Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to Cousin Pristram
January 22, 1866
Little, Daniel H., fl. 1866
Mary received a letter from Pristram in regard to Aunt Sally's welfare and Uncle John Little's estate. In other news Elisabeth is marryring a widower.
Special Orders No. 18
21 May 1867
David, W., fl. 1867
Dewey is ordered to go to New Orleans.
to Mary "Mollie" McLean
January 23, 1861
Dewey, Orville S., fl. 1861-1902
He sends a picture of Neil Wheeler and tells her to get an album for the different pictures he has sent. He will leave for New Orleans shortly.
March 29, 1862
McLean, William, fl. 1854-1862
He met Norman Macneal in Alexandria when he got off the Washington boat. He has sent money to Father for her. He is sorry she is so disatisfied at home. He knew their living together would one day end and that Mollie could not follow him into enemy...
to mother
February 23, 1863
He asks her to send some flannel shirts and socks. Soon he will go to Washington and get paid and he will be able to fix things financially.
to sister
15 April 1863
He assures her he will see her as soon as possible and offers condolences.
13 June 1863
Capt. Cornfield has died, charging at the head of his command. Unfortunaetely he was unable to pay his respects.
15 November 1863
He arrived Friday morning and everyone was glad to see him. He is hard at work now and will remain so until the middle of December.
13 December 1863
He says the captain and the other officers are very down to earth and do put on airs. They sleep with him and he kicks them out of bed in the morning. They are a family.
December 1863
He wants her to come visit, especially since Cassie will probably come in the winter.
30 December 1863
He complains that Cassie only writes him once a month and says Christmas was a dreary day
February 4, 1864
He sent her $20. He apologizes for being neglectful. It is only because he has so many business letters to write.
17 March 1864
He is sorry to hear of his mother's illness. He sent his citizen's suit home yesterday. He will have his hair cut soon.
March 30, 1864
He mentions several friends and acquaintances. One of the lieutenants is sick. Charley is in command of the 27th.
[orders for Orville S. Dewey]
20 April 1864
Hall, James, A., 1750-1819
Dewey is ordered to Washington on guard patrol.
to Angeline M. Bennett
Bennett, Samuel H., fl. 1852-1902
Dated 26 December. He describes his dinner. He asks what regiment her brother is in because he wants to write him.
30 May 1861
He was promoted to first lieutenancy and is trying to arrange for her and the children to come visit him. He expects their destination to be Harper's Ferry or Richmond.
1 January 1862
McLean, R.J., fl. 1862
Harry is ill with pneumonia. He worries about Harry because he has a slight build and doesn't think he'll be able to endure this "rough world."
to [Harriet W. Dewey]
9 June 1862
He has been receiving compliments on his work. They are camped on the battlefield and as he writes the Rebels are throwing shells into their camp.
18 July 1862
Accomodations are not good. They have had no regular meals and anything good is very expensive. He asks her to send fruit and vegetables. There will be a general exchange of prisoners soon and he hopes Will will be among them.
22 July 1862
He requests photos of mother and father. He is also enclosing a sketch from an illustrated newspaper depicting the cavalry battle that Will fought in. Not included here.
to [Norman R. Dewey]
23 July 1862
He wants his father to stop working so hard. He should be as comfortable as possible. He warns his father it may be a year before he can visit him.
25 July 1862
He sent money to father and told mother to send him some things. Capt. M.went down to Fort Monroe. It is hot and uncomfortable.
28 July 1862
He has been working hard in the hot sun. He is looking forward to Will's release. She should go to Michigan to visit an uncle of theirs.
1 August 1862
The Rebels attacked the night before and he describes how the sky lit up because of the flash of the artillery. His theory as to why is that the attack drew their gunboats out, thus allowing the Rebels to follow them.
to his mother
10 August 1862
Everyone is happy about the "drafting order." He knows Lincoln wants to end the war. He has not received any boxes yet. He wants a position in one of the conscript regiments.
