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[invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks]
September 1863
Merrill, James F., fl. 1863-1865
Invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. September 1863
[invoice of equipage issued to Lieutenant Edwin L. Hunt]
14 October 1863
invoice of equipage issued to Lieutenant Edwin L. Hunt. 14 October 1863
October 1863
invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. October 1863
invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. October 1863. docketed November 1863
December 1863
invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. December 1863
February 1864
Bates, Gustavus D., fl. 1863-1864
invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. February 1864
March 1864
Fessenden, Samuel, fl. 1863-1864
invoice of equipage issued to Captain Ethan A. Jenks. March 1864 Written at Camp Burnside.
A bill making further regulations for the taxation of banks and bank notes for the confiscation of such notes held by alien enemies
February 24, 1865
Confederate States of America. Congress
to sister
February 4, 1864
Dewey, Orville S., fl. 1861-1902
He sent her $20. He apologizes for being neglectful. It is only because he has so many business letters to write.
to mother
March 17, 1864
He is sorry to hear of his mother's illness. He sent his citizen's suit home yesterday. He will have his hair cut soon.
March 27, 1864
He has sent a sample of his hair. Sadly he had to have his mustache cut off. If Burnsides' expedition does well, all the New England batteries will go with him.
March 30, 1864
He mentions several friends and acquaintances. One of the lieutenants is sick. Charley is in command of the 27th.
1 April 1864
He has enclosed a soldier's tribute to the 1st corps. He was one of the original members. Cassie wrote that many people had returned home and that she will visit his mother this summer.
to father
12 April 1864
They are still there but expect to go to Annapolis where they will get on a ship. But he doesn't know where they will go after that.
17 April 1864
He has sent photos for his album. They may stay where they are for 2 months. His uncle tells him his father has a new home on Clinton St.
[orders for Orville S. Dewey]
20 April 1864
Hall, James, A., 1750-1819
Dewey is ordered to Washington on guard patrol.
22 April 1864
He shipped a trunk home yesterday. They will march today or tomorrow to Fort Monroe.
to Harriet W. Dewey
12 July 1864
He thinks the "Head of the Nation" is frightened by the raid into Maryland and want to protect Washington. He would like to hear that the Johnnies are burning Buffalo.
[record from Mount Pleasant General Hospital]
December 28, 1862
McCall, C.A., fl. 1862
[hospital records]
January 16, 1863
A surgeon informs the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, that Private J. Geary received clothing while at the United States General Hospital
[hospital record]
January 24, 1863
Hudson, O.A., fl. 1863
A surgeon informs the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, that Private Perry Wills received clothing while at the Carver United States Hospital
February 17, 1863
A surgeon informs the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, that Private Gray received clothing while at the United States General Hospital
February 22, 1863
Baxter, J.H., fl. 1863
A surgeon informs the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, that Private John O'Connell drew pay while at the Campbell Hospital
February 23, 1863
A surgeon informs the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, that Private John O'Connell received clothing while at the Campbell Hospital
March 14, 1863
A surgeon informs the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, that Private J. Geary was discharged from military service on 18 February 1863
[Special orders for Lt. O. S. Dewey]
February 16, 1864
Diven, Eugene, fl. 1864
Dewey is ordered to go to Buffalo to recruit for the 33rd battery.
25 April 1864
He was assigned to the 10th army corps. He asks if a fellow lieutenant's body was received by the military.
1 May 1864
He is in desperate need of money. He only has $15.35. He has no money to give them and asks if she knows anyone who will loan them $100 or $150.
8 May 1864
They shipped from Gloucester Point and are now in Bermuda Hundreds. There were heavy skirmishes but they are all in good sprits and feel they will have Richmond soon.
to Norman R. Dewey
14 May 1864
A dispatch from Grant came saying he had taken Johnson's whole division. One of the batteries from Camp Barry was lost but then retaken by the 13th division. He is afraid Charley will have a hand in the fighting.
to Mary "Mollie" McLean
20 May 1864
Written "in the field." The "Johnnies" have been skirmishing with their infantry and artillery. They have a strong position. They have three regiments of colored troops but they have not been let in yet.
