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[Fort Saunders, Knoxville, Tennessee]
showing bastion assaulted by Confederates, on morning of November 29, 1863. Generals Poe & Babcock in foreground.
[View of Part of Chattanooga and Army Bridge across Tennessee River]
[Army Transport Lookout on the Tennessee River]
[Army Transport Missionary on the Tennessee River]
[Army Transport Bridgeport on the Tennessee River]
[Army Transport Chickamauga on the Tennessee River]
[Army Transport Kingston on the Tennessee River]
[Army Transport Wauhatchie on the Tennessee River]
to Samuel Watson Van Nuys
8 January 1862
Van Nuys, John H., fl. 1861-1862
Details of journey home, including finding two acquaintances in a hospital near Grafton. Souls and the movements of Gen. Banks, although he expresses some doubt about the truth of the latter. Relates an incident near Cincinnati in which a soldier...
January 20, 1862
"My faith in our Generals grows less day by day." Vannuys is angry that his son was forced to retreat due to what he considers ineptitude and self-interest on the part of Union commanders, particularly Banks.
January 25, 1862
Recounts the latest news of the war, including two vistories in Kentucky ("the last one at or near Somersett"). Refers to mortgages, credit, and unfavorable prices: "....prices of everything is on the decline that the farmer has to sell, and what he...
January 29, 1862
Continued criticism of army officers for lack of action: "There is but one way to close this war in a hurry and that is let Congress reduce the pay of all officers to that of Privates, and if they resign put them in the ranks….[y]ou will hear nothing...
January 31, 1862
A family gathering and the testing of new lamps at church. Also mentions Gen. Lander's retreat from Romney.
February 3, 1862
Surprise visit from Uncle Charles Campbell, who had been seeing a sick soldier at Louisville. Dick Donnell has returned home, and reports "a vast amount of sickness among out troops." Donnell had met with a "reliable Gentleman, who assured him that...
February 11, 1862
Report of "a great amount of sickness in [Vannuys's] division," news that Gen. Lander is once again occupying Romney, and implications of the Union victory at Fort Henry, Tenn. Vannuys hopes in the wake of McClelland's appointment as Commander of...
February 16, 1862
News of Gen. Burnsides's capture of Roanoke Island and rumors of Union capture of Fort Donnelson. Describes recruiting efforts for the Mississippi Fleet, and strong sympathy for the Northern cause.
February 22, 1862
The weekly prayer meeting, confirmed victory at Fort Donnelson, preparations for the making of sugar and molasses at home, and unfavorable prices for farmers. Also describes a chance meeting with Squire Hendries, who was awaiting a dispatch from...
February 27, 1862
Describes the scene at home while he writes, including little Molly's current illness. Discusses the wedding of Kinney and Will LeGrange, work in the wheat field, and Molly's recovery.
4 March 1862
Health of family members and successful recruiting efforts in the area.
March 14, 1862
General news of home (health, family, weather, crops, etc.) Describes "a great battle in Arkansas" (Pea Ridge?), which involved the 18th Regiment. "It was a glorious victory. I suppose the infernal McCulla [Benjamin McCulloch] is dead at last."...
March 17, 1862
"Stanton has is[s]ued an order forbidding the publishing of Army Movements," thus Vannuys confesses to being uninformed of current army activities. He suspects his son will go to Winchester, and does not believe there will be forward movement on the...
March 24, 1862
March 31, 1862
3 April 1862
6 April 1862
Fragment dated 7 April [1862].
Showing results 38,001 - 38,025