Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to Sylvia Weiner
January 13, 1944
Weiner, Morris "Moe", 1909-1988
Moe acknowledges that Sylvia went to Frank's show. Hearing about him and Lil and Hy makes him feel at home.
Moe promises to buy Sylvia new ice skates.
Moe mentions that he signed the payroll today and there were deductions. He asks Sylvia to send money to tide him over. He asks her if she has received any money herself.
Moe describes what it is like to ask for directions in England.
Moe mentions the multitude of crows in England.
Moe asks for more film and asks Sylvia to be patient if he sends pictures because they must first go to the censor.
January 14, 1944
Moe reports that he and Marty shared some food Olga had sent and that he received some candy from his mother.
January 15, 1944
Moe reports that he is staying at camp for the weekend as he doesn't feel like going into town.
January 16, 1944
Moe reports that he slept late on Sunday and that they had chocolate ice cream for dessert that evening.
Moe inquires after Dave as he hasn't been responding to letters.
Moe reminisces about the Sundays they have spent together.
Moe talks about the young soldiers who miss home and are too young to know what love is really all about.
Moe hints that it's time to ask for groceries. He says he brought along a book of poems to keep him company.
January 18 1944
Moe remembers listening to Benny Goodman and others with Sylvia. He tells her to play her records and dance.
January 17, 1944
Moe responds to letters, reminiscing about the book they read at El Rancho and comments that he liked Sylvia's joke.
January 19, 1944
Moe played cribbage and gin rummy. He says he feels sorry for all those guys that don't have "you to write to."
Moe complains about the irregularity with which he receives mail.
Moe describes the weather.
January 20, 1944
Moe comments that he is proud of Sylvia's skating ability. He says he and Marty are going to get a hotel in town for a night or two.
Moe apologizes for not getting around to Sylvia's letters. He promises a lengthy response when he is C.Q tomorrow evening.
January 21, 1944
Moe takes it for granted sometimes that they are of the same mind, and talks about the moon. He hints at the possibility of a furlough in the distant future. He is glad that Sam got that teaching job
Moe says he is glad that wearing his pajamas make Sylvia happy. He liked hearing about her cheering up Rose N.
January 22, 1944
Moe describes his lazy weekend.
Moe tells Sylvia throughout the letter not to worry about him, for there is no reason to worry, and responds to various letters. He says the Chinese food she had can't be as bad as the Chinese food they had in England. He also says she should have...
January 23, 1944
Moe and Marty went to Winchester again. He stayed in an inn with a Rabbi and walked around town and met a man with a vast knowledge of archaeology.
January 24, 1944
Moe received many letters from various friends and family, so he won't have time to answer Sylvia's letters right now. He plans to go out pubbing for a change.
January 25, 1944
Moe attended lectures on British currency.
Moe acknowledges that there are too many memories between them. He says he has not received the newspapers yet and says yes, there are showers in England.
Moe wonders what arrangements Sylvia had made with Mad about mail when she was away. He is glad she has got in a lot of skating this year.
Moe talks about how Congress shelved the bill for the soldier's vote so it reverts backs to the states.
Moe remarks that there was no meeting of the souls between Esther S. and that doctor. He is glad Sylvia made an appointment with the Krasses,
January 26, 1944
Moe refers to a little axe he keeps in his room for chopping wood and breaking up coal, that was taken from their room.
Moe mentions sending some pictures of himself and others.
Moe discusses his savings allotment and wants to get it annulled but there is too much red tape.
Moe is glad that Marge and Joe have gone to the country for a rest. He describes the barracks in which there are three other soldiers writing letters.
Moe comments that the dinner he ate reminded him of home. He reports the weather has turned damp.
January 27, 1944
Moe thanks Ben for successfully acquiring film for him.
January 28, 1944
Moe just bought a new fountain pen. He also mentions that the whole platoon is confined for a week because they didn't pass inspection.
Moe writes Sylvia a poem in anticipation of Valentine's Day.
January 29, 1944
Moe had his late night snack with Joe and Marty and played gin rummy.
Moe describes a visit to a place in Scotland known for its woolens, especially tweeds.
Moe is writing in the orderly tent. The weather is getting less damp.
Moe refers to previous letters in which Sylvia talks about Ben working 28 days, he also says he laughed at the story about Paul C. and the toothpicks.