22 May 1864
Written "in the field." He read of Henry's death in the papers after he thought he had escaped unharmed. They may lose their guns. He is sick of the expedition.
28 May 1864
Yesterday the whole command except for one division was ordered to embark to reinforce Grant. Gen. Lee assumes he will save Richmond. No one really likes Butler, the commanding officer.
3 June 1864
The infantry has been behaving badly. At a seven infantry engagement with the "Johns", the men got inside the mark as soon as possible. In other words, they ran at the first fire.
11 June 1864
He has enclosed the key to his trunk. He gives instructions on what to do with the items inside.
19 June 1864
He is very healthy and there is no sickness in the army. They are all full of fight for the campaign that will decide whether this "nation is one or two."
4 July 1864
He feels sorry for Burns. All the old officers are gone from the old 5th. The new ones are strangers. The captain of his old company has been dismissed.
20 July 1864
The 19th corps from N. Orleans have been pressing up the river for the last couple of days. If Sherman gets Atlantis, they should have some real fighting ahead of them.
31 July 1864
It is very hot and he is writing on cheap paper. The 9th corps made a bad name for themselves and ruined their reputation and position but he doesn't elaborate.
15 August 1864
He is concerned that if the chances aren't good enough in Buffalo, he will have to go somewhere else. Written at Fort Pocahontas
21 August 1864
He tells her to have a badge made for him. He gives explicit instructions. Written at Fort Pocahontas
31 August 1864
He is kind of sick. He sent a photograph of Gen. Binney.
[general orders]
19 August 1863
Richmond, Lewis, fl. 1863
Richmond, Assistant Adjutant General, authorizes general orders appointing Robert Morrow Volunteer Aid on the Staff of the Commanding General. States that Morrow will be in charge of communicating with persons from East Tennessee.
1 October 1863
Townsend, E. D. (Edward Davis), 1817-1893
Also signed by William P. Anderson, Assistant Adjutant General. Assistant Adjutant General and Secretary of War Townsend authorizes orders regarding volunteers' reenlistment and wages.
5 October 1863
Woodward, W.W., fl. 1863
Assistant Adjutant General Woodward authorizes orders regarding troops in Northern Central Kentucky.
13 October 1863
McLean, N.H., fl. 1863
Major and Assistant Adjutant General McLean announces the appointment of surgeon William S. King as Medical Director of the Army in Cincinnati, Ohio.
[special orders no. 3]
January 12, 1864
Bliss, Zenas Randall, 1835-1900
Also signed by Lieutenant Benjamin G. Perkins. Colonel Bliss authorizes orders detailing Captain Ethan A. Jenks and other members of the 7th Regiment of Rhode Island Volunteers for detached service.
[special orders no. 87]
29 July 1864
Wright, Samuel, fl. 1864-1865
Assistant Adjutant General Wright authorizes the relief of officers on Court Martial duty.
[special orders no. 138]
12 November 1864
Aimes, E., fl. 1864
On orders from Brigadier General John Curtin, Captain Aimes authorizes Captain Ethan A. Jenks to serve as Brigade Officer of the day for 13 November 1864. Marked as an extract.
[general orders no. 16]
18 November 1864
Daniels, Percy, fl. 1864-1865
Lieutenant Colonel Daniels authorizes the discipline of Private Henry Winseman for insolence. Marked as an extract. Written at Poplar Grove Church
[special orders no. 155]
30 November 1864
Peckham, P., fl. 1974
Captain Peckham assigns Captain Ethan A. Jenks to the position of Field Officer for the day. Marked as an extract.
[special orders no. 161]
6 December 1864
Curtin, John, fl. 1864
Brigadier General Curtin assigns Captain Ethan A. Jenks to the position of Field Officer General for 7 December 1864. Marked as an extract.
