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[Carte-de-visite of General Robert H. Milroy]
Brady, Mathew B., 1823-1896
Carte de visite of General Robert H. Milroy, with Milroy's name written at the bottom. Published by "E. & H. T. Anthony."
to his family
29 May 1864
Coit, Charles M., 1838-1878
Writes of commanding the regiment in place of Colonel Ward and of embarking to join [General Ulysses] Grant's army. Notes that four of the companies lost all of their baggage when the rebels captured it. Says that he found and sent home Alfred's...
31 May 1864
Writes from the "White House" that his regiment is expecting to stay here to hold it as a base for Grant's army but they have been ordered to move again. "I hope that if we are about to go into action & danger that we shall at least have the...
to the family of Charles Morgan Coit
3 June 1864
Spafford, Forest, fl. 1864
Writes on Coit's behalf. Says that the regiment has joined Grant's group and is at the center of their "line of battle." Comments about the position of the enemy and the condition of the regiment.
5 June 1864
Thanks God for preserving him through the days of danger and suffering. Writes about his feelings about acting as a commander. Notes that he read the last letter from his family "with the bullets whistling over me".
9 June 1864
Writes that he has been in the rear trenches for a day and will be moving to the front at night. Reports that the regiment consistently loses men in the battle. Writes of leaving the trenches to track down the regiment's luggage. Says that the...
June 13, 1864
Writes that the regiment has left the Army of the Potomac and are bound for Bermuda. Describes what he understands as the strategic reasons for their being ordered to move. Says that the loss from the previous battle was 33 killed and wounded....
to Charles Morgan Coit
14 June 1864
Alexander, W.S., fl. 1864
This is a letter that Coit passed along to his family. The original letter stated the Coit was to receive one can of cherries and one can of milk. The note that Coit added to his family says that the milk and cherries were a generous gift from the...
16 June 1864
Writes about marching from Point of Rocks to a camp and then on towards Petersburg. Describes the 8th regiment driving rebel soldiers back into the woods. Gives more details about the fighting and says that the loss was very slight. Writes that the...
18 June 1864
Writes that his personal conditions have improved and that he has been reunited with his luggage and his wall tent. The 8th Regiment, along with Burnside's other regiments will be transferred to the 9th Corps. Mentions the leadership implications of...
24 June 1864
Writes that, after 48 hours "at the front" they have been relieved. He writes about taking over a "pit" that contained fancy furniture that had been stolen. Describes battle with the rebel soldiers and reacts to news from home. Says that he does not...
1 July 1864
He reacts to his family reminding him about his pledge not to drink liquor. Defends his drinking of liquor by saying that they only pledged not to drink it as a beverage-not as recreation. Says that he has been indulging in it quite freely.
3 July 1864
Writes that his regiment is "in the rear" to rest but that they are still working very hard. Notes that Captain Goodrich was shot while lying right next to him. Also writes that he has lost Colonel Sergeant Glover, one of the best men in his platoon.
6 July 1864
Writes about the hardships of being shuffled from the front to the back. Responds to news about Beckwith and James Jennings, both soldiers from Connecticut who have suffered what Coit believes to be self-inflicted wounds. Describes motivating...
9 July 1864
Writes about being on duty as Officer of the Day and preparing for an attack that never occurred. "Isn't it grand that Alabama has at last gone under and in actual combat." Notes that the army is pleased by the news of the Rebel troops moving North....
12 July 1864
Requests a valise to be sent from home. Says a sutler, who is supplied by Smith and Co. in Norwich, has joined the troops. Notes that Captain Henry C. Hall was killed when he "exposed himself needlessly." Mentions two books or magazines "Atlantic"...
18 July 1864
Complains about the load of paperwork he is doing and reports that Colonel Ward is feeling unwell. Says that Ward does not stay near the field staff even when he is feeling well. Requests that his news about Ward not be repeated. Reports that Captain...
Writes an additional letter to include things he had forgotten. Requests a pair of cavalry boots and describes the type and size.
23 July 1864
Encloses this draft of a memo to all officers in letter no. 303a. The memo announced the deaths of Captain John McCall, Captain Henry C. Hall, Alfred M. Goddard and Levi C. Bingham. It also recommended that all officers wear crepe morning band for an...
Writes about the promotions process in the 8th. Notes about letter no. 302 and his feelings surrounding the memo. Comments that General Ord is now in command. Requests a bottle of Osgood's Cologne.
25 July 1864
Says he is considering not reenlisting in September. Notes that the camped was "shelled" the night before but no one was hurt. Writes that most of the best officers have been killed or wounded and that re-enlisting would mean being in the company of...
July 28, 1864
Writes in response to a letter from his family, outraged that they have not received all the letters he has written. Gives more instructions on the kind of boots he wants. Notes that he has been enjoying canned fruit and milk. Says that he receives...
3 August 1864
Writes about the regiment's defeat after blowing up a rebel fort. Mentions a black regiment fighting along with them. "Everything has been gained and now everything has been lost."
7 August 1864
Writes to request his Receipt Roll, which he accidentally sent home with his clothing return. Requests a response from his family regarding the memo he sent about the officers who died in battle. Says that the memo has yet to be published and...
10 August 1864
Requests more "light reading" and remarks on having read Uncle Tom's Cabin. Writes that he has received his new horse. Notes that 56 of the 100 recruits sent from New Haven have arrived and are about to begin training. Writes about the condition of...
