stopped issuing furloughs. Smith begs his wife not to mention his liquor consumption. He assures her that he is now a sober man and it hurts...
to Elizabeth Smith & children
Describes an offer in which ten men from each company would have the "privilege" of being allowed to join the regular army for five years. They have captured quite a few rebels and spies including: "A big nigger that has been watching us and...
to Charles
He describes non-stop guard duty to his son Charles. Smith also tells the story of a young drummer boy his son's age, who snuck out of camp in a flour barrel in order to visit town. He advises his son not to become a soldier.
He is still on guard duty. Discloses accounts that he would like his wife to collect. He also wants her to find out whether soldiers have to pay tax and, if so, how much. Briefly mentions the removal of McClellan and his renewed hope for a furlough...
The army is building a General Hospital in town and his regiment has been assigned to guard it. He again asks his wife not to mention the "Rum question," claiming it makes him "feel a little dry until I forget it again." Continues on 11/26 to...
Discusses guard duty, the value of the equipment in his blacksmith shop, and an increase in desertions from some regiments who have not received furloughs.
to Elizabeth Smith and Charles C. Smith
The regiment was excused from guard duty on Thanksgiving to attend church and a dress parade. Smith urges Charles to learn to write and to study geography. "I now see the need of understanding the geography and the map and then I could tell when I...
to his family
He has turned in his gun and reported to the doctor. He rode in an ambulance to Culpeper. He mentions the capture of two guerrillas and adds that "woman & children & negroes packed up & left for parts unknown."
to: Susannah L. Morris.
Morris, Charles F., fl. 1861-1862
Charles reports that they fought last Friday and "whip[ped] the rebells and took 25 prisoners" which they sent to Washington.
to: Wilmor W. Morris.
Morris, John, fl. 1861-1862
re: John tells his son that the cows "have not done well this season." He asks Wilmor to find out about Charles' debts as "he may want some [money] when he comes home if God spares him." [separate letter on same leaf] George M. Morris. ALS: [s.l.]...
Morris, Joseph W., fl. 1862-1863
Joseph had not heard from Wilmor in over a month. Many people in the neighborhood have been getting married, though no one in his family has, and he imagines that "God's command to Noah 'to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth' is about...
to: George M. Morris.
Moms, Joseph W., fl. 1862
Joseph's division is close to the Confederate forts which have fired at the camp but have not hit anyone yet. The soldiers "holler[e]d over to them if they co[ul]d not dew any better than that they had better quit." They are two miles of Yorktown...
to: "Dear Brother."
Joseph claims that so many of the men in his regiment are sick because of Doctor McFadden, but now they have a new doctor who is much better. Washington was a good doctor but was a drunk, as are so many of the doctors and officers. Joseph's Colonel...
to: Tilley Wilson.
Morris, Wilmor W., fl. 1861-1862
Wilmor has heard that "the battle of yesterday is in our favor…our men took 1300 prisoners and 18 army wagons [but] it may not be true." He was only given "a pair of shoes a gunn a flanel shirt a pair of drawers." His camp moved so that is just...
to: "Dear Friend."
A guard "charged on the bush with 4 men expecting to find a man with a cigar in his mouth" but found only a firebug. He has received more of his uniform now. He saw two "female soldiers" passing on the road with "blue velvet wa[i]st and a dark...
Charles wishes his brother would write more as he barely gets two letters per month and asks his brother to thank their mother for the box she sent him. Written at Camp Pierpont
Charles received Elizabeth's letter and was glad to hear from George. He would like to know if Jesse is in camp.
Charles reports that a boy in his regiment was killed while on picket by an officer of his own company. His general had told the men they will be home by New Years but he does not believe it.
There was a fight and the men had to march 6 miles only to "drill quick" back to cross the "Chane Bridge." He tells his mother and brother that he is going to enlist for 15 years if they approve "for I like to sold[i]er."
to: Susannah L. Morris
Charles is enjoying himself, stating "I hafe [have] a grate [great] [deal] of fune [fun] hear [here] and I hop [hope] you hafe [have] as much at home." He hopes that Susannah is still good friends with William and that George and Mage "will not fall...