[special orders no. 19]
15 December 1864
Copied. Also signed by [F. J. Spencer?], [general orders]. Colonel Daniels revokes a fine imposed on Private Henry Winseman. Written at Fort Sedgwick
[special orders no. 2121]
January 28, 1865
Keyser, Charles M., fl. 1865
Copied. Captain and Assistant Adjutant General Keyser transfers Private Saul McCann to the Army of the Potomac.
[special orders no. 22]
February 14, 1865
Assistant Adjutant General Wright lists soldiers available for court detail for the trial of Private Michael Doyle. Signed across the page 30 April 1865 by William D. Thompson, United States Paymaster. Written in Jones House, Virginia.
[general orders no. 10]
9 March 1865
Mun, Matthew, fl. 1865
Based on Colonel Percy Daniels' orders, a fine is imposed upon Corporal Esek R. Darling for absence without leave. Marked as an extract. Written at Fort Sedgwick
[special orders no. 7]
March 15, 1865
Based on the orders of Colonel Percy Daniels, a council is convened, including Ethan A. Jenks as a member.
[special orders no. 36]
6 June 1865
Parke, G., fl. 1865
Assistant Adjutant General Bertolette reports the transfers of enlisted men based on the orders of Major General Jno. G. Parke.
[special orders no. 6]
9 June 1865
Colonel Daniels requires commanders to turn over all public property in possession of enlisted men. Marked as an extract.
[general orders no. 22]
21 June 1865
Reflecting on the end of the Civil War, Colonel Daniels states that "The day to which you have all looked forward so anxiously, -when, with a reunited country, you could return to homes and families, -has finally arrived."
January 12, 1863
Okir, William F., fl. 1863
report that a patient without a descriptive list has received clothing
to the commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers
March 21, 1863
Colvin, O., fl. 1863
3 April 1863
A surgeon informs the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, that Corporal O. A. Whitman died at the United States Army General Hospital 27 March 1863
6 April 1863
Rex, George, fl. 1861-1877
A surgeon requests a Descriptive List or Private William H. Daken from the Commander of the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers
15 November 1863
He arrived Friday morning and everyone was glad to see him. He is hard at work now and will remain so until the middle of December.
19 November 1863
He has not yet seen Tom McCabe but is watching closely for his arrival. He is Cassie's brother and may decide he is unworthy of her.
22 November 1863
He saw Tom McCabe and liked him very much. The interview went very well. He was merely concerned for his sister's welfare. He asks if she has framed the group picture he sent yet.
27 November 1863
He describes life in his new battery. But he still asks if his uncle can get him an army appointment. He wants to join an artillery unit.
12 December 1863
He asks her for pillows, sheets and a quilt for Christmas.
13 December 1863
He says the captain and the other officers are very down to earth and do put on airs. They sleep with him and he kicks them out of bed in the morning. They are a family.
December 18, 1863
He was appointed Post-Adjutant in the morning. He did not like having to leave the battery.
He wants her to come visit, especially since Cassie will probably come in the winter.
23 December 1863
He received a letter from Tom McCabe giving him permission to carry off his sister. They have a grand review coming up.
24 December 1863
Mr. Page came to see him yesterday. He took him to a grand artillery review. He is looking forward to carving the turkey tomorrow.
30 December 1863
He complains that Cassie only writes him once a month and says Christmas was a dreary day
7 January 1864
He visited the Gardiners today and had a pleasant time. He liked the diary she sent. He wonders if Cassie will give him "the slip".
January 13, 1864
Cassie wrote, apologizing for her silence. She hasn't written because her sister has been ill and this has required all her time.
to James F. Merrill
March 24, 1865
Bergen, J.P., fl. 1865
Lieutenant Bergen requests Private William Holly's Descriptive List from the recipient.
to Ethan A. Jenks
31 August 1865
Perry, Alexander James, 1828-1913
Colonel Perry acknowledges receipt of 1863-1865 clothing, camp and garrison equipage returns from Captain Jenks.
