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[Henry Knox's account with Henry Jackson]
26 November 1788
Jackson, Henry, 1747-1809
Contains account information from 1786 and 1787, apparently related to military expenses.
to Henry Knox
6 December 1788
Comments on politics, including the nominations for Federal Representatives. Writes, "Cobb will be the man for the District" (David Cobb). Predicts that [Samuel Allyne] Otis and Mr. Varnum (Joseph Bradley Varnum?) will be selected for Middlesex...
February 1, 1789
Per Knox's instructions, submitted to the newspapers an advertisement about the sale of General [Nathanael] Greene's lands. Writes that Knox is perfectly right to undergo the operation he mentions. Will be extremely anxious for Knox, but trusts...
February 15, 1789
Received his last letter, which contained an enclosure from Mr. [James] Swan. Is very happy to see from his letter that Knox has recovered from his illness, and thanks God for it. Also feels that Mr. [Elbridge] Gerry has chosen well to go into...
February 20, 1789
Writes that he was somewhat alarmed not to receive a letter from Knox, but believes that if he were dangerously ill, Knox's brother or someone else would send word to him. Therefore assumes that business or a visit from friends prevented his writing...
1 March 1789
Writes a letter of introduction for the bearer, Captain Bartlet (some sources say "Bartlett") Hinds, who is traveling to New York on business respecting the Corps of Invalids. Declares that he served with great honor in the Massachusetts Line in the...
15 April 1789
Discusses the sale of lands belonging to Knox's eastern territories, likely part of the Waldo patent lands. Declares that he has done research into the subject, but his last report to Knox may have been "premature." Mentions that Vice President...
[Receipt of a settlement note]
"Received of my friend Henry Knox one of Peirces final settlement notes..."
January 14, 1789
Relates that he is going to spend the day in Dorchester with "our friend Ben" [probably Hichborn]. Only has time to enclose a memo from Ben "on the subject of the Reference - you will observe they have changed their ground, & will do every thing in...
15 March 1789
Writes that he has discussed Knox's case with Dr. [William] Eustis, who is "clearly of opinion you ought to take the greatest care of yourself, as to your diet & exercise, for a twelve mounth to come, by heating your blood & over loading your stomach...
12 April 1789
Received his last letter, with its enclosure for Mr. [James] Swan. Writes that Mr. [possibly Sylvanus or, more likely, Congressman Shearjashub-only provides a first initial, "S"] Bourne arrived the previous Thursday with election results declaring...
24 May 1789
Writes that he arrived in Boston yesterday after a pleasant journey, and found all of his friends well. Found that his parents were both quite ill and confined to their bedchamber, and fears particularly for his father, who seems to be declining...
February 7, 1790
Writes, "I am glad you have sent one of your Reports to the Governour [sic] because he has been not a little displeased with you in consequence of some Letter you have lately writen [sic] him in your Official Character in which I believe he thinks...
February 21, 1790
Writes that Rhode Island is close to adopting the constitution, "[t]here is almost a certainty that the State of Rhode Island will adopt the Federal Government ... " and on behalf of a Mr. and Mrs. Hays, as they are "desireous [sic] of having the...
14 March 1790
Repeats a request to Knox that "unless you appear here, in person, you never will be able to effect your wishes" regarding petitions in the Massachusetts General Court related to Knox's lands. States that the Winslows have "done every thing in their...
24 March 1790
Sends Knox a copy of the Boston Gazette (not included). Writes about recent stormy weather, which has prevented Samuel Shaw from setting off on his trip. Provides some news on family and friends.
11 April 1790
Writes that his father passed away the day before, stating that "he was calm & resigned, and died in full faith of perfect happiness in the world of spirits - this was a great consolation to my honored mother & to his Children & friends around him -...
30 May 1790
Writes that he received Knox's letter and the enclosure for Mr. Short, but it arrived too late to give to Mrs. Swan as she left for Paris. Wishes her a safe journey. Also reports that Mr. Swan wrote to him and seems to be doing well; promises to...
22 June 1790
Informs Knox that Mr. Constant Freeman will be a good worker in Knox's department and discusses the election for senator. States that "Mr. George Cabot obtaind the vote by a majority of one, and was chosen - "
Discusses the recent election for senator, in which George Cabot won the seat against Tristram Dalton. Writes that he wished Dalton had won, but "The House were determined to make a change and used every art to effect it... I wish'd for Mr. D to be...
11 July 1790
Discusses a meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati where they elected officials, most of whom were the same as the ones they had the year before. Lists the delegates, including Knox, who were chosen to attend the general meeting the following May...
22 December 1787
Discusses a mutual, unnamed friend, stating "we are much deranged at our friend's delay, as we are in expectation every moment of some one taking the alarm , & persuing [sic] him - " States that the friend must have departed on a vessel to somewhere...
February 3, 1788
Discusses the Massachusetts convention for ratification of the United States Constitution: "The Convention are still seting and is supposed the final vote will not be taken untill Wednesday or Thursday next-" Mentions John Hancock's support of the...
February 17, 1788
Hopes to be able to inform Knox by the next post that New Hampshire ratified the Federal Constitution "as every account from that quarter gives encouragement to that effect." Of Massachusetts' ratification, writes, "...the Federalists in this State...
15 March 1788
Jackson writes, "The General Court are yet seting, & in many instance they discover their old insurgent temper and principles, & cannot help shewing their teeth on almost every occasion that respects government- but I hope in god their day is short-...
Showing results 301 - 325