January 30, 1944
Moe tried to sleep in on a Sunday but there were too many soldiers in the barracks, he woke up to find two letters from Sylvia. He is very sorry for Blanche, whose 2nd baby died.
January 31, 1944
Moe wonders how a letter from Archie reached him so quickly from India, and says he thinks Dave and Lil should visit Sylvia. He notes that she must not have received his request for money yet.
Moe asks about Ann and Mac, saying he is glad they have toned down their political views.
February 1, 1944
Moe ate too much spaghetti for dinner but laments that there was no wine.
February 2, 1944
Moe complains that the newspapers don't cover anything in detail.
February 3, 1944
Moe comments that he read a great book called "Ministry of Fear."
February 4, 1944
Moe comments that they posed for pictures to commemorate the first anniversary of the company's activation in the morning.
February 5, 1944
Moe received a package from Eddie that included cookies. He complains that there is still no mail from Sylvia.
February 6, 1944
Moe responds to Sylvia's question about English girls. He reports the only girls he has met are WAAFs or Wrens or women in service. He reports that there are more British women enrolled than Americans.
February 8, 1944
Moe is preparing for furlough tomorrow. He writes that he enclosed a photo and negative but it is not included with the letter.
February 10, 1944
Moe discovered that he doesn't have to wait until the end of furlough to write. He is currently in London where he is enjoying seeing the sights and walking through the streets.
February 13, 1944
Moe describes more of London. He has been hanging out with another soldier who recommended some good restaurants., and introduced him to a Mrs. Malcolm who used to run a Red Cross show.
February 14, 1944
Moe wished her a happy valentine's day and mentions that he went to a live performance of Beethoven. Afterwards he enjoyed a high tea and met up with Mrs. Malcolm again.
February 15, 1944
Moe went to a movie called "North Star" and enjoyed it immensely. He comments that he likes London a lot. He says it is his favorite city next to New York.
26 June 1945
Moe says he feels overwhelmed by all the rumors that get passed through the grapevine through friends and family regarding their whereabouts and when they'll be coming home. He cautions Sylvia that what Marty wrote Olga is a possibility, not fact. He...
27 June 1945
Moe once again tells Sylvia not to pay attention to rumors. He also writes that Jack might be transferred and he will miss him a lot.
28 June 1945
Moe has read that they won't discharge men over 35 but doesn't know if they will send these men overseas. He thinks it's funny that Sylvia doesn't identify the kind of meat she ate at Mad's in an earlier letter.
29 June 1945
Moe discusses the prisoners of war he sees guarded by Poles. He says he does not believe in corporal punishment. He thinks they should be forced to do things, all perfectly legal, that are worse than a beating.
30 June 1945
Moe writes that he hasn't been writing his parents much lately but will try to do so today. He says Bernie and Tippie have a problem on their hands with Bobby. He also reiterates that only half of him enjoys what he sees or does because Sylvia is not...
1 July 1945
Moe wonders what progress they've really made so far this year. He writes that there will be a company party tonight but he'd rather go to the movies.
2 July 1945
Moe tells Sylvia the story of a bombing he witnessed back in England.
3 July 1945
Moe went to the movies. He writes if Sylvia is getting all that practice in psycho-therapy she can practice on him when he gets home. He also once again warns her not to listen to Olga because he hears a lot of possibilities but not facts about when...
4 July 1945
Moe attended a play at the municipal theater called Rosalinda, he enjoyed it.
to Elvira Winegar
June 14, 1865
Winegar, Daniel G., fl. 1862-1865
They got 4 months pay. He expressed 75 dollars to her. It will be some time before they leave their present location.
to his father [incomplete]
2 July 1863
Starr, George H., fl. 1839-1916
Describes, in detail, his capture at Gettysburg and the terrible losses suffered by his corps at the battle. Cites by name fellow officers and soldiers killed and wounded (Lt. Johnson, mortally wounded despite his steel vest, Lt. Col. Tuthill shot...
to Frederick Starr
2 May 1864
Written from Libby Prison ("Hotel de Libbie") in Richmond. Starr discusses, sometimes humorously, the possibility of exchange, his desire for packages, and his health. He also mentions the fact that his February escape attempt precluded his early...
to his mother
28 August 1864
Starr, George H. (ca. 1839-1916)
Writes to his mother complaining of not receiving a "letter from home of later date than May 14th" and asks that if his father is well enough, if it would be possible "to have him make an Effort to secure my "Special Exchange" - " Continues by...
to Miss Brown
12 May 1861
Brown, James H., fl. 1861-1862
Sergeant Brown writes to his sister that he has arrived in Norfolk, Virginia, and describes the surrounding area and the other men. He names several "good for nothing" men.
