Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to My Dear Mary
18 May 1862
O'Connell, John D., fl. 1861-1866
They are near the white house where George Washington courted his wife. He talks of how the beautiful countryside has been ravaged by war.
to My Dear Colonel
4 September 1862
They lost the last battle and he got three wounds. All were flesh wounds. He wished the war would end so he could get married. He is currently in the hospital. Written in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C.
16 September 1862
He fills her in on the recent battle at Bull's Run and his three wounds. Letter includes 2 pictures. One shows a couple of biblical scenes: Water from the Rock and The Golden Calf and the other shows a boy and a girl in bed with with a dog and cat.
12 September 1862
Third page ripped. He is still recovering from his wounds but will be ready for battle soon. He blames her for their not being able to meet yet since she delayed his suggestion. Includes picture of young woman with flowers in her hair.
21 September 1862
Her leave of absence was too short to visit her. He mentions the recent death of his mother. When he was in Philadelphia, he ran into a relation of hers. Tomorrow he will rejoin his regiment.
[Collection of John D. O'Connell, 14th regiment, US army, infantry] [Decimalized .01- .58.03]
Letters cover 1861-63, and are primarily written to Mary H. Perkins. Collection includes 57 letters, 4 color printed cards, and 1 color print portrait.
to Miss Mary
21 July 1861
He has great respect and admiration for her. Now that admiration has doubled and he considers her one of his best friends. Includes separate note asking her to go with him to the Marshalls.
30 July 1861
He asks if she and Rosa would like to go a carriage ride with him to the Belle Fontain Cemetary.
He has grown more and more interested in her and he wonders if she is interested in him too.
14 August 1861
He has been called away and has to leave unexpectedly. He will return shortly and in the meantime asks for her picture. Includes separate note saying he has enclosed something he got for her in Providence.
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