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to Henry Knox
6 September 1780
Hodgdon, Samuel, 1745-1824
Informs Knox that he has concluded some business settlement for him, perhaps including ordering a sword.
For Brigr. Genl. Knox in account with Samuel Hodgdon
March 31, 1781
Contains account information from 1780 and 1781. Hodgdon signs as Deputy Commissary of Military Stores. Contains a note written by Peter Anspach, Paymaster to the Quartermaster General's Department. Anspach writes from Newburgh, New York, 15 May...
[Return of military stores]
circa 4 August 1781
Return of military stores, possibly related to GLC02437.01115. Signed by Hodgdon, Commissary General of Military Stores. Lists lead aprons, powder horns, sheep skins, wine, and other supplies and stores. Date, written in pencil at the top of pages...
8 September 1781
Sends a sheet listing ordnance sent for the southern operation, referring to the upcoming siege of Yorktown. Colonel John Lamb will deliver the enclosed spirit levels. Explains some of the munitions information. Samuel Hodgdon was the commissary...
[Invoice of military stores forwarded to Richard Frothingham]
26 July 1781
Hodgdon signs as Deputy Commissary General. Pertains to Frothingham, field commissary of military stores.
Invoice of Ordnance & Military Stores forwarded to the Southern Army.
7 September 1781
Addressed to Richard Frothingham, Esq. The ordnance listed was for the siege of Yorktown, which began later that month. Hodgdon was the commissary general of military stores. This was Henry Knox's copy, docketed by Samuel Shaw.
February 23, 1784
Hodgdon, Commissary General of Military Stores, discusses a letter received from Knox (GLC02437.02946). In the letter, Knox asked Hodgdon to obtain cannon to be inscribed in honor of General Nathanael Greene. Assures Knox he will proceed with the...
6 January 1785
Hodgdon, Commissary General of Military Stores, encloses a bill for Knox from his "purchases at the public sales" (bills not included). Relates that he will be traveling to New York and Philadelphia.
to Ezekiel Cheever
31 August 1782
Marked "copy." Written from the War Office. Declares that he has not yet responded to Cheever's last letter because he had not yet been able to get his account overlooked by the people whose business it is to do so; he is confident they will soon...
Extract of a letter from Samuel Hodgdon Esqr. C.G.M.S. to Henry Demler at the QM Genls. office
17 July 1782
Samuel Hodgdon, the Commissary General Military Stores, writes, "Inclosed you have an order on Mr. [John] Ruddock for a Load of Muskets, to be brought by a returning waggon which getts out from this city to day - and as arms can never come amiss...
15 May 1787
Forwards a draft for money (not included) and explains a discount.
8 March 1794
Encloses a sketch of what he believes are the duties of the new officer. Also included what the new officer's pay and allowances should be with the sketch. Discusses the public property and military stores the new officer is to be in charge of, as...
12 August 1794
Informs Knox he received a message from Major [Isaac] Craig regarding the situation. Notes the messenger had to travel by foot to avoid being searched. Reports on the activities at Fort [Fayette?] and the progress of the generals involved in the...
29 August 1795
Discusses financial matters, particularly bills and their payment.
3 September 1795
Writes that he will help Knox in settling his business with George Meade and advises Knox to proceed with caution in his business dealings.
February 25, 1796
Mentions a possible business deal with a Colonel Smith. Would like information on how Mr. [William] Bingham is handling Knox's affairs relative to the deal. Also discusses supplies, particularly lumber, for building his own house.
5 April 1796
Reports on a recent business arrangement he discussed with Mr. [William] Bingham on Knox's behalf, and declares that Bingham has arranged to make a provisional payment for Knox. Encloses a note from Bingham (not present). Discusses lumber he is...
7 July 1795
Forwards a letter and reassures Knox that all of the business that he is handling for Knox is going well.
21 July 1795
Forwards Knox several documents and discusses his accounts.
24 August 1795
Discusses business and warns him about entering into a business relationship with Mr. [George] Meade, stating "Mr. Mead[e] means to fail you altogether, and it appears to me it was his intention, before any of his acceptances became due, to do so -...
1 September 1795
Discusses financial business.
30 October 1795
Informs Knox that he has received the letter he sent and discusses Knox's and his own relationship with George Meade.
5 November 1795
Discusses Knox's business dealings with George Meade and states that he has tried negotiating with him [Meade] for a while, without success.
20 November 1795
Writes that he is "likely to close your business with the most unruly and troublesome man living - " most likely referring to George Meade. Also discusses finances regarding land.
28 December 1795
Discusses an issue regarding a note for payment.
Showing results 51 - 75