7 March 1862
Writes to his sister discussing his journey and mentions the cutting of the rail road lines. Written at "Camp at Oak Grove."
20 April 1862
Writes to his sister complaining about the erratic mail service, and informs her of his dead comrades. Mentions the Battle of Shiloh, stating "I envy the wounded, and even the killed at the battle of Shiloh - Anything rather than this continued...
to Miss Denson
18 August 1863
Denson, Virginius S., fl. 1842
Informs his sister of the death of an acquaintances. Author's name is on verso.
to Mr. Denson
January 20, 1864
Discusses mutual acquaintances.
March 20, 1864
Discusses his boredom at camp, his correspondence and surroundings.
to his wife
11 November 1863
Stevenson, W. S., fl. 1863-1864
14 September 1864
to his brother
17 September 1864
to his Lizzie
8 January 1863
Clark, George W., fl. 1863-1865
Writes from Georgetown Heights.
8 March 1863
Elmore, Bruce, fl. 1862-1865
One page is a small card reading "April Fool"
to Bruce Elmore
March 17, 1863
Elmore, Libbie, fl. 1861-1865
They are planning a surprise party for Jim Reynolds' return. Capt. French is home as well but public feeling is strong against him. She hopes he has continued good fortune and death does not claim him.
March 20, 1863
She wants him to try to get a furlough for the summer months. She plans to send one of his photographs to Carrie Divine. A lot of visitors have come to the house lately, and she mentions several people,
to Libbie Elmore
March 21, 1863
He tells the story of a sad accident when some men were sent to load a train of cars with wood. While going around a curve they hit some mules that were standing in the track. Three men were killed instantly.
March 23, 1863
Nelson Reynolds is home and he looks good. Her father heard that all the captains in the regiment had or were going to resign and come home. She then talks about her farm animals.
March 27, 1863
She talks about her farm animals. One of lambs got stepped on by one of her oxen. She also heard that a friend's husband died. her father thinks Bruce should become a commissioned officer so he can resign and come home.
circa 1861-1865
Two people write in one letter to save postage. There was a big snow storm which kept some visitors at their house overnight. There was an exhibition to liberty happening the night the letter was written. Dwight is mentioned.
March 24, 1863
They are working on building fortifications. The Rebels have made another raid. RIght now Dwight is the only commissioned officer they have because everyone else is away.
Worrk on the fortifications is the principle business. Another man died from the railroad incident bring the death toll to 8. They are dying to see the Paymaster.
March 29-March 30, 1863
There is very little probability that Dwight would be going home anytime soon since he is the only commissioned officer with them now. Last night two of the regiment of their brigade were ordered out, probably to meet a Rebel brigade.
March 30, 1863-April 1, 1863
She was anxious for Spring to arrive as she is running out of hay. She is having trouble with another man Knifton, who expects her to pay for calf feed and to furnish feed not only for her cow but for his as well.
3 April 1863
She has bought more hay for the barn. The money she used for hay takes away from the money she was saving to pay some debts.
He has time for little else besides the fortifications. He is glad she had a good visit with Aunt Sally. He guesses they will stay right where they are for some time.
to Libbie Elmore [incomplete]
circa April 1863
The Colonel is now on furlough due to illness. He explains to Libbie that it is difficult to get a furlough and even if you get one they don't grant them for more than ten days unless there is some extenuating circumstance like sickness.
6 April 1863
She wishes he could see his children. they need to get the wagon mended and Kniffin is building a stone boat in the barn. They are still dissatisfied with the amount of hay.
7 April 1863
The weather is bad which makes it hard to move artillery. Troops are landing near Charleston and this makes an attack seem imminent.
14 April 1863
He has been in service for eight months and he has not been paid for five and a half months. He has enclosed a portrail of Col. Gurney (not included here) who is not well-liked by the men.
18 April 1863
They left camp last Wednesday and came to Norfolk. Very faded.
20 April 1863
Their gunboats are currently attacking the Rebels. He talks about selling the farm and what price she may actually be able to get for it.
22 April 1863
He changes his mind about the lowest price he will accept for the farm. He warns her to trust Kniffin. He lets her in on the news that there is a large Union force where he is and it is increasing.
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