27 June 1866
Chipman, Hosmer & Company, fl. 1866
Attorneys Chipman, Hosmer & Co. state that Jenks is entitled to additional servants' pay from 1 May 1864 to 30 March 1865. Inform Jenks that they will present his case to the Court of Claims.
to Edward Davis Townsend
24 July 1863
Jenks, Ethan A., fl. 1825-1901
Jenks informs Colonel Townsend, Assistant Adjutant General, that the dismissal of Captain Ethan A. Jenks was a mistake. States that Jenks is the bearer of this document, and requests a hearing from Townsend.
1 November 1863
The mustering officer has not shown up yet. As soon as he comes, he can start for New York. He heard that head quarters approves of his new appointment.
to unknown
Heistand, P., fl. 1865
Refers to an enclosed Descriptive List for Private Carder Sherman (not included). Instructs the recipient to send a new Descriptive List.
to Edward C. Mauran
Locklin, Thomas, fl. 1865
Private Locklin expresses difficulty obtaining his bounty, thus requests Enlistment Rolls from Adjutant General Mauran. Written at Fort Sedgwick
February 20, 1865
Mauran, E.C., fl. 1865
Adjutant General Mauran transmits Private Thomas Locklin's Descriptive List (not included) to Lieutenant James F. Merrill.
March 27, 1865
King, James, fl. 1865
Lieutenant King requests Private Frank [Daniels'?] Descriptive List from the recipient.
Sketch of a battle plan, including position of regiments, guns, and wagons. Indicates distance in miles.
to Sanondess Jenks
February 12, 1865
Describing a battle to his wife, Sanondess, Captain Jenks states that "the rebels have directly in our front an eight inch Columbiad gun … they fired every fifteen minutes from this gun all day …" Written at Fort Sedgwick
15 April 1865
Assistant Adjutant General Wright instructs Captain Jenks' detachment to rejoin the Seventh Regiment.
to E. B. French
30 April 1865
Consists of several copied statements regarding items lost from Captain Jenks' ordnance stores. Signed by French as Second Auditor of the United States Treasury.
5 May 1865
Wilbur, George A., fl. 1865
Captain Wilbur informs Captain Jenks that he is required to attend the General Court Martial scheduled for 8 May 1865.
to Friend Bemis
8 May 1865
Relates events that took place during April 1865 in Fort Hell, Virginia (also known as Fort Sedgwick). Refers to the Seventh Regiment (possibly of the Rhode Island Volunteers). States that his Company was traveling to Farmville, Virginia when they...
to Samuel B. Ward
31 May 1865
Captain Jenks writes to Ward, Assistant Surgeon at a general hospital, regarding the Descriptive List of Private P. Thornton.
Informs the recipient that as Brigade Officer of the Day, the author found the men at several pickets "well instructed and vigilantly performing their duty." Written at Poplar Grove Church.
to James McElroy
12 September 1865
P., Charles, fl. 1865
requests Sergeant McElroy to send a Descriptive List to the hospital at Camp Denison. Written at Camp Dennison .
to G.D. Palmer
16 September 1865
Connell, John, fl. 1865
Requests Descriptive Lists from Palmer Written at Camp Dennison .
18 May 1885
Johnson, William H., fl. 1885
First Lieutenant Johnson requests information regarding surgeons working in the Portsmouth Grove, Rhode Island Hospital during the years of 1864 and 1865 from Captain Jenks. Johnson requests this information for the widow of Sergeant [Dennis J.]...
2 September 1893
Colonel Bliss declines an invitation for the annual meeting of the Seventh Rhode Island Veterans Association from Jenks, the Association's President.
31 June 1900
Hopkins, William P., fl. 1973
Hopkins, who previously served in the Seventh Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers, transmits blank paper and stamps to Jenks, requesting Jenks to record the details of his service during the Civil War. Based upon his research, Hopkins wrote The...
22 December 1900
Hopkins sends Captain Jenks a block made from a picture of General Zenas Randall Bliss (not included). Informs Jenks of his plans to visit Civil War sites in Virginia.
Showing results 9,701 - 9,800