21 August 1862
Will is in the hospital and he is hoping he can get a leave because he will need lots of home care if he is to be fit for duty again. They leave for Newport News tonight. He is afraid the new movement will break the army up.
to William McLean
7 September 1862
He tells a story in which a lot of soldiers and cavalry were standing around and someone asked, 'Where's Gen. Pope?' And someone else answered: 'In his headquarters.' Upon asking where his headquarters were, the reply was: 'In his saddle.' Written in...
27 September 1862
He is very bitter towards the Buffalonians for their bias toward other regiments. It looks like many regiments will be consolidated since some have lost a considerable number of men. Some officers will be discharged and if he is one, he will not...
5 October 1862
They were reviewed by Lincoln on the third. Unfortunately, they've had to wear the same clothes since before Richmond. There is much description concerning their raggedy clothes.
13 October 1862
No one is getting paid. Some of the men have no clothes and few tents. He assures his sister he will send some money the moment he is paid.
23 November 1862
He thanks her for the package she sent. He has rheumatism in his hip, he thinks. Their lieutenant resigned on account of sickness. Written at the Stafford Courthouse.
6 April 1863
He wrote to his uncle about Charley's horse. He has since recovered from his illness and feels great. Mrs. Bird and Nellie stopped by and they had a nice visit.
22 July 1863
He says he'd rather shoot copperheads than Southerners because copperheads are disgracing the North. They are in Philadelphia and he thinks Philadelphians are the friendliest people.
30 July 1863
He is afraid he will never get his his back pay. Though if he gets mustered back to the 24th of January he'll get six months pay. This will be a big help to the entire family.
to father
27 October 1863
He is finally to be mustered for his back pay He acknowledges all Al Wheeler is doing for him by offering him lieutenancy in his battery. He wishes Uncle S.P would offer him a commission in the regular army.
1 November 1863
The mustering officer has not shown up yet. As soon as he comes, he can start for New York. He heard that head quarters approves of his new appointment.
25 April 1864
He was assigned to the 10th army corps. He asks if a fellow lieutenant's body was received by the military.
20 May 1864
Written "in the field." The "Johnnies" have been skirmishing with their infantry and artillery. They have a strong position. They have three regiments of colored troops but they have not been let in yet.
to Harriet W. Dewey
19 June 1864
He is very healthy and there is no sickness in the army. They are all full of fight for the campaign that will decide whether this "nation is one or two."
[1864 diary]
In April, he notes that he does not like working under Butler which corresponds to one of his letters. In May he describes some very animated fighting occurring near their pickets. Later on the 28th he gives details of Henry's (a fellow soldier)...
to John R. Sherman
4 March 1898
Chase, Horace G., fl. 1898
He has enclosed the bill against his mother's estate. It includes all fees and monies he advanced in defending suits against the stockholders of the First National Bank.
[Photograph of William E. Brewster]
3 June 1862
William H. Brewster in military dress, seated.
[Photograph of John Parker Gould]
30 July 1864
Wyman, & Co., fl. 1864
John Parker Gould in miltary dress.
[Envelope addressed to Carrie Wadlington]
Dated 24 March.
He writes he is homesick without her. He read to grandma twice.
to his aunt
January 19, 1862
He is camped near Washington and he is very interested in the town. He wants to get a pass and explore. He imagines a time when the great rebellion will end and the troops will go marching back to whoever is home.
21 June 1863
He mentions the apathy and the copperheads amongst the North. He says the Southerners are a remorseless people who are willing to win or die. Recently they had a grand review by Gen. Barry.
19 November 1863
He has not yet seen Tom McCabe but is watching closely for his arrival. He is Cassie's brother and may decide he is unworthy of her.
24 December 1863
Mr. Page came to see him yesterday. He took him to a grand artillery review. He is looking forward to carving the turkey tomorrow.
Showing results 101 - 150