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[Abstract for a detachment of men formerly commanded by Captain Edward Burbeck]
February-March 1776
Abstract of men formerly of Edward Burbeck's company for the months of February and March 1776. Lists men by rank with pay amounts.
[Abstract for five men discharged from Captain Stephen Badlam's Company in Henry Knox's artillery regiment]
1 April 1776
Badlam, Stephen, 1751-1815
Includes an abstract of pay for the months of February and March 1776.
Receipt for Henry Knox
03 November 1784
Receipt of Henry Knox's account with Stephen Badlam. Notes that £3.6.0 was paid in full.
[Order of confinement]
6 May 1776
Badlam, Ezra, fl. 1776
Captain Badlam writes to the Officer of the Quarter Guard to confine Parker Noyes for going to New York and staying there several days and nights without leave. Was written near Hells Gate.
to Horatio Gates
26 April 1776
Reports information received from Lieutenant Colonel Peter Gansevoort and other officers returning from the siege of Quebec about the ordnance and stores available in American encampments near Quebec. There is none to speak of, with the exception of...
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