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51 - 60 of 104 results
Where King Will Be Buried
8 April 1968
Associated Press
One wirephoto published by Associated Press dated April 8, 1968. Depicts two plainclothes police officers at the grave site of Dr. King.
[Dr. King's family at his funeral]
United Press International
One telephoto by United Press International dated April 8, 1968. Depicts Dr. King's father, mother, and brother at the funeral ceremony standing at the foot of Dr. King's tomb.
En Route to Memphis
One wirephoto published by Associated Press dated April 8, 1968. Depicts Harry Belafonte escorting Mrs. King and her children, Dexter, Martin III, and Yolanda King, to his private plane in Atlanta, Georgia. The Kings are bound for Memphis, Tennessee...
[Mrs. King and Rev. Ralph Abernathy]
One telephoto published by United Press International dated April 8, 1968. Depicts Reverend Ralph Abernathy looking at Coretta Scott King as she participates in a memorial march for her husband.
[Crowd forms as King's body is led into church]
One telephoto published by United Press International dated April 8, 1968. Depicts people gathering outiside of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia as Dr. King's body is led inside.
Start of March
One wirephoto published by Associated Press dated April 8, 1968. Depicts people marching arm-in-arm down a street in Memphis, Tennessee.
Dr. King's Caisson
9 April 1968
One wirephoto taken by Associated Press dated April 9, 1968. Depicts the mule-drawn casket of Dr. King en route to Morehouse College for a second funeral service.
Dignitaries Arrive
One wirephoto taken by Associated Press dated April 9, 1968. Depicts limousines carrying various dignitaries as they make their way through surging crowds toward the Ebenezer Baptist Church.
[Humphrey and Mrs. King]
One telephoto taken by United Press International dated April 9, 1968. Depicts Vice President Hubert Humphrey offering his sympathy to Coretta Scott King during her husband's funeral.
The Masses
One wirephoto taken by Associated Press dated April 9, 1968. Depicts the thousands of people marching through the streets of Atlanta, Georgia as part of Dr. King's funeral procession.
Showing results 51 - 60