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Genl. Lee's H. Qrs.
circa 1861-1865
Brady, Mathew B., 1823-1896
"Lamped[?]" penciled on verso. Side view of Gen. Lee's Gettysburg headquarters with a woman dressed in white standing by the fence.
"[Winfield] Scott & Staff."
Image shows Scott (seated) and his staff (standing) on a porch. An unidentified figure stands away to the right.
"Company St Fort Burpee. Men playing Ball. 13th N.Y."
Image shows soldiers playing ball in the clearing of a winter encampment.
"Fort Burnh[a]m, Interior View."
Image of soldiers amongst a group of closely-spaced tents.
"Bridge destroyed by the Rebels in July 2d."
Image of bridge at Hanover Junction prior to destruction by Confederates, with men visible atop bridge, and railroad tracks in foreground.
"Engineers R. R. Depot."
Image shows eight men in a mixture of military and civilian dress, accompanied by four women and two young girls. No railroad is visible.
"13th N.Y. artillery at [F]ort Burpee."
Shows several groups of soldiers gathered behind the breastworks. Companion with image #14 (right half of stereo).
"Signal Tower, Cobb[']s Hill."
[not before 14 June 1864, cf. The Photographic History of the Civil War, 310-311.] Image shows four soldiers, a wooden structure, and a carriage in the foreground, and the signal tower slightly behind and the right.
"Breast work on Left wing Round top Getezsburg [Gettysburg]."
Shows a lone man in a straw hat (perhaps Brady) amongst fallen trees and a crude stone fortification.
"Ruins in Alex[andria], 1863."
Dramatic pose of hooded woman mourning in the ruins.
"Cleaning the wreck."
Soldiers and civilians clearing wrecked trains and bent rails from a track.
[Group of Men]
Large format photograph of a group of men in front of an unidentified building, possibly a church or school.
"Rebel Battery taken by Burnsides Col. Murphy[?]"
"No. 29" penciled on verso. Panoramic image showing several men atop a fortification.
"View of Barns near where Reynolds was killed."
Another version of O'Sullivan's photo of the wheatfield, with two men facing away from the camera, and barns visible in the distance. Brady may be the seated figure in the straw hat. See also image #28 in this collection.
[Evacuation of Port Royal]
"9224" penciled on verso. Image shows the loading of horses onto steamers during the evacuation of Port Royal. One steamer bears the name "Young America." See also GLC 5111.01, image #1049.
"Alxa [Alexandria,] Va."
View of railroad yard with warehouse.
"Round House Alex [Alexandria,] O & R R R [Ohio and Richmond Rail Road]."
View of railroad yard with roundhouse flying federal flag.
"Ruins of White House on the Pamunkey River."
[1864/05, cf. Davis and Wiley, v.2, 669.]
Image shows an encampment among the chimneys of now-demolished White House.
[James A. Garfield]
circa 1881
Cabinet photogrph of President Garfield. Published by Brady's National Portrait Gallery. Signed by Garfield on front mount with later note on verso: "From Pres. Garfield given to my father Samuel Lund."
[Robert E. Lee]
A reworked Brady daguerreotype (original from1851); republished by Brendann Brothers. This carte de visite depicts General Robert E. Lee in uniform (uniform was painted on). See Turner's "Even More Confederate Faces" p.16. With stamp on verso: "Jas...
[Albumen portrait of Major General George Henry Thomas]
circa 1862
One undated photograph of Union Major General George Henry Thomas. See GLC05111.01.0051 for another profile view of Thomas.
Carte de visite of Ulysses S. Grant
1864 ca.
Group of Civil war stereocards including Brady, Anthony [Decimalized .01-.12]
Twelve stereocards from the War Views series. Many from Brady negatives and most with New York imprints.
Democratic Vistas
Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892
First edition inscribed to Matthew Brady, the Civil War photographer. In this essay, Whitman discusses the theory of democracy and its possibilities in America after the Civil War. He criticizes America for its unrestrained wealth, materialism, and...
[Robert E. Lee and staff]
April 20, 1865
Photographed on Lee's back porch in Richmond, shortly after his surrender at Appomattox, Virginia. Depicts General Robert E. Lee with his son, Brigadier General George Washington Custis Lee, and Colonel Walter H. Taylor, Lee's aide-de-camp during the...
Showing results 201 - 225