Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to Miss Sue Johnston
4 November 1864
Johnston, Witter H., fl. 1861-1864
He mentions Aunt Jule and Cousin Henry. He thinks the election will come out all right. He heard Mr. Marvin preach.
to Father
11 April 1881
It has been snowing and raining. This winter has been hard because there has been a lack of fuel. He is sorry to hear that his parents are unwell. He is critical of Hayes but grateful for his administration.
13 November 1864
They heard Lincoln carried every state but three. Elliot's uncle is sick. One of his fellow soldiers died. They will have monthly inspection on Monday.
to Ever Remmebered Cousin
25 August 1864
Clark, B.S., fl. 1860-1664
He describes a fight that broke out after hearing a few shots over the picket lines. They were unprepared and had to pack up quickly. He wants a president that will end the war.
to Lewis L. Strauss
01 November 1943
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964
Addressed to "my dear Lewis". Hoover expresses appreciation to Strauss for securing a radio audience for his Kansas City speech [October 28, 1943]. He hopes that Strauss feels it was worth his time and effort and that the speech clarified "this...
Showing results 211 - 215