Charles is expecting "a bat[t]le hear [here] soon and I do not care how soon fore I would like to fight." Written at Camp Pierpont.
[in another hand] Charles seems content declaring "I have a fine time here." He is cooking for the company and they only drill for an hour a day now. He promises to send Elizabeth and his mother his likeness. George has told him that there are no...
Charles received and appreciated the box his brother sent to him. Written at Camp Pierpont.
to: "Dear brother."
Charles was not hurt but his hat was blown off and his gun knocked out of his hand in battle. The fight was hard and he hopes there won't be another like it soon.
to: brother.
Charles is unsure whether he will make it home this winter. He describes the meals the soldiers are served.
to: John Morris.
There was a fight and they were close enough to see the Confederates but they were unable to kill any of them.
to unknown
Morris Family
List of names with numeric notations written after each. [with Charles Morris' papers]
Morris, George, fl. 1862
George tells Wilmor that he saw Tilley Wilson and Jones Stuart who "is s[u]ch a devel of a fool and it is good fun to watch him." George would like to know "if Matt Mitchel [got an] honorable discharge" as he so claims.
George reports that their father is getting better and promises to write Joseph very soon. He sends word to Joseph that "his purty girl Miss E. Talor had a litt[l]e one by old Hicky."
Morris, Jesse M., fl. 1862
Jesse was wounded in the shoulder in the last battle. The steamer is headed for New York and then Pennsylvania but he will try to get a furlough to come home if his shoulder does not heal.
Jesse expects to leave soon but he is enjoying himself and knows that will end when he rejoins the army as it is no "pleasure to tote a heavy knapsack in warm weather." He believes all those who will volunteer already have and there will be a draft...
Jesse is getting better and his shoulder only hurts occasionally. He thinks "the girls will soon think different after the soldiers" return and if there are not enough, "two or three can take one in partnership." Joseph has not been well and is...
Jesse is sorry their brother Charles has died but says they must console themselves "as we know he died for a good cause." Jesse had a piece of bone removed from his shoulder and encloses it with the letter. He has heard that no more men will be...
to: Jesse M. Morris.
Trout, James R., fl. 1863
Trout's leg has gotten worse since Jesse left the hospital. A letter with five dollars came for Jesse from George and Wilmor and Trout distributed the money as Jesse had asked.
to: Jesse M. Morris and Joseph W. Morris.
John updates Jesse on the spasm in his mare's leg, which John [another with the same name] has been trying to cure. He read in the paper that there was another battle in Kentucky. John tells Joseph that their mother is working on a box to send them...
to: "Old Mr. Morris" [John Morris]
Davison, Luke B., fl. 1862
Davison apologizes for any insult one of his boys may have made against Mr. Morris. He was unaware of an offense but respects Mr. Morris and wishes to know who the boy was so that he may reprimand him.
There was a surprise snowstorm and the neighborhood seems "determined to get the interest of the money invested in their sleighs." He has not been sledding yet as he is taking the chance to fill the icehouse. He reports that Anthony is the only...
Joseph just bought a Clipper newspaper; he believes "there has been a battle some place, but I cannot tell you where till I read the paper." They are only able to shoot hogs and birds when on picket. Their shanty caught fire the night they were on...
Joseph heard that John is trying to find a wife "which I sup[p]ose he wil[l] while all the rest of the boys is away." He encourages George to look for a wife as well but supposes him to be "gon[e] with Darby Kain."
Joseph reports that they wade out to the oyster beds after the tide goes out early in the morning. General McClellan's division is coming soon so he should see Charles. Written at Camp Hamilton
There was a "sharp" fight two days ago during which his regiment and Hooker's distracted the enemy so that Porter could cross the Chickahominy and position his men on a hill above the Confederate capital from which he "can shell the city from where...
General McClellan gave orders for boxes to be forwarded because he "could not spare the gunboats to guard them up and down the James river." He has not heard from Charles. Joseph has gives a list of the wounded, which includes James Miller, James...
Joseph has seen several family members and sends word that Aunt Sally is dead. He gives news of the relatives and sends their addresses.