11 August 1864
Writes that Captain Goodrich has returned to the regiment after recuperating at Annapolis. Comments tha he testified to the good character of Colonel Ward under oath during a hearing by the military commission. Says he put everything in a favorable...
15 August 1864
He writes that the U.S.G. has a new leader and that he had to give up his horse. He requests hair oil and sends sewing silk.
28 August 1864
Writes from camp Bermuda that they have moved to a new camp. Colonel Ward is still is poor health and has requested a leave of absence. He writes of treating a "chill" with whiskey and thrashing his arms. He asks to borrow money as they have not been...
18 August 1864
Writes from camp Bermuda that he would like to re-enlist for a period of time less than three years but that it seems impossible. He is not angry with the service or the mission but rather with the regimental management. He writes that many lives...
Writes from camp Bermuda that they have been busy moving camp and that the chaplain is ill. He also writes that Colonel Ward has recovered and has been offered a regiment.
31 August 1864
Writes from camp Bermuda that he has recovered the papers that were accidentally sent home and writes that Captain Hoyt will be taking over for Ward, who is headed home on leave.
2 September 1864
Writes from camp Bermuda that he has given command of the Regiment over to Captain Hoyt since he is the superior. He is happy to have command of his company again. Discusses the policy that states that no officers will be mustered out until they have...
5 September 1864
Writes from camp Bermuda thanking his family for the valise and shoes that they have sent to him. He writes that Captain Hoyt's most pressing duty has been "guzzling whiskey." He writes that Captain Foss calls the headquarters "a public bar." Coit...
9 September 1864
Wait, J.T., fl. 1861
Wait requests information from Coit for George Pratt, an author who is preparing a sketch of Marvin. He wants to know the date of Marvin's enlistment, when the company moved from Norwich to Hartford and how long the company remained in Jamaica. Coit...
15 September 1864
Writes from camp Bermuda requesting his Ordinance return and other papers to be sent immediately by mail.
18 September 1864
Writes from camp Bermuda about a wooden shelter that has been built for him in camp. He gives more specifications on the papers he is looking for. He writes that he encloses Generals Orders No. 126 as a curiosity.
General Orders
13 October 1864
Smith, Edward W., fl. 1864
The orders say that 100-150 Union troops have been captured by the Confederate Army and will be placed in front of their troops going into battle. The orders request that an equal number of Confederate prisoners of war be "set to work in the...
to George D. Coit
30 September 1864
Smith, Moses, fl. 1864
Smith (Chaplin 8th C.V.) writes to George Coit to let him know that he has just come from the battlefield and that Charles is well. He reports on the progress of the battle saying that they have captured 500 prisoners and that the 9th lost 9...
4 October 1864
He describes the events of September 28th saying that they crossed the James river and drove Rebel troops back. The 10th of New Hampshire and the 118th of New York were the skirmishers while the 8th and 96th of New York were the support. Lt. Colonel...
10 October 1864
He writes that he is on duty on Brigade Staff as Acting Adjt. General and live in a house. He feels that it is a position of honor. He has forwarded $600 of his pay home. He writes on U.S. Sanitary Commission stationary.
He writes that they were given orders to relieve the troops of the 10th Corps while they made a reconnaissance towards Richmond. When the Colonel and staff went back to "the line" Coit stayed behind to attend to office business. He says it is new to...
General Orders 134
20 October 1864
The order informs that the Union soldiers who were prisoners of the Confederate Army have been relieved of their duties in the trenches and orders that the Confederate soldiers being held as prisoners of war by the Union are withdrawn from their...
General Orders 1345
21 October 1864
The order states that Major General David B. Birney has died of a disease contracted in the field. The order recounts Birney's achievements.
to his mother
29 October 1864
He writes that he has been wounded in the shoulder and is in the hospital. The bullet is still lodged in his side. He requests his mother's presence and says the wound prevents him from writing.
25 October 1864
He responds to his family's criticism over declining the promotion. One of the big issues determining wether or not to be mustered out is regiment size. Coit describes his own feelings on this as well as Captain Goodrich's. Coit continues to describe...
to Mrs. Charles Coit
28 October 1864
Smith, fl. 1684
The Chaplain writes to Mrs. Coit to inform her that Charles has been wounded with a shrapnel shot. Smith reports the wound is severe and that he was being transported to Chesapeake Hospital. He requested that the Chaplin write to his mother...
31 October 1864
Chillan, E.W., fl. 1864
This bill from the U.S. General Hospital charges Coit for $3 for 3 days stay at the hospital.
[Certificate to allow Ellen Coit to travel]
2 November 1864
Clarke, P.W., fl. 1864
This letter was written by the Headquarters Provost Marshal to certify that Ellen Coit was allowed to travel to visit her brother at Chesapeake Hospital.
[Bill for Coit family board]
December 31, 1864
Chillan, E.W., fl. 1864-1865
Bill for the board of Charles, Ellen, George and Mrs. Coit for 30 days. The total is $124.00 for the month of December. Signed by the Assistant Surgeon General or the U.S. Army.
January 31, 1865
Bill for the board of Charles, Ellen, George and Mrs. Coit for 30 days. The total is $95.00 for the month of January. Signed by the Assistant Surgeon General or the U.S. Army.
Showing results 12,801 - 12,850