Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
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to: Brigadier General William T. Sherman, Benton Barracks.
Halleck, H.W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872
"Send an Infantry Regiment to Arsenal tomorrow for Arms & equipment."
to: Brigadier General T[homas] J. McKean, Jeff City.
"What of the troops sent to Fulton? Anything from other side of the river?
to: Brigadier General John Pope, Otterville.
"Send reinforcements to Fayette, say five hundred horse. Insurrection in the north increasing."
to: Col. [Franklin D.] Callender, Arsenal.
"Major McKinstry's limits of arrest, if not so already, will be extended to the limits of the Arsenal and Arsenal grounds."
to: Col. K. B. Porter, Camp Harden.
"Your Regiment is wanted here, as soon as it is ready for the field."
"How many officers & privates of 'Benton Cadets,' as mustered out."
to: Brigadier General [Samuel R.] Curtis, Rolla.
"I have seen your requisition for lumber for a hospital. Not approved. There are three hundred vacant beds here - send all sick for whom you have no hospital room to this City. Notify Medical Director."
to: Allen C. Fuller, Springfield.
"I cannot at present spare the cavalry companies mentioned from duty in this Department. I will see what can be done in this matter hereafter."
"Send them to Rolla as fast as they can be transported. Also send 43rd Ill. to Cairo."
to Com[mandin]g officer at Cape Girardeau.
"Has Col. Ross regt. left for Cairo? If not it should go as soon as transportation can be obtained."
to: Col. Burbank, Jeff. Barracks.
"At what time can [struck: you] your command take charge of the prisoners? Make all possible haste."
to: Governor Todd, Columbus, Ohio.
"Any troops sent, if by Rail Road will go to Cairo; if by water to Paducah."
to: Col. Carlin, Pilot Knob, Mo.
"What additional forces do you require to occupy Doniphan [Mo] & to capture Pocahontas [Arkansas]? When can you move. I have two regiments of Cavalry ready to send you if you say so. Col. Callender is preparing the light artillery you asked for....
to: Brigadier General George W. Cullum, Cairo.
"Stop all transports and troops at Paducah, till gunboats are ready to precede them up the Cumberland."
to: Col. H. T. Reid, Des Moines, Iowa.
"Complete your regiment as rapidly as possible. Don't want them till properly organized. Can give them arms, clothing & camp equipage here. They are much needed."
to: Brigadier General George W. Cullum,Ciaro.
"Send them up with all possible dispatch. As soon as one is ready, send it off."
to Col. Callender, St. Louis Arsenal.
"See that Col. Carlin [?] is supplied with light [illegible] as soon as possible."
to: Senator [Milton] Latham.
"Don't permit C. F. Smith's nomination to be rejected. He is the best officer in my command, and there is not the slightest ground for suspecting his loyalty."
to: Lt. Col. D. E. Williams, Quincy, Ill.
"Appropriation is exhuasted; men will be paid as soon as Congress passes new bill. Officers are responsible for obedience and discipline of their men. If they cannot enforce orders they should resign; if not they will be disciplined."
to: Act[in]g General J. P. Buckingham, Columbus, Ohio.
"Capt. S. will supply train for 78th regt., if he has means on hand. Send them on as soon as possible."
to: Col. Carlin, Pilot Knob.
"Prepare for the movement proposed. I will send you a regt. of cavalry immediately and one of infantry as soon as possible. Every [inserted: man I] can spare at present has been sent to the Cumberland. Let it be understood that you are to move...
"The 2d Iowa cavalry will be ready for transportation to Ponton as soon as possible."
to: Lieut. S. L. Phelps, U.S.N. Commanding the Gunboats, Tenn River.
"If possible go to the Cumberland River with two of your gunboats to reinforce Com. Foote, leaving the other at the Bridge or Fort Henry. [p.s.] Send this to comg. officer at Paducah with orders to forward it with all possible dispatch."
"The Q[uarte]r master will fill your requisitions as soon as possible. Transportation is very short, & the cavalry cannot be sent for some days."
to: Com[mandin]g officer, at Paducah, Ky.
"Send scouts in direction of Mayfield to ascertain enemy's movements."
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