Joseph would like to know how Jesse felt when a letter from his wife got home before he did and how their mother reacted when she learned that he was married.
Joseph has not improved since George's visit. He got "power of attorney and sent it to Wilmor." His hand shakes so he will not write more.
Morris, Samuel, fl. 1864
Charles has been wounded. He intended to visit Wilmor on his way to see his brother Joseph E. but was unable to. Joseph E. is now three miles south of Harpers Ferry. Samuel asks Wilmor's opinion of the removal of McClellan from the command of the...
to: "Dear Brothers."
Wilmor writes his brothers that Jo will send three likenesses for Wilmor's mother, for Susan, and for Elizabeth. Jesse said to tell George he is too busy drilling to write George back. Wilmor asks after the sheep and cows and gives news of family...
to: Susannah L. Morris; John Morris.
Morris writes to his sister about guard duty, and to his father [in a separate letter on the same leaf]. Wilmor tells his father that "this regiment has the most stri[n]gent laws of any in the brigade you must toe the mark or the guard house is your...
Jesse has a cold but "is able to kick foot ball." It is not true that Charles was shot, Wilmor just received a letter from him and "he said it was good funn he did not get hurt." They have received new French rifles which are "warented to shoot 1...
Wilmor conjectures that "we will come home when we leave here fore the rebles are getting whip[p]ed every where thay meet our boys." He ate at a table for the first time since leaving home, at the home of a "pritty little plump girl" he met near the...
Wilmor's regiment is leaving Camp Johnston. He heard the Confederates "talking and whistling yankee doodle" on picket last night. The 63rd lost three men and one was wounded because Colonel Morgan thought the Confederates were "new york boys" when...
The confederate states. [Vol. 4, no. 42 (August 1, 1863)]
1 August 1863
Burnett, Lawrence T., fl. 1862-1863
Mississippi militia report. Repeats of exchange order and recompense act for soldiers' families. Letter from soldier is reprinted. Gray and white swirl pattern outlined in blue dots.
to Elizabeth Smith and children
Smith describes his march from Washington, loading and unloading baggage cars, and being ordered to load the wounded onto steamers at Acquia Creek. They are camped within the sights of Confederate artillery. Addressed from Virginia nearly opposite...
to Friend Furm
Elwell, D. B., fl. 1863
Letting his old tentmate know what has happened to him.
to Charles Carroll Smith
Discusses visiting friends in another regiment. He received his pay but his money and overcoat were stolen. He discusses thievery in camp and loading the wounded on to boats at Acquia Creek.
He has an opportunity to join the regular army for the balance of his three years of service. He will get a $2500 bounty, double the pay and will be able to work in a blacksmith's shop. He is ill.
The army is still in the same location and is in a state of suspense concerning what will happen next. General Burnside announced a Grand Review which was canceled due to rain. One man in the regiment contracted small pox. The doctors isolated him...
The regiment has orders to cross the Rappahannock and attack Fredericksburg. Smith describes details of the attack plan. He also mentions a review of the Second Corps by General Ambrose Burnside and provides a description of the general.
Rain and mud foiled the attack on Fredericksburg. The pontoons and artillery became stuck in the mud. Confederate soldiers taunted the stranded union soldiers by offering to help build the pontoon bridge, if the federals could get the pontoons to...
to C. Carroll Smith
The snow has melted but the weather remains bitterly cold. He reiterates the changes in command discussed in the previous letter. Also mentions losses to his unit and the 72 PA. The latter has only 300 men on active service out of the 1,880 who...
The army has begun to issue furloughs. The mud is still extremely deep. He discusses the children's health and whether or not they should attend school. He speculates on Hooker's plans for the army. "Joe Hooker will do One of 3 things he will...
The army has begun to move out via the railroad to Acquia Creek. His regiment is still on picket duty and must keep the Rebels from noticing the movement of the rest of the army. General Hooker feeds the army better than Burnside did.
to Charley
General Hooker has given orders that all Union troops and sutlers must be out of Falmouth by 10 AM the following day. He advises his son not to go to school as it may interfere with his health. He tells his younger son, Rufus, to begin chewing...
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