Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
"3 Reb Pris[oners] behind B[reast]works. "
Brady, Mathew B., 1823-1896
Image of three Confederate prisoners gathered behind the breastworks. Identified as Gettysburg in Ward, 237.
"3 Reb Pris[oners] behind B[reast]works."
Slightly darker print of image #7. Caption and image number on side of negative are slightly easier to read than in image #7.
"Butler's line on the Appomattox n[ea]r Pertersbg [Petersburg.]"
[1864/05 -1864/06]
Shows cleared area behind a temporary fortification. Soldiers and log structures visible in the extreme background.
"Breast work on Left wing Round top Getezsburg [Gettysburg]."
Shows a lone man in a straw hat (perhaps Brady) amongst fallen trees and a crude stone fortification.
to Louis M. Goldsborough
March 27, 1862
Welles, Gideon, 1802-1878
Mentions the receipt of dispatches from Goldsborough and Rowan, who had been involved in the capture of "rebel batteries upon the Neuse River." Writes about the "brilliant victory" at New Bern and requests that Goldsborough "convey to Commander...
Showing results 5,426 - 5,430